Board Member Responses

For what it is worth from Byron Brooks, it sounds like the quote of us turning it down due to Reno is false.

Thank you for your thoughtful email.

I believe it's important to note that UNLV has not been invited to the PAC 12, unless there has been some developing news that I am not aware of.

The Board has taken no action on this matter, as nothing has come before the Board. As with other campuses, if a campus decides to move conferences, it eventually comes before the board for a vote. The last time that happened was in February of this year when the College of Southern Nevada asked for a regional change for the baseball team. The board voted unanimously to approve it.

When the news came that four institutions were leaving for the PAC 12, I was quoted as saying that I believe the move to the conference (if invited) should be a package deal with the two institutions. My thought was that elevating both campuses would be great for our state.

I also said that I understand the market value of a UNLV invite, and I could see the attractiveness of an independent move. If UNLV gets an invite, it will come before the Board for a vote. The decision for a conference change does not rest with one Regent.

I hope I was able to provide some clarification to this, and I welcome continued dialogue with you.
Mr. Brooks word per word said exactly the same thing to me.

Board Member Responses

For what it is worth from Byron Brooks, it sounds like the quote of us turning it down due to Reno is false.

Thank you for your thoughtful email.

I believe it's important to note that UNLV has not been invited to the PAC 12, unless there has been some developing news that I am not aware of.

The Board has taken no action on this matter, as nothing has come before the Board. As with other campuses, if a campus decides to move conferences, it eventually comes before the board for a vote. The last time that happened was in February of this year when the College of Southern Nevada asked for a regional change for the baseball team. The board voted unanimously to approve it.

When the news came that four institutions were leaving for the PAC 12, I was quoted as saying that I believe the move to the conference (if invited) should be a package deal with the two institutions. My thought was that elevating both campuses would be great for our state.

I also said that I understand the market value of a UNLV invite, and I could see the attractiveness of an independent move. If UNLV gets an invite, it will come before the Board for a vote. The decision for a conference change does not rest with one Regent.

I hope I was able to provide some clarification to this, and I welcome continued dialogue with you.


They pretty much stopped our running game our RB’s did nothing and Sluka’s runs by design did little it was really the broken plays that he had success. In fact, considering we lost the battle at both lines of scrimmage were fortunate to win. Our offensive line couldn’t block and pass protections was OK most of the game but at the end they were getting beat. Our defensive line did nothing the entire game.
The entire Defense, including the line stepped it up in the second half. They were averaging 9 yards a play in the first and I'm guessing it dropped to 3 in the second since they finished at 6.0. They couldn't run it nearly as well in the second half


They pretty much stopped our running game our RB’s did nothing and Sluka’s runs by design did little it was really the broken plays that he had success. In fact, considering we lost the battle at both lines of scrimmage were fortunate to win. Our offensive line couldn’t block and pass protections was OK most of the game but at the end they were getting beat. Our defensive line did nothing the entire game.
Yeah, they might be 1-2, but theyre a solid defensive team and for whatever reason get away from what they're good at offensively... we got just enough each time we needed it and let them make the mistakes plus some luck

My apologies to Bull

But I want to give props to Chittenden. A huge question mark and thought to be a weakness on our team coning into the season, but he has been solid. The first miss at Houston was bad and he missed that long one bad last night, but he has been better than expected.
He was a top 10 K recruit and I think he has a good future. I don't feel as comfy in FG situations kicking as the last 2 seasons yet, but I feel confident that he will make most of his kicks.
That miss at Houston was tipped

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

Guys he saying he would 'prefer' if schools stuck together but wouldn't block any move by UNLV.

I don't think UNLV was ever considered for the PAC.
UNLV was considered for sure, but maybe not to the point wher there weret
discussions with the school. I can see the. Being extra secretive considering MW' s united front or at least that was the impression that was given off.
I think it's all about eyeballs on TVs and UNLV has not moved the needle much recently in that regard.
I'm not sold that the PAC is done with the idea of UNLV, but they might go after Memphis and Tulane first. Not sure if they would accept. The reports that Stanford and Cal might come back is a little weird. But not out of the question.
Watching teams like UNLV being a legit playoff contender does make being in the top G5 more appealing.
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