Brewer Season Prediction

I think these aren't unachievable goals at all. I think we at least have the horses to compete I every game this season.
But still hard to predict. I think going 6-6 is just as likely as 9-3.
Last season was great. But it was a pretty easy schedule. Didn't have great showings against the better teams. Air Force was without their QB and beat player. Boise and SJSU beat us pretty convincingly. Wyoming was probably our best win against a quality opponent. And they were a lower tier bowl level team.
Expecting to improve so much we are playoff contenders? Doable, but probably not likely.
I am suspicious of how good Boise will be. Utah State and Fresno losing coaches so close to the season has got to be tough for those teams.
Teams like Houston or Oregon State are very hard to predict. They could be kinda bad to pretty good.
No doubt Boise won easily, but SJSU was a six point loss where the main difference was a key turnover. UNLV put themselves in a hole in the first quarter and was down 17-0 which was a problem in numerous games where UNLV offense had a slow start much of the time due to bad calls by Maiava. While he did help bring the team back, I felt like he put them in the hole in the first place. From the 2nd quarter on UNLV outscored SJSU 24-20, but only scoring 10 points in the first half ended up being too much to overcome. Watching Maiava in the last four games of the season I really felt like he took a step backwards but was lucky enough to come back verse AF. The last 3 games put UNLV in deep holes in the first half that they could come back from, so hopefully we have a QB this time around that is more consistent.

Brewer Season Prediction

I don't believe Odom has goals any lower than winning the MWC conference championship and going to the national championship playoffs. I also believe he truly sees this as obtainable. Meeting these goals would be beyond massive for the program!
I think these aren't unachievable goals at all. I think we at least have the horses to compete I every game this season.
But still hard to predict. I think going 6-6 is just as likely as 9-3.
Last season was great. But it was a pretty easy schedule. Didn't have great showings against the better teams. Air Force was without their QB and beat player. Boise and SJSU beat us pretty convincingly. Wyoming was probably our best win against a quality opponent. And they were a lower tier bowl level team.
Expecting to improve so much we are playoff contenders? Doable, but probably not likely.
I am suspicious of how good Boise will be. Utah State and Fresno losing coaches so close to the season has got to be tough for those teams.
Teams like Houston or Oregon State are very hard to predict. They could be kinda bad to pretty good.
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Commit -Cornelius Warren RB 2025

Don't bet on it unless you have specific news. Coach Odom has been able to hold onto some really good recruits and existing players due to the strength of their coaching staff. Ricky White III stayed at UNLV instead of moving on for a 6 figure payday because he has a better chance to go to the pros out of UNLV then he would transferring to another school. As long as UNLV can hold onto the current coach and staff, they appear to have a really good chance at having a great recruiting class in 2025.
We are betting on it and we do have specific news. See you on signing day.

Brewer Season Prediction

Devils in the details here, but his main point is correct: our schedule is not easy this year, especially when you look at OOC games.

This year: Houston, Kansas, Syracuse, and Oregon State. While none of them are world beaters, they are significantly more difficult (in quantity) than what we faced last year where Michigan was the only game out of reach.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. 6-6 would feel like a bit of a let down, but back to back bowl seasons is nothing to sneeze at for our program.
I don't believe Odom has goals any lower than winning the MWC conference championship and going to the national championship playoffs. I also believe he truly sees this as obtainable. Meeting these goals would be beyond massive for the program!
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Commit -Cornelius Warren RB 2025

Don't bet on it unless you have specific news. Coach Odom has been able to hold onto some really good recruits and existing players due to the strength of their coaching staff. Ricky White III stayed at UNLV instead of moving on for a 6 figure payday because he has a better chance to go to the pros out of UNLV then he would transferring to another school. As long as UNLV can hold onto the current coach and staff, they appear to have a really good chance at having a great recruiting class in 2025.
Marion was a major reason White chose to stay. Glad Marion is back along with much of our offense.
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Brewer Season Prediction

Devils in the details here, but his main point is correct: our schedule is not easy this year, especially when you look at OOC games.

This year: Houston, Kansas, Syracuse, and Oregon State. While none of them are world beaters, they are significantly more difficult (in quantity) than what we faced last year where Michigan was the only game out of reach.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. 6-6 would feel like a bit of a let down, but back to back bowl seasons is nothing to sneeze at for our program.
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2nd place predicted

I know what you mean. That Houston game will really set the tone for the season. It is a winnable game and one I think they really need to win to have the season they expect and want. I have been on a number of UNLV road trips and have always gone for the experience of it. This will be the first ever where I expect us to win.
I think a win at Houston could bring enough excitement to open up the next level for ticket sales in some games. It already looks like the Syracuse game is bringing in a big crowd from out of town and will easily sell out the lower section with wins in the games prior to Syracuse.

The bigger the crowds and the more fans that visit from other schools, the more the value in the program will be seen by the LVAC!
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2nd place predicted

First game of the season 6 weeks from today!! Man I haven’t anticipated a football season like this since… ever!!
I know what you mean. That Houston game will really set the tone for the season. It is a winnable game and one I think they really need to win to have the season they expect and want. I have been on a number of UNLV road trips and have always gone for the experience of it. This will be the first ever where I expect us to win.

Brewer Season Prediction

He has us losing @ Utah State and calls out their home field advantage as one of the reasons why... I went to the last game we played there (and won) in 2022. I wouldn't call their home field a huge advantage.. the crowd was never very loud (it wasn't like basketball at all) and while there is travel to get to Logan by no means is it hard travel.

I would bet money we win that game again this year.

Its interesting we are playing them on the road again, thought it was supposed to alternate back to Vegas.

Commit -Cornelius Warren RB 2025

this commitment won't stick
Don't bet on it unless you have specific news. Coach Odom has been able to hold onto some really good recruits and existing players due to the strength of their coaching staff. Ricky White III stayed at UNLV instead of moving on for a 6 figure payday because he has a better chance to go to the pros out of UNLV then he would transferring to another school. As long as UNLV can hold onto the current coach and staff, they appear to have a really good chance at having a great recruiting class in 2025.

The most delusional fanbase

I do have an expectation of improvement with one of the better PG in the country, the question is will the rest of the team be able to hold up their side. If the rest of the team also improves, UNLV could be on the bubble this year, or they could go the other way and not even reach 20 wins.

The nice thing is that you can get really cheap tickets ($115 for the season) if you want in the upper section. I am not sure if you can still move down to the lower section easily or not from the upper section during the game? You can spend as little as $345 for season tickets in the lower section and move over as long as there are open seats.
