How long do you wait for #1 to happen? There’s no preseason, there are no settle in games. Not when you are a fringe team.
That doesn’t mean Maiava will be perfect or even the ultimate answer, it may be the wrong answer. Doesn’t look that way to you, me or anybody else.
We don’t see practices, we don’t know the inside. So we don’t know what they’re showing, how they’re acting/reacting, all of that stuff that DOES influence decisions. We aren’t blind as fans, but we will never be 20/20.
If Doug hadn’t shown such a strong propensity to “get going” whether it be within a season or within a game, I’d be more gray. When he does get going, I like him. But we also gotta realize, sometimes it takes too long.
It does appear, at least to my eye, that the effort shoots up when Maiava enters or at least when Doug departs. I don’t know how much confidence the offense has in him. Now that should never be negotiable, but it’s human nature to a large degree … especially with his age group.