Kevin should be ashamed:

Look at the qualities of those HC and tell me what they have in common?? NONE are Vanilla. Some might be a bit reserved ,but ALL draw u in when they talk almost all are fiery. Players are drawn to them. Listen to them and play hard for them. They have Charisma . Does anybody watch a CKK post press conference?? How do u sell a program to the public, players and NIL money if nobody is listening ??
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Kevin should be ashamed:

He has experience and knowledge and he’s a good coach.

He says the right things, but he’s vanilla. You don’t see it because we are winning. Fiery doesn’t mean dick. Arroyo was fiery, so was Sanchez. What the hell does your demeanor have to do with the ability to win? John Wooden was bland.

He says the right things, but he’s vanilla. You don’t see it because we are winning. Fiery doesn’t mean dick. Arroyo was fiery, so was Sanchez. What the hell does your demeanor have to do with the ability to win? John Wooden was bland. Smart but bland. Vanilla. He won a bunch. KC Jones for the Celtics. Jay Wright was extremely milquetoast.

Seeing fire, sure, easier to judge because you see it. But if they have the inner fire and don’t show it externally … I don’t see why that doesn’t work.

We got a game in two days

This is what I extrapolates out off the KU videos ....KU will pack the box and dare Sluka to throw. Sluka have not attempt to throw to anyone not named Ricky White on a consistent basis. Meanwhile guys like Jacob DeJesus, Balungay, and Cain have not seen much action. The KU defense will be stacking the box against the UNLV run game.
