
He is not the guy for this job. It's clear. Call it overreacting, or jumping to conclusions but we are going absolutely no where with him as the coach. I know many will say we cant just keep swapping coaches every few years but the writing is on the wall and we would just be delaying the inevitable. He cant recruit or coach. Play calling is an absolute joke. Zero excuse for the way this roster was put together. He simply isnt the man for the job. With the transfer rules now, you dont get 3 or 4 years if your first two years are absolutely awful. Look at what Otz is doing at Iowa St. Last night was the final straw. Im done with this guy.

We were given an absolute lifeline with the Otz situation and flushed it down the drain.

One way to tell college is

Easier than it used to be.

When is the last time we had an academic ineligibility? Grade transfer hold ups and such … it used to be pretty common. I know I used to hold my breath at end of first semester, wondering if somebody didn’t make the grade and would have to sit out the rest of the year.

I know UNLV has tutors/advisors for the athletes. I’m guessing they aren’t as busy as they used to be.

In this age of information … you have to try to fail to actually fail.

It goes for HS, as well. “Cheating”, in some form, is rampant and expected.

G league-how are our guys doing

Looked up stats of b ham and D Williams in g league. They both have started most games each scoring around 15 per game. B ham shooting in upper 40% and D Williams looks like he got traded or something as he has been with 2 teams. With one team he was shooting 56%.

B Ham around 4.5 rebounds per game and D Will 3.3 rebounds per game.

Hope they both can make an NBA team next year. Do not know if we will have any NBA hopefuls this year.

I didn’t post last night, wasn’t active

Just laid down and watched the game in peace for a change. Quiet house, relaxing.

Shook my head most of the game. After we lost, I wasn’t pissed … I really don’t get pissed after losses or super amped after wins. But I didn’t feel like looking at anything UNLV related so I temporarily shut down outside communications aside from about a dozen fans texting me how badly we suck. It’s whatever. I was going to see one of two things. People complaining we suck, which is depressing, or people covering up the fact we suck by placing roses on top vomit and calling it art. Both suck. So I just refrained.

I’ll see it all today as I surf around. But it’s incredibly disappointing that we are destined for a cellar spot with so many games remaining. This isn’t the B10 or ACC. It’s the fkn mountain west. And you can place the same “the league is pretty damn good”’s on it as you want, it ain’t all that. It’s akin to thinking we did a great job OOC. This league has one “good” team and they’re far from great and a couple of mediocre teams. And besides, it’s not those “top” teams that are doing so much damage to us.

The Rebs have lost, what? 2 games vs the top 3 in conference? But lost four games vs the bottom 4 in conference.

I think we have 5 home losses, as well? I realize fans aren’t showing up in numbers or excitement … but you cannot roll out such home futility in front of fans and expect them to show up and be energetic. And no, it’s not just this season, it’s been a string of seasons where UNLV struggles at home. The MWCT in the Mack - a PERFECT venue for the tournament because it’s Vegas (accommodations/excitement), it’s cheap travel, and it’s not a completely foreign court … and it yields no home court advantage.

It’s just seriously disappointing.

2 Tier League

The Conference has separated into a top five and bottom six for the NET rankings.

TOP 5: Boise, SDSU, New Mexico, Reno and Utah State. ( Ranked between 20th and 38th)

Bottom 6: Rebels, Colorado State, Wyoming, San Jose, Air Force and Fresno ( Ranked between 69th and 201st)

Based on past years' rankings if the selection was today the top five should be in the NCAA's.

Our problem - even if we win out - is we have 3 quad three losses. Of the 69 teams ahead of us only one team ( St Mary's) has 2 quad three losses. The large majority have none and a few have 1. We virtually eliminated ourselves with the San Jose, Colorado State and Fresno losses.

Having a hard time convincing myself

That Dedan Thomas Jr would pick UNLV.

Ok, it’s local and his dad played here. I can understand that aspect of it.

I suppose we can go in on the NLI and compete.

And there is AMPLE PT for him as a freshman. Probably as many minutes as he can handle. You gotta think that’s attractive.

But there are a ton of other reasons why this might not be a good choice.

I don’t know him, don’t know his father either. I’ve always said we don’t know what the primary factors are for a kid, we tend to guess based on our own personal experience. But we really don’t know.
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UNLV future

Few questions for few faithful of UNLV diehards

Over under in years next time UNLV is in NCAA?

How many years does it take UNLV wins either regular or MWC tournament?

Next time UNLV
Averages 8K at Mack?

Any coaches in MWC now you hire but hate but wins at UNLV and gets us in Top 2 of MWC and NCAA?

Kruger has how many more years at UNLV?

15-8, how many more wins in the last 7 games+1 in MWC this yr?

Perfect Ending

The last play of the game is perfect ending to one worst losses I seen.

To all of you worrying about making top 5. Forget this team playing on Wednesday, seed doesn't matter.

For those who think we're beating Wyoming easily, you better think again, I wouldn't be suprise Wyoming wins it.

UNLV has no front court at all, defensively they were horrible, Hill and Baker dominated our guards, Gilbert was horrible tonight on defense end.

This program is lower level team, kruger can't recruit or coach, next yr team right now is way worse then this team.

Hudson owns UNLV, there reason you look at Mack, it's dead and empty, going to stay that way, it's looking more like 2-4 games UNLV will win rest of the yr, I don't see UNLV beating any team above them and I can see losing to san jose and air force.

No more worrying about March, team going nowhere.

I watch Wyoming game hope they will win, but to me where in menzies II, will play schedule next yr of nothing for kruger can get some wins with 4k at home games, I hope I am wrong. But nothing about this staff says it's turning around, no way thomas stays home for this mess.

138am to stay up and be pissed off.
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