CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

I despise being a fence sitter.


I think it's 50-50.

I'm pulling for AAC to circle wagons somehow to keep Memphis and Tulane.
Yes, I am surprised Memphis doesn't want to get 17 Million dollars. They, are 50/50.
Memphis, is the key here. If, Memphis doesn't go. Then, good chance Tulane stays in the AAC to.

Dodd from CBS Sports

This goes to my point in the other threads... spite by a few of these programs and ambition of the Pac 12 commissioner to make a name for herself
I agree. Also, when the dust settle the PAC will still be a G5 conference. In trying to attract a national audience of college football fans in the Midwest or Southeast, they will see little difference in the schools whether Utah State or Washington State and just group them as a G5 conference out west.
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Dodd from CBS Sports

It appears to me after reading Dennis Dodd’s article that the current expansion by the PAC wasn’t thought out and more of a knee jerk reaction or desperation by the PAC 2.

This quote was insightful:

“Industry sources weren't sure which way forward the Pac-12 would take. They were sure almost unanimously that the new Pac-12 won't get much more than the current Mountain West deal, which is $45 million per year from current rights holders Fox and CBS. (TNT has a smaller deal for a handful of lower-echelon games.)”

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You say merge easily but every interview with the new commissioner points to her not wanting to do that. If it was easy it would've been done. She wanted to have both all the money or a large portion of it and get a larger tv deal cut to join and when the MWC turned around and said you need us, she flipped to trying to break them apart. There is assumptions a tv deal was ar least discussed but we also know Boise and SDSU think very highly of themselves and could easily be sold to join a new conference whose outlook has potential to be better than MWC for them if they defect. Then she offered to pay their fees so it became a no brainer... the problem now is you have 2-4 other programs asking for same deal and money gets tight, plus whatever assurances and promises were made to the 4 defectors... it's not easy
Maybe, just maybe the PAC commission didn't want to merge because she would be out of the job.
But the WAZZU and OSU would be pretty dumb to let something that obvious get in the way.
Not one conference realignment move in the past 10 years has bot been done without an obvious financial improvement. These deals are known. They make these deals with heavy TV exec advice. The SDSU AD simply said as much.
You don't turn down a merger and keep millions of dollars with other exit fees and turn around and pay 43 million dollars and probably more with other exit fees without knowing you have a significant better TV deal in your back pocket.
The deal could have easily been done and it looked like it was going to happen. We did the one year scheduling agreement and the PAC agreed to pay extra fees if they poached our teams. Why do that if they never thought they would merge?
Then they realized how bad the bottom of our league affects everyone's bottom line. Then crunched numbers. And here we are
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