Loyal Coug is going to have a heart attack soon

I have no interest in the continuation of kissing up to Boise State! UNLV is becoming the power of this conference, just look at the 2025 recruiting class in comparison to BSU, and as long as BSU gets a sweetheart deal, we need to merge out of the MWC!

Brennan Marion OC - Interview

I keep thinking about the starts of the Houston game. I keep seeing UNLV jump into a huuuuge lead early and kinda shocks the critics and media. I am talking about something like 41-0 in the 2nd quarter.
Houston will come into that game not knowing what to expect. If the new QB fits in with the Go Go offense it could very well be UNLV Go Go Gone leaving Houston in the dust!
sombrero GIF

Loyal Coug is going to have a heart attack soon

Ha ha. I've opined on this already on my board and the WCS board. Here, I'll just copy and paste my comments from the latter (below). And BTW, I am a heart patient who has had 2 heart attacks and 3 stents. This article doesn't faze me, in fact reinforces what I have been saying all along.

This quote from our current hopelessly incompetent Commissioner slays me.

"I don't know if the Mountain West thinks they need these two schools, honestly," Gould said. "I would imagine If and when those conversations ever take place it's going to be based in part on the economics of the decision and what they bring to the table."

If and when those conversations EVER take place? Are you F-ing kidding me? So she has not sat and talked to Gloria? "If and when"?

My increasingly stupid Coug brethren still think that the Mtn West is the cute drunk chick at the bar who will still be there at closing time if we can't hook up with the hot chick.

The media prognosis in the article is interesting. "They" say that the Pac-2 would move the needle 10 or maybe 15% from your CURRENT deal? Which the article says is $45 million split between 11 teams (Not Hawaii I think?). You guys know the numbers. I would assume that the MW expects a solid increase in the next contract, Pac-2 or not. So 10-15% up and above whatever the new deal would otherwise be? Well, at this point that's not so horrible for the 11/12 schools who would get that is it? The article also speculates that the Pac-2's 11 game agreement is about a million per game. OK, so that would be $6 million for WSU's 6 home games. Quite a bit more than the MW gets currently. So not to debate numbers, but they are a little loose IMHO.

To continue, I am becoming less concerned about salvaging the $30M in post-2025 NCAA BB monies as I am about having a home and keeping the rest of our "war chest". If that means saying F it and joining the MW, then fine. To me the biggest advantage to the reverse merger, beyond our $30M, is being able to restructure the MW's bylaws to lessen penalties on leaving and nixing the BSU premium. Unless the MW can and wants to do that themselves. Not that I would want WSU to jump, but several of you have future aspirations.

The MW would be smart (and Gloria is) to just say, well Pac-2, we aren't going to extend our affiliation agreement for 2025. If you want to instead join us, get your hats in your hands and schedule an appointment.

Finally, it was opined elsewhere that maybe some MW schools (possibly ones that start with a "B") might not want the Pac-2 in their league, because we would be strong competitors for the title and probable CFP berth. WSU has a solid team this year, with 2 good QB's. We are going to win some games in this schedule. Dunno about OSU. Thoughts and ridicule are welcome.

UNLV Media Day

I won’t say never and I’m not going to say he sucks if he doesn’t. I think he’s pretty solid and had a great year for us.

But does anything from him scream “special”? Even being “special” isn’t always good enough for the league.

Not rooting against him but I didn’t see enough out of him. Slow Reads, leg speed, ball security, stuck with primary receiver come hell or high water too often … and you all know how I feel about heart/effort and I think he’s lacking a bit there. There were some big plays when he went down way too easily and when he made a mistake, he was pretty good at being rattled. Now that can be coached away, reps can help with the that.

But I wasn’t feeling it to an NFL level.
He is like a poor man’s Tua sometime drastic would have to occur for him to get drafted. If you don’t have high end running ability you better have a great arm with great accuracy.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I am totally against the vax, but unfortunately almost everyone in both parties supported the vax.

The choice of him was a very good move in the fact that he is young smart, good looking and married to a first generation daughter of immigrants from India. As a side note, his wife is also hot.
I didn’t realize he wrote the book Hillbilly Eligy that was made into a movie.

UNLV Media Day

If you are a pro prospect, which Ricky is, I think the thinking is different. A lot more to consider than just money.

Somebody like Maiava … who isn’t going to play for money professionally, I think you grab as much as you can, when you can.
I wouldn't say that Maiava will definitely NOT be a pro. That is hard to sat as a freshman.

To be honest, going to USC could still improve his stock even if he rarely plays. Back up QBs for Lincoln Riley have gone on to other big time schools and really shined. It is very possible he could parlay this to a pretty nice landing spot.

But he has to improve to do that. If he can't get better under Riley, then he isn't going to get better.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics


A former president who loves the vax, created the vax, still swears by it. His VP loves the vax. The sitting president mandated the vax.

Kinda leaves you homeless if you’re a one issue voter.
I am totally against the vax, but unfortunately almost everyone in both parties supported the vax.

The choice of him was a very good move in the fact that he is young smart, good looking and married to a first generation daughter of immigrants from India. As a side note, his wife is also hot.
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