I got the craziest thing on Friday!!

Ok, back in the 90’s, there was a white street gang called “the drifters”. They were based out of Western High School. They wore Notre Dame colors. They started fights with people from Bonanza, CMHS, and Cheyenne. As a matter of fact, they had members at each of these schools. Not sure if they were at Bonanza. They were also at Brinley Jr High School and you probably went to school with them. They had a weird custom. I dunno if it’s true or not but to be a drifter, you had to be graduating 1994, 1996, 1992, 1990, 1988…

If you were odd number like class of 1995, weren’t allowed to be a drifter.

Anyways back in Halloween 1991, I went trick or treating with my two cousins in my old neighborhood. Me and my cousin Ady wore my parents white bathrobes, pillow cases white face paint and we were dressed up as ghosts. We also took my sister’s softball bats as protection and hid them underneath our robes.

We were trick or treating and I was walking ahead. Well, these 8th grader 1996 drifters from Brinley jr high happened to be in my neighborhood. They were looking for two other kids in my neighborhood to beat up. My childhood friend named Travis Fulkerson who lived over on the other side of my neighborhood..

To be continued..because it’s Bye Week.

CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

I don't disagree. But we've seen this dance before.

CU went from B12 to PAC back to BIG12 and they were not very good for a long stretch of time.

It's not always about results. Boise State has been pretty damn good for quite a long time and yet no offers in expansion.

In no way suggesting that results don't matter, they do, but there are other factors in play. Outside looking in UNLV seems to have done enough academically, upgraded facilities both basketball and football play in state of the art stadium.

Why they weren't considered over CSU is curious to say the least.

One argument I heard was Vegas has become a pro sports town. Sure that's true but Colorado us all about the Bronos, Avs and Nuggets and it took hiring D. Sanders for CU to get any attention.

So much of this doesn't make sense.
I have no clue.

CSU average 26,509 per game in 2023 while UNLV average 23,661. CSU did get 36,573 at their first game this year and 40,099 at their home game verse Colorado. So far this season CSU is kicking butt with attendance.

UNLV had 24,512 at their first game against Utah Tech. It wouldn't hurt for UNLV to get at least 30K against Fresno State. I know that UNLV and Odom are doing everything they can to boost the attendance. In order to make UNLV a good target for merger they need to stay over 30K per game.

UNLV has played the better schedule so far with games against Houston and Kansas in comparison to CSU playing Texas (they were nothing but cannon fodder in that game), and Colorado who also won easily. UNLV still has Syracuse to play which will give UNLV games against 3 teams from the Power Four conferences in comparison to two for CSU. CSU is 0-2 with two bad loses while UNLV is 2-0.

UNLV football is ranked in the top 25 while CSU is in competition for the bottom 10 ranking!

UNLV is getting hundreds of stories in the media on a national level. CSU is getting crickets!

Let Odom do his thing and keep winning, and things will fix themselves naturally!

Snooty Predators

All I'm saying is if UNLV is beating SDSU later in the season.

1- Run up the score if possible. I'm talking up 28 with 5 minutes left...Play action passes. Reverses. You absolutely bury them.

2- Same scenario crowd must begin a chant of 'Meet the metrics' in response to SDSU president saying we didn't 'meet the metrics.'
Threatcast Deez Nutz!!!!

Snooty Predators

I get where you are coming from. I feel it as well.

So much looking the other way just to get by …. You have to swallow things that you’re firmly against …. I feel like that in the end, even if you begrudgingly accept it, it chisels away at your love for the spirit of competition and those other things that might draw you to it.
There is another way to look at it. If UNLV continues to improve, then Washington State and Oregon State will never get a sniff of the playoffs!

TV viewership

Listening to Jason Kelly's Let's Run podcast with a BSU fan media guy, Bronco Bleymeier. BB had a take that irked me immensely, effectively saying UNLV was embarrassing for only getting 25k into their stadium off their best year in history. Then praising CSU for getting "67% of capacity over the last several years" ... well... 67% of 37k is about 25k.

Also point was made about UNLV being irrelevant in it's market (which to some expect is absolutely fact and no amount of 8-5 will change it entirely). But he praised SDSU for being a great market and passionate fanbase.

I was stunned. Their basketball tradition for 20 years is phenomenal obviously.

It was like he Failed to acknowledge SDSU.

25k home game vs Oregon State. Slightly less than the exact number foe their fcs opener with a brand new coach in a new stadium. 2022 turnstile average under 22k. 2023 turnstile average barely over 17k. The year they played in Carson, they got under 12k per game and only broke 12k once - the MWC title game vs USU (13k). Admittedly. This is obviously abnormal because it was after the covid season. But UNLV got 16k for their game vs SDSU that same year.

Sorry for the unexpected rant...
BSU doesn't like the fact that they are becoming irrelevant as the media darling. BSU has not been in the top 25 since the end of the 2019 season, and if you look at the national media you will easily find dozens if not hundreds of stories about UNLV, but the only ones you will find about BSU are in regards to their Heisman candidate running back. UNLV is 25th ranked and moving forward, and that really pisses off those that have been comfortable with UNLV at the bottom of the conference for decades.

Time to take care of SDSU, BSU and Fresno State so the only thing the PAC will be able to think about is the fact that UNLV is better than anything they can put on the field!

Rebel Band

Happy to see this post.

My season tickets are next to an older couple who have no association with UNLV, just wanted a good way to see Allegiant in 2021. They decided to renew every year and are still attending. Saw em at the Utah Tech game.

2 or 3 games into last see. The male half noted that to me. The band looked and sounded bigger in the games played in 2023, compared to 21 and 22. I hadn't noticed it then, but I did after it was pointed out.

This year, seems even larger and louder. Still sounds good to me, but I dont have the ear to determine if it'd actually "good". Love to see em in school colors instead of SDSU colors!
My son noticed at the Utah Tech game that the band was about 20-30% bigger than last season.
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Snooty Predators

When you get down to it there are perhaps 10-15 (University Presidents/AD's and a few others) people who are willing to destroy the Athletic programs of six-to-eight schools so WSO and OSU don't have to set foot on the lowly Wyoming, USU or SJSU campuses. They could have split their $ 250 million and merged into the top G5 conference and had a near lock annual on a bid to the playoffs. But No.................!!! They are just too good to get some manure on their polished loafers at Wyoming. Too good to play in a less than perfect stadium in Albuquerque. The "snooty two" and the "traitor four" are just disgusting. And to think it would end up in our best interest to join these revolting slugs is really distressing.

TV viewership

Listening to Jason Kelly's Let's Run podcast with a BSU fan media guy, Bronco Bleymeier. BB had a take that irked me immensely, effectively saying UNLV was embarrassing for only getting 25k into their stadium off their best year in history. Then praising CSU for getting "67% of capacity over the last several years" ... well... 67% of 37k is about 25k.

Also point was made about UNLV being irrelevant in it's market (which to some expect is absolutely fact and no amount of 8-5 will change it entirely). But he praised SDSU for being a great market and passionate fanbase.

I was stunned. Their basketball tradition for 20 years is phenomenal obviously.

It was like he Failed to acknowledge SDSU.

25k home game vs Oregon State. Slightly less than the exact number foe their fcs opener with a brand new coach in a new stadium. 2022 turnstile average under 22k. 2023 turnstile average barely over 17k. The year they played in Carson, they got under 12k per game and only broke 12k once - the MWC title game vs USU (13k). Admittedly. This is obviously abnormal because it was after the covid season. But UNLV got 16k for their game vs SDSU that same year.

Sorry for the unexpected rant...
My opinion:

They know UNLV has ALWAYS been a sleeping giant and they don't want to acknowledge that their current takes about UNLV and its fans were based in facts in the past. However, things are finally changing. They are going to hold onto their takes for the unforeseeable future. Nothing is going to change their opinions. They are happy to get rid of UNLV because of what UNLV could be, and what we're finally starting to build.

I hate Boise State so much. It's going to be tough, but I'd love to send them out of Vegas with an L.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

The legacy AAC schools get 7 mil, but the newer additions "get less". I can't find a report that says how much.
We would probably be in the latter category, at least initially. especially if they pay our exit fees.
If Memphis leave for the PAC, you know that they are at least getting more than 7 mil ( the PAC)
With the CFP aac teams will get 8.8 to 9 million per school.
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TV viewership

I lived in San Diego for a couple years. SDSU football was not in the dumps (like it is right now) back then and I still NEVER heard a peep about it. At that time there was more news about Jim Harbaugh's success at lowly USD.

Maybe with the Chargers departure there is more talk, but I doubt it.
Listening to Jason Kelly's Let's Run podcast with a BSU fan media guy, Bronco Bleymeier. BB had a take that irked me immensely, effectively saying UNLV was embarrassing for only getting 25k into their stadium off their best year in history. Then praising CSU for getting "67% of capacity over the last several years" ... well... 67% of 37k is about 25k.

Also point was made about UNLV being irrelevant in it's market (which to some expect is absolutely fact and no amount of 8-5 will change it entirely). But he praised SDSU for being a great market and passionate fanbase.

I was stunned. Their basketball tradition for 20 years is phenomenal obviously.

It was like he Failed to acknowledge SDSU.

25k home game vs Oregon State. Slightly less than the exact number foe their fcs opener with a brand new coach in a new stadium. 2022 turnstile average under 22k. 2023 turnstile average barely over 17k. The year they played in Carson, they got under 12k per game and only broke 12k once - the MWC title game vs USU (13k). Admittedly. This is obviously abnormal because it was after the covid season. But UNLV got 16k for their game vs SDSU that same year.

Sorry for the unexpected rant...
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Rebel Band

Happy to see this post.

My season tickets are next to an older couple who have no association with UNLV, just wanted a good way to see Allegiant in 2021. They decided to renew every year and are still attending. Saw em at the Utah Tech game.

2 or 3 games into last season, the male half noted that to me that the band looked and sounded bigger in the games played in 2023, compared to 21 and 22. I hadn't noticed it then, but I did after it was pointed out.

This year, seems even larger and louder. Still sounds good to me, but I dont have the ear to determine if it's actually "good". Love to see em in school colors instead of SDSU colors!
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I would not answer the phone either. BSU, CSU and Fresno have their schedules filled for 2025, as probably the rest of the MW does too. WSU is in a world of hurt, particularly in filling those late season games. But no one on my board other than me will even discuss it.

I would be real surprised if any of your 4 traitors get a better deal than the others. That would be stupid. Oh wait, we are talking about Pac-2 leadership. I would also expect that the next two would get the same deal. I reallyyyy want to know just what that deal is. Specifically, how much of the exit fees is the Pac going to cover? It will come out eventually, but WSU and OSU supporters have a right, if not a need, to know.
I'm sure they don't want to disclose the deal that those 4 got, as it may impact any other deals that they're able to make with the others. The issue now is that it's the 6 schools together that decide, right? And not just OSU/WSU? So if the PAC agreed to pay 1/2 the fees for those 4, it's not likely the incoming 4 would agree to pay more than that for Memphis, or any other school, IMO.

I also wonder what the PAC agreement looks like in terms of exit fees, etc. Are they somehow going to be tied to the yet to be determined media contract? Lots of unknowns at this point.


This is correct.

If I'm a remaining MWC school I block all calls from the OSU and Wazzu AD's offices. They need to fill games and we should not help them in any way.
If I was the conference Id argue that its not over a year and try to get more money. By the end of the season there will be only 1 full year remaining... I know semantics of "league year" begin dates, but I agree that its really only 1 year they've provided notice for.
As for jumping to the Pac now.. Id really need to know what assurances they gave the other 4 teams plus their own self interests before jumping into a conference with them. Like did Boise and SDSU receive some promises around higher compensation than a Fresno or CSU or the next 2 teams... Boise has that agreement with the MWC and it has artificially kept them ahead of the game where they might've seen a drop off had the terms all been equal. Do the original 2 get more $$ and access to the funds they got to build their coffers as part of the agreement to pay buyouts? See the slippery slope.. $$$ creates a huge advantage. Meanwhile we could potentially get our own competitive advantage agreement as the jewel of another conference and also elevate our profile through performance in a conference we could dominate..
I would not answer the phone either. BSU, CSU and Fresno have their schedules filled for 2025, as probably the rest of the MW does too. WSU is in a world of hurt, particularly in filling those late season games. But no one on my board other than me will even discuss it.

I would be real surprised if any of your 4 traitors get a better deal than the others. That would be stupid. Oh wait, we are talking about Pac-2 leadership. I would also expect that the next two would get the same deal. I reallyyyy want to know just what that deal is. Specifically, how much of the exit fees is the Pac going to cover? It will come out eventually, but WSU and OSU supporters have a right, if not a need, to know.


If I was the conference Id argue that its not over a year and try to get more money. By the end of the season there will be only 1 full year remaining... I know semantics of "league year" begin dates, but I agree that its really only 1 year they've provided notice for.
As for jumping to the Pac now.. Id really need to know what assurances they gave the other 4 teams plus their own self interests before jumping into a conference with them. Like did Boise and SDSU receive some promises around higher compensation than a Fresno or CSU or the next 2 teams... Boise has that agreement with the MWC and it has artificially kept them ahead of the game where they might've seen a drop off had the terms all been equal. Do the original 2 get more $$ and access to the funds they got to build their coffers as part of the agreement to pay buyouts? See the slippery slope.. $$$ creates a huge advantage. Meanwhile we could potentially get our own competitive advantage agreement as the jewel of another conference and also elevate our profile through performance in a conference we could dominate..
You lose that battle in court every time because the contract is king and what "year" is is defined in the contract. Semantics doesn't exist when you have the four corners of a contract.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that the "2-year" notice is actually anything over 1 year. Think I read that on this board, or maybe on the WCS board.

Relative to WSU's 2025 schedule, it is a MAJOR problem IMHO. We have 6 games scheduled, with 3 at home. Most schools have their 2025 schedules filled. We are in a real pickle. Another reason for the Pac-2 to poach UNLV and one other MW school, stand pat at 8 for now, and focus on the 2025 schedule.
If I was the conference Id argue that its not over a year and try to get more money. By the end of the season there will be only 1 full year remaining... I know semantics of "league year" begin dates, but I agree that its really only 1 year they've provided notice for.
As for jumping to the Pac now.. Id really need to know what assurances they gave the other 4 teams plus their own self interests before jumping into a conference with them. Like did Boise and SDSU receive some promises around higher compensation than a Fresno or CSU or the next 2 teams... Boise has that agreement with the MWC and it has artificially kept them ahead of the game where they might've seen a drop off had the terms all been equal. Do the original 2 get more $$ and access to the funds they got to build their coffers as part of the agreement to pay buyouts? See the slippery slope.. $$$ creates a huge advantage. Meanwhile we could potentially get our own competitive advantage agreement as the jewel of another conference and also elevate our profile through performance in a conference we could dominate..
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TV viewership

I think UNLV brings more to the table then sdsu, csu and Frenso. Just cause they have a 10 million market don't mean that 10m TVs will be on. Sdsu football brings nothing.
I lived in San Diego for a couple years. SDSU football was not in the dumps (like it is right now) back then and I still NEVER heard a peep about it. At that time there was more news about Jim Harbaugh's success at lowly USD.

Maybe with the Chargers departure there is more talk, but I doubt it.

College Gameday Podcast w/Coach Barry Odom

Didnt love the shot at Tark (the guy meant it as a joke I am sure) at the end, but it is what it is.

Odom is such a pro, we need to keep that man in Vegas
eh. I thought it was funny, and then Odom put him in his place that Tark was small peanuts when compared to what has gone on for decades. It's just those schools didn't expose the NCAA for their hypocrisy in an editorial in a national newspaper.
