Given the circumstances

Those big wins in the past in most cases had zero or little meaning to the season. UNLV has never been ranked in the top 25 during the regular season, and it is very possible UNLV will finally get that top 25 ranking for the first time in D1 in almost 50 years! While this may not have been a win against a ranked team, I think it was the most important game for UNLV to date!
Yeah our wins over ranked teams ended up being meaningless because our teams stunk those seasons and were sub .500. The rest of the season will determine how big this is. Other than Arkansas bowl game this could be the biggest we will see.

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

OK can somebody explain what is going on?

Dude on confidential board posted Odom and Harper were both blindsided by the realignment news. Had no idea.

Meaning UNLV was left out of these backdoor negotiations between PAC and MWC teams.

Regents are saying they just learned of this as well.

The one regent (Brooks) everybody is hammering replied on Twitter saying 'I'd prefer they stayed together but wouldn't block a move by UNLV'

Maybe PAC just didn't want UNLV. And it's not anything to do with the Regents.
IMO, they are all lying.


No, but they had 7 to 8 in the box depending on if we went 3 or 4 wide... they constantly played man to man with our WRs and tried to stop the running game. They did the same vs Altmyer the prior week but in the game winning drive much like ours, Altmyer managed to get loose and pick up first downs...
They pretty much stopped our running game our RB’s did nothing and Sluka’s runs by design did little it was really the broken plays that he had success. In fact, considering we lost the battle at both lines of scrimmage were fortunate to win. Our offensive line couldn’t block and pass protections was OK most of the game but at the end they were getting beat. Our defensive line did nothing the entire game.

Big 12 in Vegas?

My point is don't wait.

AFA and UNLV go to MWC commissioner.

We are out.
You let the fox in the hen house. Conference got swept out from under your feet. Let us out now at reduced exit fee because we are gone regardless when contract is up. There is no holding this together.
Worse case scenario for us is if the Pac12 merges with the AAC. That would be sweep #2 from under our feet. Not sure where we go after that. Independent is a foolish idea so after that I don't have a clue.

But, to your point that is why we don't wait. We need to move fast. That is if they even want us and AF.
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Big 12 in Vegas?

After the Pac12 poaches a few of their teams we may be able to get an invite. I'm hoping AF and UNLV can make the move there. The MWC is dead.

My point is don't wait.

AFA and UNLV go to MWC commissioner.

We are out.
You let the fox in the hen house. Conference got swept out from under your feet. Let us out now at reduced exit fee because we are gone regardless when contract is up. There is no holding this together.
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