I think I saw the offense was a 75 and the defense was a 78??

Is that a thing people saw from the outside, that defense was better than the offense? Or do they think Maiava was such a difference maker the offense dropped substantially?

Also - unis and stadium - I'm in!
Shows how little attention is given to G5 schools.

Kelley Ford’s analytics shows we have the 47th rated offense in the nation. Defense comes in at 115. Until proven otherwise, our offense should be much better than our defense.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

All of this rhetoric about Trump being evil, the devil, dictator ect ect, is the core behind all of this nonsense. Way too many people get caught up in propaganda and sensationalism . Instead of using their own common sense. Apparently most liberals have NONE! If your getting your political fix from the View, Talk shows, Joy Reid, or Morning Joe to name a few then YOU are the problem.
Let's include shows from BOTH political sides. These programs are ONLY meant to fire you up. "Us against them!" is always the rally cry and people buy into it hook, line, and sinker.

This isn't meant to create a liberal versus conservative talking point but wasn't it Obama who changed some law to make it where "news" shows can express opinions and not facts, leading to what we have now? I remember hearing this years ago and thinking that it couldn't be good, and we see what it's developed into. Bring back the Walter Cronkite reading of news and (what we know to be) facts. Also, journalists from both sides need to ask hard hitting questions, not just being propaganda with "Here's a softball question for you since I want to be your friend."

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

All of this rhetoric about Trump being evil, the devil, dictator ect ect, is the core behind all of this nonsense. Way too many people get caught up in propaganda and sensationalism . Instead of using their own common sense. Apparently most liberals have NONE! If your getting your political fix from the View, Talk shows, Joy Reid, or Morning Joe to name a few then YOU are the problem.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Yeah, if it’s real … the reaction will live in infamy.

I remember the Reagan thing. Hinckley in 1981. He was obsessed with Jody Foster and thought … somehow … the act would impress her. Talk abt fkd up.

And I’ll stick with IF. Because I don’t trust any of this sht. Sorry. People are disgusting liars. So we will see …
One person is dead and two in critical, which tends to make me believe it is real. I know it is hard to believe any of the media, but it would be far beyond sad if our media starts to make up fake assassination attempts!
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

They missed. And they better get him before the election otherwise this will be a landslide …
I was trying to get information and listened to a little of KNPR, my stupidity, they quickly put the blame on the Republican party talking about President Trump and his conspiracy theories and how he would use this to his advantage. They then talked about how the Republican party was already making this political while the Democrats were giving best wishes to President Trump. Only a very small portion of the time spent talking about the one death, two in critical condition or President Trump. After 5 minutes I had turned off KNPR which has shown why most of us do not waster our time on public radio.

I wish the best to the family of the person who died as well as those in critical condition.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

He happened to turn his head back to the screen at the moment the shot was fired or it'd be a different conversation right now. Look at his reaction right away after getting hit. That's the look of a man shocked someone would actually do that. Sad day in our Country.
I was looking at the reaction. Some in the back were looking for the shooter.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Sounds like a rally goer took one through the head. And it sounds like many of the shots were secret service who got to the guy right away.

At least that’s what media is reporting.

But they now martyrized him without an actual death.

Can’t miss in that situation and if it did actually take him out, it would have been absolute mayhem.
Did you see Trump pump fisting with the flag in the background..that was f’n dope!!

there’s your next president in November.

I wonder what Cal bullets and what weapon.

Me and the roommate were talking about the last attempt..I was too small as a kid when Reagan got shot to remember.

F’n weirdos out there.
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PAC 8?

You say that, but that is exactly what happened with the Pac12, and to date nothing has happened as of yet in regards to those schools!
There was no legal mechanism to keep the PAC-12 from falling apart. The MWC has the legal mechanism to ensure the conferences survival and it's doubtful that the presidents of the six schools to be left behind will just sit on their hands and do nothing. The existential threat that a breakaway by six of the conferences schools would present is more than enough for the conference and the remaining six to seek immediate legal redress.
Fans always think that everything can be reduced to: "We can just leave and destroy the conference and damage your program and you can't do anything about it". In reality, legal mechanisms exist to prevent that kind of capricious and destructive action by any one or combination of schools. In other words, things are always much more complicated than what fans are willing to accept or process.
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Reno player arrested

Read the article. But wait - Marijuana and peyote are Schedule I "drugs" while cocaine, meth and fentanyl are Schedule II drugs? Is that a Nevada schedule or federal? Either way, WTF?

PAC 8?

I've read on this forum and others about "we'll just get the six schools who want to leave to stall the negotiations on a new MWC rights deal and then when the entire thing falls apart, we can leave for next to nothing..." Only problem with that strategy is something called "a conspiracy to defraud" which is what any of the six schools who attempt to sabotage negotiations for a new media rights deal would be accused of. Criminal and civil penalties would result. The tort damages would be immense and would basically stop any sort of behind-the-scenes skullduggery the six have planned. The MWC was constructed in such a way as to make it extremely difficult and expensive for any group of schools to sabotage the conference as a means of supposedly "bettering" themselves. The schools all have good legal counsel and I doubt that some boneheaded idea like "we'll just stall the negotiations for a new media rights deal" will pass an internal smell test from the legal minds advising the presidents and AD's.
You say that, but that is exactly what happened with the Pac12, and to date nothing has happened as of yet in regards to those schools!
