Another thing: School Colors matter ??

Colors don’t matter. Mascot doesn’t matter. Accountability and expectations don’t matter.

Get with the program. After a victory, no matter who it is against, head to church and thank God, then go out and celebrate the victory in grand style. Losses are ok, because we will get 15 opportunities for those warm fuzzies.
End of season lets just hand out participation medals and get together and sing kumbaya.
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You mean like coaching?
u said it not me. 1-7 we have the most talent. Yea some teams have 1 really good player ,but the drop off is huge when it comes to the other players. IMO with a better philosophy i think we win more games. 4 or more. m not saying we are anywhere near TOP 25 We lack the killer instinct. We play at the level of the competition and never above it. How many blowout wins do we have this year?? Good teams put bad teams away. WE dont.


The idiot announcer, fast break and a Cherry slam … THAT’S what the rebels want, up tempo, fast break. And this dork has seen the Rebels play several times.

We don’t run. We don’t push. We don’t emphasize it. We encourage dribbling.
Pete Gillen has been around forever. Nearly 78 years old. He has done some Rebel games it seems like 20 years or longer. He always talks like that whenever he does our games. I use to hate when he did our games but anymore I just slightly cringe. I give him some slack for still being able to announce these games.


I wouldn’t resign. That’s forfeiting money. Take the buyout owed, it was a two way contract …
I agree. It is unreasonable to expect Kevin to resign and forego his buyout, as this may be his only career head coaching job and he needs to support his family. It is also realistic to believe that UNLV will fire him if he does not make the NCAA tournament this year. I believe that UNLV will be hiring a new coach.
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Absolutely not… he doesn’t have it yet and won’t have it by next year. Should have never had this job this early in his coaching career. Really think Lon did his son a disservice by getting him in here in the 1st place with so little coaching experience. Lon had to think his initial assistants would stick around longer and help guide him a little more through the learning process but that only lasted a year. There is absolutely no reason why Utah State can be year in and year out this good with the turnover that they have experienced and we just meddle below mediocrity. Won’t get a big dollar coach, gotta believe a lot of booster funding went towards Mullen’s contract, but there is much better options out there that we can afford. It’s a pivotal time, gotta look as enticing as possible for the future of college athletics.
Kevin never should have been hired as you said. From an assistant to D1 HC is crazy. Seeing Justin Hawkins on the unr sidelines last night was bittersweet. I like the guy but, no way would consider him for a D1 HC at this time. But, he is learning and growing and will get his chance one day. He needs a HC job to get established just not here and not yet as Kevin should have done the same.
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Be there Saturday!

first game of the season that we watched on

Very good product as always.
The video and sound quality is only as good as the hosting schools equipment. UNLV always does a good job in basketball and volleyball. There are a few schools whose production is not as good.

UNLV video production sucks in soccer and softball. In soccer we put one camera on top of the broadcast booth and the camera can't rotate all the way to the left or right so you miss some action when it gets to those corners nearest the cameras. Softball we sometimes forget to change the filter for day/night exposures. Sometimes in softball there is no audio as there is no one to call the games. Whomever, manages the video/sound for these games should actually manage. AD Harper should check into this.
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Absolutely not… he doesn’t have it yet and won’t have it by next year. Should have never had this job this early in his coaching career. Really think Lon did his son a disservice by getting him in here in the 1st place with so little coaching experience. Lon had to think his initial assistants would stick around longer and help guide him a little more through the learning process but that only lasted a year. There is absolutely no reason why Utah State can be year in and year out this good with the turnover that they have experienced and we just meddle below mediocrity. Won’t get a big dollar coach, gotta believe a lot of booster funding went towards Mullen’s contract, but there is much better options out there that we can afford. It’s a pivotal time, gotta look as enticing as possible for the future of college athletics.


Kevin should resign effective at end of season. Takes pressure off. Opens up a few things. I hope he knows his record is not good enough for a program and city in Las Vegas. I will always remember his year playing here and how very exciting it was, always wondering why he can’t see that and install an up tempo team. He for some reason has always coached conservatively, which is exactly what Las Vegas can’t stand.

Estimate for MWC media deal

Personally I like the black and white.

I look at the agreed terms that they signed and would love to take it at face value. You agreed to these terms, so live with them. So at my core, I think all the fees should hold up. You should have to live with the decisions that you make.

Unfortunately the truth is that isn't how this works. Exit fees get negotiated down, and there seems to be a lot of chatter that the poaching fees will not necessarily hold up as well.
I agree, but you're right, it's never black and white. It's a civil matter and civil matters as large as these are always negotiated. In fact it's probably WHY the fees are as high as they are. I mean, legitimately think about the actual process of collecting on the different "fees" and it helps inform why they are the way they are.

The MW charged them an exorbitant rate for last season's scheduling agreement. None of that part of the agreement is contested, but it is part of the big picture here. Considering "fairness" of these contracts is contestable with these negotiations, this is for sure a part of the discussion.

With that heavily MW-friendly agreement, they shoehorned the poaching fees on top of that. The PAC had zero leverage and agreed to it. I still think they thought a reverse merger was likely at that point, and/or knew that this contract was a bit egregious and at the very least they could contest it later which of course is what is happening now.

So I look at what are reasonable fees in these cases. The PAC was taken advantage of, just with the base scheduling agreement alone. So what will a judge think is fair? How much is considered borderline extortion?
On the one hand you have "exit fees"... those fees are at least somewhat guaranteed because you are going to withhold payments to those institutions to secure them. In this case they give two years notice and you're going to withhold payments for 2 out of the 3 years they owe you, and they YOU'D have to sue them to get the other year, because nobody is just going to write you a check. Now if they only give one year notice the price doubles, not only because the harm is greater (which it is) but ALSO because you're going to have to sue them for almost the whole damn thing. The cost of litigating, waiting, etc is a huge factor, which necessitates a huge penalty.

Then you have the "poaching fees"... you go into these knowing you will have to litigate 100% of the time, because like I said, nobody is just gonna write THAT check. You equate the MW as having ALL the power in the negotiations, in a black and white world you'd be right, but in this world it would be incorrect. The MW had the power to make the agreement and it used that power to leverage against the PAC 2, but they knew the only collection mechanism would be to litigate, should the PAC 2 not honor the agreement... the PAC 2 made the agreement and was PAID IN FULL for what the MW offered them... And now the MW has to sue to collect and risk getting nothing even though IT IS THE INJURED PARTY.

The fact that it got to this point though was known all along and the MW never expected they would collect on all of it. So calling the fees "extortion", "egregious" or what ever is irrelevant since they were only what they were because they were never intended on being fully collected.

This is more akin to a bank agreeing to lend money to someone who is a credit risk. It was an unsecured loan, whereas the exit fees are at least partially secured.

They can make any case they want during their negotiations, but in my opinion this well never reach an actual courtroom for any judge to come into play.
Sure the MW is trying to protect themselves I get it. But how much is too much? What if your company demanded 3 times your annual salary as a non compete to go to competitor? And then demand another 2x's your salary on top of that to go to a specific competitor? Would a judge allow that? Even if you signed a contract, do you think that would hold up?
Employment law and contract law are two different things completely. As an employee you have certain rights and governmental protections that private entities do not.

A better example might be...

You and nine friends decide to go into business together and you craft an agreement that protects your business and the individual owners. For whatever reason, and no matter what the business is, all ten of you are necessary to make the whole thing work. Now maybe one of you is REALLY important, and a couple of you are KIND OF important, and the rest of you are necessary. Maybe one of you gets paid a tiny bit extra because you're REALLY important and everyone recognizes that... in my experience you're probably in sales lol. The KIND OF important members are quietly jealous and talk shit amongst themselves but ultimately accept that they're just cogs in the wheel and go along with things.

But you all craft the agreement that gives you all security and makes it so that your business can be successful, but part of that agreement is that if any of you leave you'll have to compensate the other members because the business will have to change and might ultimately crumble. Now the REALLY important member doesn't love it, and the KIND OF important members don't really like it either, but ALL OF THEM understand that they have NOTHING without it and the other members... so they agree to it.

Then along comes Chad and Jeremy and they tell company X that they'd like to do business with them. Well most of company X doesn't trust Chad and Jeremy, but the more "important" members lobby for Chad and Jeremy, and even though the rest of company X is beginning to not trust the "important" members either, they end up making a deal with a big penalty to protect itself from Chad and Jeremy.

Well as it turns out Chad and Jeremy had been plotting with the "important" members all along and now everybody is just being dicks about it.

Estimate for MWC media deal

I know the 10 million was set in stone.

The additional 1.5 (ish) was that guaranteed? or was that a safety net figure in case new media deal came in extremely low like 3.5 million per? Basically ensuring UNLV wouldn't make less than current 5 million per year.

Does UNLV still get the 1.5 on top of the 5 million then?

Putting us around 6.5 million per year?
I'm pretty sure the specific numbers being tossed around and reported are based on percentages, and then estimated as to what those percentages are worth. I already did the research once (hell, probably in this damn thread lol) so I'm not searching them out again, but it's basically that UNLV (and AFA) gets 24.5% of the first $60 million, and then money collected goes to lawyers and "recruiting efforts" then the next amount UNLV again gets X percentage, then anything after that gets split equally among all members... or something to that effect.

How and when that money is dispersed is somewhat detailed, but is obviously dependent upon how much is collected and when. I think overall UNLV would end up getting about 25% of $80 million...? If exit fees get settled at $11 million ($55 million) and poaching fees get settled at half ($27 million-ish) that's $82 million. Add in whatever leftover NCAA tournament units and Playoff payouts (?)...?

So maybe it averages out to around $2.5 million per year..? Add in the fact that UNLV wouldn't be one of the traitors paying $11 million (in a settled exit fee scenario) to leave and you're at $4-$4.5 million average per year.
