They created a feeding frenzy without actually having a full conference. The Pac 2 have no intentions of paying the money, they'll divide it amongst themselves to keep themselves elevated from the lost revenue. By only taking 4 they did 2 things- prevented lawsuit for poaching per their partnering agreement that likely costs them real money not just potential exit fees, and 2- created a frenzy for the last 2 spots that inevitably breaks up the MWC. They then don't have to pay the exit fees and avoid litigation because the next 2 schools leave on their own accord.. it's a huge gamble by those 2 schools
Sorry bud but your post makes no sense. "No intentions of paying the money"? Which money are you talking about? This is going to get weird. The MW will get a shit ton of money regardless of who is writing the checks (The Pac-2, the 4 MW traitors, or more likely both). So if say AF bolts, they pay the exit fee plus don't share in the previous windfall? What a clusterf***.

Now let's just say the MW dissolves. Do the traitors get some of their money back as the assets get split? What about your own future NCAA BB allocations? What a mess. Our situation was a lot cleaner. The traitors bucked up $65M (can't really even remember why at this point), and the rest of our windfall was future RB contract $ and BB allocations and a smidge from the FBS.

Anyway, I have to believe that the Pac wants and will offer UNLV. And maybe did. We just need to figure out WTF happened and how to fix it.

One final wrinkle - how ironclad is this agreement with your traitors? Can they back out? That would suck (for the Pac-2).


They created a feeding frenzy without actually having a full conference. The Pac 2 have no intentions of paying the money, they'll divide it amongst themselves to keep themselves elevated from the lost revenue. By only taking 4 they did 2 things- prevented lawsuit for poaching per their partnering agreement that likely costs them real money not just potential exit fees, and 2- created a frenzy for the last 2 spots that inevitably breaks up the MWC. They then don't have to pay the exit fees and avoid litigation because the next 2 schools leave on their own accord.. it's a huge gamble by those 2 schools

I said it earlier.

They took for swings at the tree with an axe and are now letting gravity do the rest.

Of remaining MWC I would have to think UNLV is a target. Who else though? AFA? Maybe? Doubt it.

USU? I can't see Reno, Wyoming.



They should have done that to begin with they have 4 add two more schools and they had the 6 to dissolve so they would rather pay $110MM than add us and AF?
They created a feeding frenzy without actually having a full conference. The Pac 2 have no intentions of paying the money, they'll divide it amongst themselves to keep themselves elevated from the lost revenue. By only taking 4 they did 2 things- prevented lawsuit for poaching per their partnering agreement that likely costs them real money not just potential exit fees, and 2- created a frenzy for the last 2 spots that inevitably breaks up the MWC. They then don't have to pay the exit fees and avoid litigation because the next 2 schools leave on their own accord.. it's a huge gamble by those 2 schools
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We dissolve the conference in 2026 so we all get to keep some of that money. Schools will find a home someplace. If Gloria is thinking to bring in FCS teams or merge with CUSA that would be horrible for us. Either way if we dissolve and get to keep some money or just leave the conference for AAC with AF and pay our exit fee we will be better off. Staying with a sinking ship is just crazy.

Obviously I don't know what the **** is going to happen but I'd like to see us have a plan rather than just sitting around waiting for the building to fall on our heads.
But isnt that the UNLV and MWC way? Wait til it is to late and then react while the dumpster burns to the ground?

Fundamental misunderstanding

“It would seem really odd to me,” Brooks said. “It makes more sense for the two institutions to have conversations about where they’d like to see their football programs, where they want to land, and what does the future look like for the state of Nevada when we talk about collegiate athletes?

Where they want to land???? Where they would like to see their programs????

It's as though this dunce believes we can just sit down as twinsies with Reno and choose the conference we want to hold hands and then just go there. Oh, we want the Big 10 - Let's go. Or the B 12 - then let's go. It's much more likely we could choose between the Big Sky and the Missouri Valley. And I don't think this guy would care a whit if we did.

I would venture a guess that this man doesn't know how many points you get for a safety. How many yards you need for a first down. Or why there are smaller stripes towards the sidelines.

I can't believe this level of idiot can make decisions about sports programs that, with the right decisions, could develop into many multi-million dollar entities.

Likely a communist.

Eats at places with the word Cafe' in it.

Says things like 'carbon footprint' and green energy!


By dissolving it may wave the exit fees for the PAC detectors. The PAC defectors from last year tired to play that card but couldnt because the PAC 2 were keeping the conference alive.
Which many of these teams will not be able to afford. They are about to take a massive payout for most of these schools.

Here's the thing.

Hawaii doesn't get a vote.
AFA has a landing spot in AAC. I know it's an assumption but you have to imagine they would take them.

So they would likely vote yes.

Would the other schools?

Only if they could find a home.

I would not be surprised at all if we don't get some more big news in the next two weeks.

Worst thing any of these schools can do is sit around and wait for MWC commissioner to create a plan to save the conference.
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