UNLV vs Oregon State game

I wasn't writing in regards to location, more in regards to quality of team, but it doesn't hurt that my sister lives 20 miles from the Oregon State stadium.
The Rebel fanboy in me wants to say both teams are beneath us. The realist in me knows we have some time to go to catch up to Oregon state. There is a gap, but the gap is shrinking.

They made and spent more money than we did last year. But realistically once that Pac12 funding dries up, they will shrink to our level. They had a larger deficit last year (over 6m) than what UNLV stands to earn next year (4.5m) from the MWC.

With that said Oregon state will continue to be a decent in g5 football. New Mexico doesn’t have the fanbase, support, or alumni network like Oregon state does. New Mexico already has a hard time filling seats. Even with a 6-7 season, Oregon state’s attendance numbers were 12k over UNLV in 2023.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

And that what I think is going to happen. A whole lot of opposites. Let’s face it, the left went beyond batshit crazy with ultra liberal stuff. Far beyond what most lefts were ok with, but they didn’t speak out about it because it’s “their side”. The pendulum will swing, hard and far, and we will be dealing with the same sort of batshit crazy, just on the opposite extreme.

I’m probably ok with 3-7 on the number line of liberal to conservative. Wouldn’t like everything near those edges, but could deal with it.

But yeah, I have a problem with kiddos and hormones and mutilation and normalizing some of the insane extremes.
Yep I agree and that was my point too the majority only are concerned about cancel culture when it impacts them otherwise no problem with it. Yep me too that extreme stuff is insane and of course if you are in liberal California and say that you will have a host of people trying to take your job.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

You obviously have not watched what has been going on for decades in Hollywood in regards to anyone that comes out conservative, so your comment really doesn't make any sense at all since a backlash against conservatives has been going on for as long back as I can remember!

I can easily name dozens of actors and actresses who have been blackballed by Hollywood over the last decade, so that is nothing new at all. Go and ask UNLV graduate Gina Carano what she thought of The Mandalorian for firing her based on her support of President Trump.

While ABC states they did not get rid of Tim Allen due to his support of President Trump, they cancelled Last Man Standing even while the show had good ratings. It was cancelled by far left leaning Channing Dungey and replaced by Once Upon A Time in 2017/2018. Funny how Once Upon A Time didn't have good ratings and only made it one more year. Last Standing Man ended up going to a different TV network and went through 2021.

Kevin Sorbo has also been pushed out of Hollywood and has ended up going with more independent and out of this country studios like in Canada due to the way he was treated due to his Christian beliefs and support of President Trump.

I can go on and on in regards to the treatment of conservative by Hollywood, which most people are clearly aware of , but I just wanted to provide a small sample that shows this has been going on for decades. So what is it that I am complaining about? We have learned a long time ago to look elsewhere for our entertainment with the knowledge of how Hollywood has treated conservatives.
Of course I’ve been watching and that’s my point. You cant complain about all of those numerous examples you gave me and others that have occurred out of one side of your mouth and then say someone should be fired because of what they said out of the other side of your mouth. Either all of it is fireable or none of it is. Too many only care when it’s their view that is getting impacted.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

And that what I think is going to happen. A whole lot of opposites. Let’s face it, the left went beyond batshit crazy with ultra liberal stuff. Far beyond what most lefts were ok with, but they didn’t speak out about it because it’s “their side”. The pendulum will swing, hard and far, and we will be dealing with the same sort of batshit crazy, just on the opposite extreme.

I’m probably ok with 3-7 on the number line of liberal to conservative. Wouldn’t like everything near those edges, but could deal with it.

But yeah, I have a problem with kiddos and hormones and mutilation and normalizing some of the insane extremes.
We got so busy over the politics that we missed commenting on the big time football recruiting commit on the 15th.

Commit -Cornelius Warren RB 2025

247/Rivals shows a commit on 7-15-2025 I guess we all missed this big time pick up for UNLV

Runs a 4.4 40 according to his page.

ESPN has him listed as the number 41 ranked RB and a 3* 78 ranking with the number 42 ranked RB going to Michigan

Out of Fort Worth Texas with a 247 composite rating of 0.8736 and a rivals rank of 5.7 being recruited by over a dozen program with a year still to go. Had offers from the following:

Arizona State
Grambling State
North Texas
Ole Miss
Oregon State
Texas State
Texas Tech

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Yep and if a TV show decides to fire someone who said they like Trump then you can't complain.
You obviously have not watched what has been going on for decades in Hollywood in regards to anyone that comes out conservative, so your comment really doesn't make any sense at all since a backlash against conservatives has been going on for as long back as I can remember!

I can easily name dozens of actors and actresses who have been blackballed by Hollywood over the last decade, so that is nothing new at all. Go and ask UNLV graduate Gina Carano what she thought of The Mandalorian for firing her based on her support of President Trump.

While ABC states they did not get rid of Tim Allen due to his support of President Trump, they cancelled Last Man Standing even while the show had good ratings. It was cancelled by far left leaning Channing Dungey and replaced by Once Upon A Time in 2017/2018. Funny how Once Upon A Time didn't have good ratings and only made it one more year. Last Standing Man ended up going to a different TV network and went through 2021.

Kevin Sorbo has also been pushed out of Hollywood and has ended up going with more independent and out of this country studios like in Canada due to the way he was treated due to his Christian beliefs and support of President Trump.

I can go on and on in regards to the treatment of conservative by Hollywood, which most people are clearly aware of , but I just wanted to provide a small sample that shows this has been going on for decades. So what is it that I am complaining about? We have learned a long time ago to look elsewhere for our entertainment with the knowledge of how Hollywood has treated conservatives.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

As long as that campus isn't spending any tax dollars. Your own comment "free speech protects you from government censorship only" makes my point that governmental employees or those spending tax money to the benefit of their campus, do not have the right to censor free speech.
Yep and if a TV show decides to fire someone who said they like Trump then you can't complain.

OT: Star Wars

This show will look good but is absolute garbage. They had a good High Republic story that fans could connect with and instead they'll need to use an appearance from Yoda to connect casual fans to the show. No need to touch on the "politics" side of the show because the story will be bad in itself. Casual fans won't understand the main big name in the story and will get lost in the story/characters.
To bad they didn't go with the Nihil story because that could've been a great start and villian to introduce.
Nailed it...

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

As long as you are ok with that when the opposite occurs. Can't complain about cancel culture if someone conservative is canceled from a campus speech because liberals there don't like what he has to say etc. Technically free speech protects you from government censorship only. But I am also firmly against the left wing cancel culture which apparently the right is now on board with as well.
As long as that campus isn't spending any tax dollars. Your own comment "free speech protects you from government censorship only" makes my point that governmental employees or those spending tax money to the benefit of their campus, do not have the right to censor free speech.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

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What would set off a guy to go and kill a president.

The more we know about the killer…through his classmates.
Where did this attitude come from? In my opinion this came 100% due to the democratic party leaders, social media and networks that would openly attack and say whatever they wanted about President Trump for years telling the world how evil a person he is and laying the blame for everything bad on him while never saying anything positive. I lay the death of this kid and the attempted assassination 100% at the feet of those who painted a picture of President Trump that this kid believed hook, line and sinker.
