Preseason #4

Simplistically, they’re saying we will be better than Boise next season. That’s it.
I believe their coach is a keeper. However, he'll need to recruit like crazy and I don't see him even coming close to replacing the core he had handed to him this past season. I think UNLV>BSU is a gimme.

I don't know enough about the other G5 conference leaders to say the BYE #4 is a lock.

Preseason #4

A little aggressive lmao.

They think it’s because we’ll be the Top G5 and top conference winner

What’s up with the G5-PAC?

I feel both
On the LV media market yes, on the team not so much. I do think there are several key points that show this podcast is somewhat out of date and most likely broadcast 3 or more months ago. I think this was early enough that UNLV didn't have a second great year to point out, it was prior to Hawaii obtaining a full membership (in fact they pointed out that Hawaii was going to stay football only), it is also prior to Texas State not going in the direction of the MWC. If you add in the great year UNLV had, and the home run hire for the new coach, I think a new podcast would be much more positive in regards to UNLV.
I agree and I would expect they would point out UNLV’s back to back successful seasons and maybe the $3 mill viewers for the MWC championship game. Because they did point out what matters is current success.
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Anothet New Rebs DB

A lot.

In 3-3-5 it's a 3rd safety that takes the place of the MIKE LB in a 3-4 defense. At SDSU it was the 'Aztec' position. Super interesting versatile position. A bit of a hybrid SF/LB/CB. Takes uniques skill/athletic/size to play it. I think that dude Pope might be the target to play it. Guessing they'll call it the Rebel or something.

Anyway they can play in the box vs run, come on a blitz in the A gap, drop to middle or deep coverage in a zone. Dude has to be fast with some decent size as well to play it. Pope's 200lbs and runs a 4.4 hence why I think we'll see him there.
Oh ok I didn't realize that was the kind of defense he ran at SDSU. I can barely remember what defense we ran last year. That's good then I do like that Belichick ran a bit of it with the Pats at times. I think that was what he used vs the Rams in that last SB win. Confuses QB's who haven't seen it much.

A lot of the guys we have are unproven so it will be interesting to see how they pan out but I always like getting players from larger schools so good start.

What’s up with the G5-PAC?

PAC will likely add Texas State or North Texas.

Maybe NMSU.

All would be major disappointment from the original Memphis/Tulane plan.

That said they will still land at a higher media deal than MWC. How much more is the question.
Please let it be NMSU.

I feel like the other two are kind of like “whatever”…

NMSU though? Yeah, that’s a well known piece of crap that all us haters can get behind.
