Unpopular Opinion

I understand the landscape has changed with the portal and high school players, but essentially with the portal we’re hoping to catch lightning in a bottle, year after year, and it hasn’t really worked.

It might not be best, in terms of KK’s timing in year 3, but why not a full youth movement? Bring in 5-6 freshman and have them play significant minutes, preferably as a unit, and whatever portal players we pick up, they need to be serviceable but more seasoned guy that don’t expect to be high minute starters, but good leaders to help foster the youth movement and put in modest minutes. You’ll not get the best talent in the portal with that promise, but that comes with a youth movement.

Why would a class of freshman want to go into the portal after getting a ton of minutes in their first year?

Take the lumps that come with it next year, knowing we’re building on something. I would take it, instead of essentially new rosters every year and generally failing to meet expectations or come anywhere close to “lightning in a bottle..”

Just my take.

One Bid League

This should be a one bid league. San Diego State is the only team capable of competing in the NCAAT. Every other team has horrible losses and is undeserving of a spot.

I don’t want to hear about their BS NET rankings. Every year it’s the same thing, MW gets 3-4 teams in and they go 0-4. Only way this league should get 2 bids is if SDSU doesn’t win the auto bid.

Right coach, Right place, Right time

Marquette took a chance on their new coach two years ago. He just got finished failing at a P5 school. They anted up $ 3,000,000 a year but it sure has paid off. Marquette went from a bottom dweller to #6 in the country in two years. The article below is short but it says a lot.

Out of curiosity

Has anybody heard anything on Zaon Collins? I haven’t heard a thing since a couple of years ago with his court case.

Anybody know of his whereabouts?

It’s a shame. Well, it’s jacked up he was out of his gourd and driving those speeds … but I loved this kids’ game and considered him a key recruit, my type of point guard, a multi-year player that could have handled things (at this level) from day one.
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Small Margins make a difference

This post is a "What If" and those of you who don't like to play in that arena should just stop here. But it goes to show how what seems like a small pre-season decision can make a huge difference down the stretch.

Currently, we are 304th ( NCAA Stats) in rebound margin. We get three rebounds less per game than our opponents. If we were rebounding at @ 80th in rebound margin we would get a +2 margin. The difference is 5 additional possessions a game. According to KenPom we score @ 1.01 points per possession adjusted for the strength of the opponent. This equals 5 additional points per game.

Looking at our losses, 5 additional points would give us six close wins versus six close losses. ( Yes, I understand that many things could have come into play to keep a close loss a close loss but I refer you to the first sentence of the post before you start whining).

With the additional wins we would be 11-5 in the conference and 23 - 5 overall. We would be in 4th place ( 1 game behind Boise and Reno who would be tied for second) and still in a statistical hunt for first place in the Conference. There would be threads about how high we should be seeded in the NCAA's. Many on the board would be clamoring for a fast extension of KK's contract.

So, what was the small pre-season decision that made this difference? The decision that Iwuakor was a great overall athlete and he would improve and that Muoka was a really good rim protector and that fit into the overall strategy of "defense is good enough". The decision NOT to recruit over them was a huge error that ended up costing the program big.

A good rebounder ( 8-10 a game - Udeze getting 9.3 per game.) who only needed to score the occasional put-back could have made this one of the best seasons in years (And before you say Cottrell, look at his previous rebounding stats)

What can he say?

Most of us have our hopes set on KK getting at least 5 really good portal transfers. Impact players that can get us some traction towards post-season play.

But a question keeps nagging me. What can KK say during an in-home visit that would cause a player to choose us over dozens of other programs? KK's on the hot seat and all a transfer has to do is read the Tark board to find that out. The chances of post-season play are poor to non-existent. The country will only see you play if they stay up till 2 A.M. You will have nice facilities and a great arena but only about 1/5th of it will be filled with fans and only half of those them will cheer when the MC tells them that is what to do. When you talk to existing players they have to admit the season sucked.

I'm really glad I'm not the one that has to sit in front of a player and tell him how great it's going to be.


He's a fan favorite on this board. I get it. When he gets around the rim he can be dynamic. But he is a fouling and turnover machine and I hate to see him come in the game.

In his 167 minutes, he's had 16 turnovers and 30 fouls. As a comparison, Webster has 16 turnovers and 26 fouls but in 703 minutes.

No matter how entertaining, a coach can't give anyone big minutes who is that loose and out of control.

He could have a nice future in Basketball but he has to understand he can't treat this like high school. He can't dribble through three defenders and he can't matador defend.
