Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

So what is Harper saying?? I want facts! What is the plan?? Did we swing and miss? Did we lay down a bunt( 2 years invite PAC8) did we hit a Homer Run that has not been scored yet?? I need something?? The alure of the MWC what little it has is going to be almost completely gone in 2 years. 4 of the 6 best teams all gone. It going to be that much harder to sign players and keep fans intrigued. Montana State and NMSU are among schools that might join us?? NOT GOOD!!
He definitely needs to have a press conference or release a statement addressing this.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Well the one thing we do have control over is a take no prisoners attitude to each game while curb stomping BSU and FSU. Make ourselves the undeniable playoff team and perform well. Then pray a decent conf wants us.
Short of that, this could be the one thing that stops the UNLV Football train in its tracks after this season. Just when we are finally making some noise. Could be devastating (and the past UNLV administrations have only themselves to blame).
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

So what is Harper saying?? I want facts! What is the plan?? Did we swing and miss? Did we lay down a bunt( 2 years invite PAC8) did we hit a Homer Run that has not been scored yet?? I need something?? The alure of the MWC what little it has is going to be almost completely gone in 2 years. 4 of the 6 best teams all gone. It going to be that much harder to sign players and keep fans intrigued. Montana State and NMSU are among schools that might join us?? NOT GOOD!!

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

They would have taken them to begin with. They left them behind! I read something about they can only take 4 schools. Then they could take 2 schools next year so the buyout would not be as bad. I hope we are not on the 2nd tier of schools or are we bidding our time for the BIG 12?? Seeing how this year pans out?? IF Odom can get us into the BIG 12 then he should get keys to the city.
None of the schools that have made conference changes have ever paid the full buyout price. The leftovers will be bending over backwards to take any buyout. This is beyond devastating for us if we do not in fact get invited to the newer conference. This is decades of neglect in the making though. The school is likely in full panic mode too. They know Odom is likely gone after this year and if we don’t strike while the iron is hot then we could legitimately fall back to the depths of hell we’ve been in since inception.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

So hear this out...
Plan A- Big 12

Next plan- in new CFP format, any new MWC is still likely better than the Pac State conference. So we negotiate a deal in which we take a competitive/financial compensation as the crown jewel of the MWC like Boise had and the dominate the conference every year. The TV deal moves to a network like ESPN and avoids the irrelevant CW/TNT/Apple type packages. UNLV becomes a western power with a financial advantage and competitive advantage over its remaining peers...
In the best of the G5 argument, we schedule aggressively for OOC in football and then continue to build and run through conference every year, earning the playoff birth...
Again getting into the Big 12 would be best case, but if all of a sudden were offered a 1.5 or 2x $ deal to remain?

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

They don't join until 7/1/26. It will cost the Pac2 a lot of money to buyout the MWC defectors. You know what will happen between now and 7/1/26? The collapse of the ACC for one. A LOT is going to happen in the next year. Pac8 is a move of last resort for UNLV.

NCAAfb is about to get a tummy tuck, face lift, brow lift, liposuction, butt implants, calf implants. There is a huge push to leave the NCAA for a lot of schools. No reason to hitch our star to a wagon with 2.3 wheels unless we have to,

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

You're argument is that basketball is a big 12 driver... I'm here to argue it's not. Football is where the media rights are being traded in. If basketball was the sole reason, why did they add Utah or ASU? Why did they halt the slam dunk of adding UCONN and Gonzaga for basketball only? It's because football is driving that conversation and it's not just "successful" football... SDSU plays in a 30k seat stadium, while they have had flashes of success by comparison to UNLV in the past 20 years, they aren't exactly a football powerhouse or emerging powerhouse like TCU was. Again, yeah the basketball stuff has been good for their brand, but they haven't been in those discussions even in the past... at the height of both their programs, they tried the Big East and no one else wanted them, then they tried to slip into the Pac 12 and no one else wanted them. Now they're jumping to a what they hope is slightly more lean and marketable Pac State conference... why if they were more desirable?
Better market Check.
Better football program, Big check. 8 bowl games in the past 10 years. including 2 MW championships.
Better basketball program double big check. I don't need to say why.

There is no metric, other than stadium size, where UNLV has them beat. Again conference do not need UNLV for Allegiant. In fact having UNLV in the conference makes it trickier. They probably would rather have a fully neutral site for BB and football championships

Nobody wanted us. The big East wanted them because of football. Same with the PAC 12. At least better paying conferences wanted them. No one has ever wanted UNLV.
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

I could be wrong (I am most of the time), but maybe UNLV just didn’t want to hang its hat on a conference or pay to be in a conference that is essentially the MWC 2.0 when the real prize is down the road like the B12? IDK, I could be wrong, but that makes more sense than anything else I’ve read as to why UNLV was left out.
Well the one thing we have in the current MW is being the best G5.
We won't be any more. The new PAC will likely have a significantly better contract too. So we will be in a less competitive league getting lowered guaranteed media funds.
It makes making the Big 12 more difficult from a prove it on the field scenario. It does make it easier from a breaking contract situation.
Our new MW deal will be peanuts and the buyout should be easy since it is based off of the media revenue, but a new contract will be at it's highest. So we would still want to be invited to a new conference BEFORE a new MW deal is made.
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

But you think UNLV is in better position than SDSU?
Let's be real here. It really is thr Big 12 or nothing. SEC, ACC, and B1G are not never going to go after UNLV.
The Big 12 cares about basketball. SdSU is a better market, a much better basketball school and has a better football program historically.
You're argument is that basketball is a big 12 driver... I'm here to argue it's not. Football is where the media rights are being traded in. If basketball was the sole reason, why did they add Utah or ASU? Why did they halt the slam dunk of adding UCONN and Gonzaga for basketball only? It's because football is driving that conversation and it's not just "successful" football... SDSU plays in a 30k seat stadium, while they have had flashes of success by comparison to UNLV in the past 20 years, they aren't exactly a football powerhouse or emerging powerhouse like TCU was. Again, yeah the basketball stuff has been good for their brand, but they haven't been in those discussions even in the past... at the height of both their programs, they tried the Big East and no one else wanted them, then they tried to slip into the Pac 12 and no one else wanted them. Now they're jumping to a what they hope is slightly more lean and marketable Pac State conference... why if they were more desirable?
