Stop stealing my information/intel/breaking news and posting it as your own. It's very obvious that you frequent this board and take what I say and tweet it; at times verbatim.
I don't mind sharing information at all and I love doing it, but it's very corny for you to tweet like you're getting the information first hand. I know you're not because there are only several people that are present when these things are happening. Just say that you heard or saw that xyz happened or that it will happen.
I've seen your tweets and multiple people have told me that your tweets sound awfully similar to what I say so please stop. Im not saying every single tweet is stolen because you definitely give your own opinions and tweet other stuff but it's very obvious that you see my stuff and tweet it and reply or tweet at people as if it's original.
Also, if you're an "insider," please at least don't blantantly lie. We don't deserve that. No one does and to try to rile up the fanbase by doing that is sad. You said Eric Freeny will be here next year. Did he tell you he committed? Because he isn't committed so where's that info coming from? People can see that stuff and he may lose opportunities because of it. Lying on a kids name to capture engagement is not the way to go.
Some pieces of stolen or made up info include; 1. You said that Vice was visiting and that there was no article on it, but he will be on campus. Again, how'd you know that? Then you said he skipped the visit because of AAU? How did you know that? No one else broke that news except me. 2. You said Jalen Hill was locked in and committed before he went public as if you had first hand knowledge. How did you know that? You either copied it from me or threw something at the wall hoping it would stick. You weren't there when he committed. 3. You said everything starts with the Boone twins. How so? Hill was first transfer that CKK contacted and his commitment was the domino effect. Kalib wasn't even fully locked in and on board at the beginning. 4. You said Cisse was visiting and that no other sources knew. How did you know? You weren't one of the 8 people that were there when the visit was being set up. Another stolen piece of info. That was tweeted shortly after I announced it.
Don't take this as me saying I'm better than you or that you can't tweet. I don't think those things at all. I try to be as civil as possible and try to reply to everyone that tags me or asks me something. I give as much as I can to this board and have had some great conversations with people and love hearing different points of views. Sometimes im wrong and I admit it. Im not perfect.
I understand what you're doing with trying to up the UNLV fan engagement. I get it. This off-season started off terribly and we are now back on the map. I understand the excitement and the desire to engage with other fans, but this ain't it.