Rebel Band


Retired Number
Oct 15, 2007
The Rebel football team is flying high and the marching band is keeping pace! They seem so much bigger, louder, with more flair and style. So much better than any year I can remember. I know it takes money and effort to accomplish this. Congratulations on us fans for being able to enjoy a great pregame, National Anthem and halftime show. BUT….the Rebel band would serve themselves a big favor if the would finally ditch the Black & Red uniforms (San Diego States colors) and went to a sharp Scarlet and Gray uniform. School colors… what a concept. We have had Black and Red for years. Enough is enough.
The Rebel football team is flying high and the marching band is keeping pace! They seem so much bigger, louder, with more flair and style. So much better than any year I can remember. I know it takes money and effort to accomplish this. Congratulations on us fans for being able to enjoy a great pregame, National Anthem and halftime show. BUT….the Rebel band would serve themselves a big favor if the would finally ditch the Black & Red uniforms (San Diego States colors) and went to a sharp Scarlet and Gray uniform. School colors… what a concept. We have had Black and Red for years. Enough is enough.
How about the all white one? [laughing]
Great call out. The band really has stepped it up. I enjoy watching them in the stands bc they’re always doing something fun. It adds to that collegiate atmosphere. I kinda like their uni’s. The VGK-esque Vegas Star on the front is dope.
I really like our band.

But..... below is a video of a different kind of band that has to be seen to be appreciated. If you haven't been to an A&M game in person you need to treat yourself and go. One of the best examples of a college football environment anywhere. If we could only get halfway there.

Growing up in the early 80s my dad always bought tickets to the games in the south endzone next to the band so my virgin eyes and ears didn't have to see and hear the drunk UNLV fans fight. We could just enjoy the game in peace....not quiet because we were next to the band.

It wasn't until I started buying my own season tickets where I actually sat amongst general population.

The band does sound louder. Mostly because they stopped playing towards the visiting sideline. They finally got smart enough to turn around.
Happy to see this post.

My season tickets are next to an older couple who have no association with UNLV, just wanted a good way to see Allegiant in 2021. They decided to renew every year and are still attending. Saw em at the Utah Tech game.

2 or 3 games into last season, the male half noted that to me that the band looked and sounded bigger in the games played in 2023, compared to 21 and 22. I hadn't noticed it then, but I did after it was pointed out.

This year, seems even larger and louder. Still sounds good to me, but I dont have the ear to determine if it's actually "good". Love to see em in school colors instead of SDSU colors!
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Happy to see this post.

My season tickets are next to an older couple who have no association with UNLV, just wanted a good way to see Allegiant in 2021. They decided to renew every year and are still attending. Saw em at the Utah Tech game.

2 or 3 games into last see. The male half noted that to me. The band looked and sounded bigger in the games played in 2023, compared to 21 and 22. I hadn't noticed it then, but I did after it was pointed out.

This year, seems even larger and louder. Still sounds good to me, but I dont have the ear to determine if it'd actually "good". Love to see em in school colors instead of SDSU colors!
My son noticed at the Utah Tech game that the band was about 20-30% bigger than last season.
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