Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

I could be wrong (I am most of the time), but maybe UNLV just didn’t want to hang its hat on a conference or pay to be in a conference that is essentially the MWC 2.0 when the real prize is down the road like the B12? IDK, I could be wrong, but that makes more sense than anything else I’ve read as to why UNLV was left out.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

UNLV is not negotiating against itself. We're out trying to join a real P4, not a modified G5. 6 teams doesn't even qualify as a conference
But you think UNLV is in better position than SDSU?
Let's be real here. It really is thr Big 12 or nothing. SEC, ACC, and B1G are not never going to go after UNLV.
The Big 12 cares about basketball. SdSU is a better market, a much better basketball school and has a better football program historically.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

You should watch it, if possible, because you never know what might happen. Prime example is the Biden vs. Trump debate. How many people knew that Biden had degressed so much? I sure didn't and was glad that I had seen it.
I respect that you value the news channels, but I get the information that I want from Twitter sources. They aren't as biased overall as CNN, Fox, etc.

I'm sorry that you couldn't see Biden's regression years before that debate. Degeneration like that doesn't happen overnight, or due to a cold. It was evident for a long time. It's why he didn't campaign four years ago. It's why he barely campaigned during Obama's second run. (These are my opinions, of course)

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

I don't think we are in the position to turn anyone down. Maybe a 10% chance that the big 12 wants us. But the HUGE hole in that theory is that there is no way that we would be higher on the Big12 list than SDSU. And there is NO WAY SDSU would turn down the big 12 for the PAC.
The new PAC will get more money than the MW gets and more than a merger that is for sure.
The remaining MW will get even less money the next contract then we currently get.
We have been left behind. Maybe we will be part of wave 2 in a year?
The only way out is winning th MW and getting into the playoff. That might be enough to be picked up for a better league

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Well, add S Utah, Weber St, Montana, and Montana St to the MW, yikes. How did you UNLV not get picked over Colorado st??
Denver market.

The pac2 has to be listening to a media partner on who to choose to invite. This isn’t some random selection process. They clearly preferred markets, and I believe this is the CW network making moves. They have the ACC and now they get Mountain/central and pacific time zones to fill their game day slots. The two schools remaining to fill will be central time zones and I’m thinking they will be Texas schools.

As for unlv, we will have opportunities. There is still a huge domino to fall with the acc and there’s also the big12. Lastly, our days in the MWC are nearing an end, I don’t believe we will be staying in this conference of leftovers. Nor would we be interested in traveling to Montana or South Dakota for conference games.

Time for us to move on.
