Why would the programs that have nowhere to go agree to dissolve the conference? If the conference was disolved, would they still be able to get any of the cash for the 4 teams leaving?

I just laid out where the remaining teams might have a landing spot. CUSA would be viable.

Hawaii has not no vote I don't think.

Other schools could find landing spots I believe.

We don't know if UNLV has a landing spot.

That's why I said every single one of them need to be on the phone looking and then if they find one vote to dissolve this conference.

Again it might be semantics but we are only 7 schools because Hawaii is football only.

You could make an educated guess AFA will be looking hard at AAC. (With Army/Navy)

So now down to technically 6, because Hawaii is football only.


Why would the programs that have nowhere to go agree to dissolve the conference? If the conference was disolved, would they still be able to get any of the cash for the 4 teams leaving?
We dissolve the conference in 2026 so we all get to keep some of that money. Schools will find a home someplace. If Gloria is thinking to bring in FCS teams or merge with CUSA that would be horrible for us. Either way if we dissolve and get to keep some money or just leave the conference for AAC with AF and pay our exit fee we will be better off. Staying with a sinking ship is just crazy.

Obviously I don't know what the **** is going to happen but I'd like to see us have a plan rather than just sitting around waiting for the building to fall on our heads.
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The conference has to dissolve for any of that to happen. Yet, as I'm reading various articles around the West some think that the MWC may try to merge with CUSA. I about shat myself on reading that. An Albuquerque news site went to the Lobo athletic department and was fishing for clues. They actually wrote that someone there thought it would be an idea for them to join NM State there. I'm sure that person is going to get fired real soon. (Again these are just articles so take them with a grain of salt. People like throw out their ideas and hope they stick).

There is also talk about the Montana and Dakota schools joining.

The remaining 8 MWC schools are out of their minds if they go along with that. The best thing for all of us is just to vote for the dissolution and let everyone fend for themselves. I do believe that Hawaii still gets a vote even if they are just football.

If the PAC reconsiders us then we go with that. But, if they don't then our best option is go with AF to the American Athletic Conference. Perhaps Wyoming or New Mexico can go with us. That would help some of our travel costs and NM would bring their good basketball to the mix.

One way or the other we need to get out ASAP and by that I mean we give notice and depart in 2026 if the AAC gives us that invite. The MWC is dead and none of the options I've read about are going to help.
Why would the programs that have nowhere to go agree to dissolve the conference? If the conference was disolved, would they still be able to get any of the cash for the 4 teams leaving?
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The conference has to dissolve for any of that to happen. Yet, as I'm reading various articles around the West some think that the MWC may try to merge with CUSA. I about shat myself on reading that. An Albuquerque news site went to the Lobo athletic department and was fishing for clues. They actually wrote that someone there thought it would be an idea for them to join NM State there. I'm sure that person is going to get fired real soon. (Again these are just articles so take them with a grain of salt. People like throw out their ideas and hope they stick).

There is also talk about the Montana and Dakota schools joining.

The remaining 8 MWC schools are out of their minds if they go along with that. The best thing for all of us is just to vote for the dissolution and let everyone fend for themselves. I do believe that Hawaii still gets a vote even if they are just football.

If the PAC reconsiders us then we go with that. But, if they don't then our best option is go with AF to the American Athletic Conference. Perhaps Wyoming or New Mexico can go with us. That would help some of our travel costs and NM would bring their good basketball to the mix.

One way or the other we need to get out ASAP and by that I mean we give notice and depart in 2026 if the AAC gives us that invite. The MWC is dead and none of the options I've read about are going to help.


They would discuss voting to dissolve the conference. There are technically only 7 teams as it stands with Hawaii being football only.

Here's why I think it would be smart for all parties involved. (And if there are holes in my theory feel free to tell me I'm an idiot).

Every team in the MWC should be looking for a new landing spot now.

There is no way the next media deal for the current MWC will match the last one with what was lost. There are no viable schools to poach to replace what was lost. The one school in the most trouble is UH.


To avoid paying exit fees vote to dissolve the conference.

Here's where my theory probably hits some snags but...

Most if not all the schools could find a soft landing in CUSA. Assuming they want to expand. I believe CUSA would absolutely take UNM, UTAH STATE, WYOMING and RENO. I also think they would consider Hawaii football only. SJSU would be a solid addition getting them into the California market.

If they took 5 they get to 14. The biggest road block for Hawaii is travel cost. Not for them but the teams already in CUSA. They aren't exactly big money schools. This is why I think UH could be in a lot of trouble.

AFA would go to the AAC. I don't think there would be any hurdles here.

That leaves UNLV.

I don't believe the Regents will ultimately end up being anything more than a hurdle/minor annoyance with the whole Reno/UNLV tied at the hip nonsense.

The question then becomes does the PAC actually want UNLV?

I mean there's so many reasons to think they would. But it is possible they don't.

I'm going out on a limb that they would take UNLV. (I also believe Utah State might be a team they would consider oddly enough).

I also don't believe since they are football only Hawaii gets a vote.

Agree? Disagree?

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

It went from accusing Haitians of eating dogs and cats to accusing them eating ducks and geese to then only admitting animal sacrifice is part of Haitian voodoo culture and we can't have that happening here to Vance admitting “to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people” which only happened after some lady who started all these rumors came out and said she made it up and didn't expect it to get this far/bad.

Vance “This problem [Haitians in Springfield] is so bad, I had to lie about how bad it is to get people to pay attention to it. Because if I talked about the actual problem without lying, people would think it didn’t actually sound that bad. That’s how bad it is.”
dude, there literally is no food in Haiti. They are eating mud cookies as we speak.


Because they were sold on Hajj being the starter in the spring and then told Sluka was a dual threat but still wanted Hajj in the fall despite alot of us understanding Sluka would most likely take the far the passing game hasn't been great, but there have been a ton of deep ball drops over the past few games that would make his accuracy and yardage a lot better... and I agree, his will to get the first down is carrying the team and that message is getting to everyone not in the WR Corp so far... Again, I dint think using the KU game as a barometer for passing is fools gold, KU has likely 2 corners who will at a minimum be drafted on day 2, and there's no one in the MWC with that defensive strength.
i’m glad we have other capable QB’s. I was definitely impressed by the KU defense, but we still made enough plays to get the W. Congrats to the team on Top 25 ranking!
