Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Do you think she should have played nice and rolled over? Also, the 4 that left signed off on the negotiations and agreed to the poaching provision. Gloria’s job was to protect the MWC and its members. Not cater to the PAC 2 or Boise and the 3 that left without a TV deal in place and no clue as to future revenue. Smart move by the PAC 2! Now they will find out what their true value is in the market place…..same as the MWC they just left because they are all G5 schools and they will get paid accordingly.
Just pointing out that the MWC is undoubtedly worse off after she tried to overplay her hand than they were before. Not saying I would have done it differently. We also don't have all the information that she is privy to, but that was what had been reported early on.

They will definitely not match p4 money, but I'd expect them to get double or more MWC money. And they don't have to give reno, wyo, unm, us currently, any of it. Bigger pie and fewer mouths. Easy choice for them to leave once offered.

Edit- she is the commissioner, her role is to look out for her schools. Expect that to have been in good faith, but it obviously didn't go as good is it could have.

Basically rehashing an earlier post. McMurphy is usually solid on info.

One thing to consider with any of these reports is the possibility that schools both actual targets of the PAC and some that aren't might be leaking false info out for leverage.

Take Memphis for example. Saw a couple things pop up today linking ACC interest to both Memphis and USF. Was this Memphis and USF leaking stories to try and sweeten deal with new PAC? Maybe even add more pressure on AAC commish?

This story has USU and UNLV linked as next targets of PAC. Are they? Possibly. Is this USU and UNLV trying to put some pressure on MWC commish to give them a bigger cut of MWC deal if they stay put?
Just pointing out that the MWC is undoubtedly worse off after she tried to overplay her hand than they were before. Not saying I would have done it differently. We also don't have all the information that she is privy to, but that was what had been reported early on.

They will definitely not match p4 money, but I'd expect them to get double or more MWC money. And they don't have to give reno, wyo, unm, us currently, any of it. Bigger pie and fewer mouths. Easy choice for them to leave once offered.

Edit- she is the commissioner, her role is to look out for her schools. Expect that to have been in good faith, but it obviously didn't go as good is it could have.

I forget what talking head it was on TV discussing this, but gist of it was he doesn't want to hear that the MWC commish was caught off guard by this move. He said when you basically hand them the blue print of what it would cost to poach you shouldn't be surprised when it happens.

What I'm still not clear on is how Hawaii's football only status is factored into this?

Anybody have insight on it?

I've heard they may have no say if schools voted to dissolve the conference?

If that's the case wouldn't that put MWC technically below the 8 required for conference affiliation already?

In which case wouldn't that additional poaching penalty/fee kick in?
I have read 3 different articles now all stating they think the new PAC deal will more than likely be in the 4-6 million range. If that is more accurate than 10-15 million why would any team from AAC go to the PAC?
They wouldn’t. Nickels and dimes you can rationalize. That’s 2-3x the amount.
She is not a smart woman.
shes a dunce. But we tend to think those at the top are geniuses, above criticism, they MUST know what they’re doing, they MUST be good - otherwise why would they be hired? Coaches, ADs, presidents, etc.

Once merit as a hiring tool was cast aside … you invite incompetence to prevail. Not every case, but before positions were always earned.
They wouldn’t. Nickels and dimes you can rationalize. That’s 2-3x the amount.

shes a dunce. But we tend to think those at the top are geniuses, above criticism, they MUST know what they’re doing, they MUST be good - otherwise why would they be hired? Coaches, ADs, presidents, etc.

Once merit as a hiring tool was cast aside … you invite incompetence to prevail. Not every case, but before positions were always earned.
The constant bitching about tough breaks in life is weird man.
I have read 3 different articles now all stating they think the new PAC deal will more than likely be in the 4-6 million range. If that is more accurate than 10-15 million why would any team from AAC go to the PAC?
That could be the case, but it makes no sense. Whatsoever.
First, the MW 4 wouldn't have left to create a conference with no financial benefits and also pay for the privilege.
Second, that is exactly the same money as the current MW. Taking 4 of the best markets plus the PAC 2 without the dead weight of the MW. There is no possible way that it wouldn't be higher. The math does not make sense.
More reports say 10-12. Who knows what it will be and to be honest it really depends on how they round out the rest of the conference.
Played hard ball in scheduling agreement negotiations and lost 4 of her best Athletics Departments
This was her biggest mistake. She was too bullish with them. Merger talks were going well and she played hardball thinking that the PAC had no leverage. Then she pushed hard on upping the scheduling agreement for year 2.
All of this is probably moot because just due to economics I thought this was the path that the PAC would go. But it does seem that Neverez made their decision much easier by basically antagonizing them.
Now the MW is in trouble.
This was her biggest mistake. She was too bullish with them. Merger talks were going well and she played hardball thinking that the PAC had no leverage. Then she pushed hard on upping the scheduling agreement for year 2.
All of this is probably moot because just due to economics I thought this was the path that the PAC would go. But it does seem that Neverez made their decision much easier by basically antagonizing them.
Now the MW is in trouble.
I have a feeling we were attacked from within. Like @1Tripoda would call them "snakes". Here we were negotiating the scheduling agreement then the next thing you know the rug was pulled out from under us. Someone had inside information and used it against us.
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Ban the PAC12 from Vegas! I don’t think you can but here’s a LVRJ article. I doubt Vegas interest in this new version of the PAC will be anything like the old PAC12. They need UNLV if they want to own this market.
I have a feeling we were attacked from within. Like @1Tripoda would call them "snakes". Here we were negotiating the scheduling agreement then the next thing you know the rug was pulled out from under us. Someone had inside information and used it against us.
It is possible that this was always going to be the plan. Then poaching agreement when we did the other scheduling agreement is the weird part of it. Maybe PAC knew they had to take the hit so they just agreed to it. They were pretty desperate when everyone left.
But it did seem like a merger was going to happen and that poaching fee seem to help that out.

Ban the PAC12 from Vegas! I don’t think you can but here’s a LVRJ article. I doubt Vegas interest in this new version of the PAC will be anything like the old PAC12. They need UNLV if they want to own this market.
I won't like it if the LVCVA gives them $500,000 for hosting their basketball tournament in Las Vegas if we are not part of that realignment. Why give money earned for our residents via room taxes to a group that doesn't want us. That shyt has to stop.

Ban the PAC12 from Vegas! I don’t think you can but here’s a LVRJ article. I doubt Vegas interest in this new version of the PAC will be anything like the old PAC12. They need UNLV if they want to own this market.
Honestly i like the idea. I don't think it would happen, but if it did, that would be a sogn that the City and resorts actually give a crap about UNLV. It would also show that the city is ready to support UNLV.
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Ban the PAC12 from Vegas! I don’t think you can but here’s a LVRJ article. I doubt Vegas interest in this new version of the PAC will be anything like the old PAC12. They need UNLV if they want to own this market.

Vegas isn't banning any potential revenue stream.
That could be the case, but it makes no sense. Whatsoever.
First, the MW 4 wouldn't have left to create a conference with no financial benefits and also pay for the privilege.
Second, that is exactly the same money as the current MW. Taking 4 of the best markets plus the PAC 2 without the dead weight of the MW. There is no possible way that it wouldn't be higher. The math does not make sense.
More reports say 10-12. Who knows what it will be and to be honest it really depends on how they round out the rest of the conference.
It makes a lot of sense if you accept the fact that there are a lot of incompetent people in high positions such as college athletic directors and administrators. Before any commitment to leave was made, the very first question that should have been asked is what is the media deal? With who and how much per school? The next question should have who are the other target schools and how many? It took me only a simple google search to find out that the exit fee from the AAC was $27.5 mill and SMU negotiated it down to $25 mill last year. How realistic is it to think Memphis or Tulane will pay $25 mill to join a west coast G5 conference? Now the primary targets are UNLV and USU? Who is going to pay the exit and poaching fees for UNLV and USU? Also, if WSU or OSU had value the BIG or Big 12 would have invited them. Now it appears WSU and OSU are going to blow the $250 mill windfall to try to create a G5 super conference when the money could be better spent to improve their programs (infrastructure and coaches salaries) so they are better situated for the next round of expansion.
It makes a lot of sense if you accept the fact that there are a lot of incompetent people in high positions such as college athletic directors and administrators. Before any commitment to leave was made, the very first question that should have been asked is what is the media deal? With who and how much per school? The next question should have who are the other target schools and how many? It took me only a simple google search to find out that the exit fee from the AAC was $27.5 mill and SMU negotiated it down to $25 mill last year. How realistic is it to think Memphis or Tulane will pay $25 mill to join a west coast G5 conference? Now the primary targets are UNLV and USU? Who is going to pay the exit and poaching fees for UNLV and USU? Also, if WSU or OSU had value the BIG or Big 12 would have invited them. Now it appears WSU and OSU are going to blow the $250 mill windfall to try to create a G5 super conference when the money could be better spent to improve their programs (infrastructure and coaches salaries) so they are better situated for the next round of expansion.
As I see it. Also just be very good and none of this jerkoff over conference talk matters. If you're good enough, you'll find your way through.

If anyone can understand this concept, it should be UNLV fans.
I get that but do you really think Vegas is turning anything down?
Vegas is still a hot market for tournaments. It gives fans an outlet to party and have a good time. They don't need our money to host a tournament. All, I'm implying is they shouldn't get our money for something they are going to do anyway. I don't think the LVCVA withholding a half million dollars is going to keep them from coming.
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As I see it. Also just be very good and none of this jerkoff over conference talk matters. If you're good enough, you'll find your way through.

If anyone can understand this concept, it should be UNLV fans.
💯. Boise did exactly this and it was in the old WAC conference which include USU, Reno, Hawaii, NMSU and other G5 schools.
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As I see it. Also just be very good and none of this jerkoff over conference talk matters. If you're good enough, you'll find your way through.

If anyone can understand this concept, it should be UNLV fans.

If you're referring to Tark and basketball from 40 years ago it's not a great comparison.

Basketball rosters being significantly smaller for one. The landscape of college sports was completely different.

Aside from Villanova (And you can argue basketball has an extra power conference with Big East and their massive media deal) , how many non power conference national champions have there been since UNLV?

Conference affiliation and revenue streams they provide do matter.

Why were 3 teams from the AAC just poached to BIG12? Why not a really good CUSA team. Or somebody killing it in the Sun Belt?

Conference affiliation and revenue the media deals provide creates ceilings for programs.

Sure you can punch above your weight to some degree, but only so much.

It also impacts recruiting. It impacts attracting potential boosters.

I'm not saying conference affiliation is everything but more money is better than less money.

It's why successful schools jump from G5 to P4 conferences.

Hell even G5 to G5 happens. You don't think Liberty won't jump to AAC to get the hell out of CUSA if they got an offer? Before all this PAC nonsense, you don't think UTEP and NMSU wouldn't have jumped CUSA to the MWC if offered?
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If you're referring to Tark and basketball from 40 years ago it's not a great comparison.

Basketball rosters being significantly smaller for one. The landscape of college sports was completely different.

Aside from Villanova (And you can argue basketball has an extra power conference with Big East and their massive media deal) , how many non power conference national champions have there been since UNLV?

Conference affiliation and revenue streams they provide do matter.

Why were 3 teams from the AAC just poached to BIG12? Why not a really good CUSA team. Or somebody killing it in the Sun Belt?

Conference affiliation and revenue the media deals provide creates ceilings for programs.

Sure you can punch above your weight to some degree, but only so much.

It also impacts recruiting. It impacts attracting potential boosters.

I'm not saying conference affiliation is everything but more money is better than less money.

It's why successful schools jump from G5 to P4 conferences.

Hell even G5 to G5 happens. You don't think Liberty won't jump to AAC to get the hell out of CUSA if they got an offer? Before all this PAC nonsense, you don't think UTEP and NMSU wouldn't have jumped CUSA to the MWC if offered?
But who moves from one G5 to another with a penalty of $115 mill? Even if it s negotiated with a 10% discount similar to SMU that still breaks down to over $25 mill per school with no media deal?
More realignment thoughts to feed our brains.

There are several areas of Wilner's answers that don't cover everything. I do like his reporting by the way. When he talks about the Pac-12 could delay the poaching fee for weeks or months by throwing lawyers into the picture he failed to mention the risk. The Scheduling Agreement unlike the old Pac-12 conference contract is very tight and wrote something into the contract in anticipation of that. What the Scheduling Agreement added was that if the poaching fee is not paid on time then there will be interest accrued compounded daily based on a specific market rate. So sure they can pay lawyers and lose more money that way but end up costing themselves more than the $43 million. The Pac 12 and lawyers can fight it but it is a contract that all parties agreed to just 9 months ago.
IMO the smartest potential move by the PAC at this point would be to offer UNLV, USU, Air Force and Wyoming and dissolve the MWC to avoid exit fees and poaching penalties and bring the number to 10. Then look east.
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But who moves from one G5 to another with a penalty of $115 mill? Even if it s negotiated with a 10% discount similar to SMU that still breaks down to over $25 mill per school with no media deal?
The answer is it's complicated. It's true they could pay a penalty and go to a better G5.. reality, that's cost prohibitive, and if you were one of those, why would you pay the $ if your conference fellows didn't have to, just to get into a slightly better conference with potential for increased revenue... the flip side is, winning a stronger conference might carry the weight necessary to get the qualifier...
Honestly I think there's still some pipe dream of the Pac 2 that they can add the best programs from several conferences and call themselves a Power conference and want to be treated as such when the reality is those 4 power conferences don't want another power conference
But who moves from one G5 to another with a penalty of $115 mill? Even if it s negotiated with a 10% discount similar to SMU that still breaks down to over $25 mill per school with no media deal?

Said this before even if PAC deal is only 6 million per.

The new MWC deal isn't getting to 3 million next time. Probably closer to CUSA and a million.

I'm not saying it's great.

I'm saying any new iteration of the MWC is going to be a shell of itself and it will become harder to maintain any momentum.

Those schools will have more money in their coffers.

They can make better coaching hires if needed. They will be able to recruit at a higher level.

AFA is likely as good as gone.

If that happens there is no MWC anymore. We are under the minimum required 8.

You'd rather see UNLV stick it out? Watch our commissioner try to cobble together FCS schools or poach CUSA to rebuild the MWC? You really think that is UNLV's best road going forward?
Said this before even if PAC deal is only 6 million per.

The new MWC deal isn't getting to 3 million next time. Probably closer to CUSA and a million.

I'm not saying it's great.

I'm saying any new iteration of the MWC is going to be a shell of itself and it will become harder to maintain any momentum.

Those schools will have more money in their coffers.

They can make better coaching hires if needed. They will be able to recruit at a higher level.

AFA is likely as good as gone.

If that happens there is no MWC anymore. We are under the minimum required 8.

You'd rather see UNLV stick it out? Watch our commissioner try to cobble together FCS schools or poach CUSA to rebuild the MWC? You really think that is UNLV's best road going forward?
Long term no... short term if we can turn our athletic programs into powerhouses, and then in 5 years when Big 12 is looking at expansion, we're a very attractive partner... it's not great, neither is forking out a ton of cash to go to Pac St conference or taking a competitive disadvantage in payout revenue to join them either...
IMO the smartest potential move by the PAC at this point would be to offer UNLV, USU, Air Force and Wyoming and dissolve the MWC to avoid exit fees and poaching penalties and bring the number to 10. Then look east.
Not sure how that would lead to dissolution. I don't think the traitorous 4 have a vote anymore, and 8 traitors, even if they could vote, aren't enough to dissolve. The Pac-2 is stuck paying the $43M and whatever else we will owe if we poach further. Don't think our money would stretch to 8 poaches, obviously depending on what we are committing to in terms of helping with exit fees. Sure wish someone would leak that info.

This whole thing is just a cluster. We have a Commissioner that was/is totally biased as keeping the Pac keeps her employed, no matter how much money she blows along the way. Your Commissioner had the interests of the entire MW in her mind, which is admirable but which blew up in her face. IMHO, the remaining question is who do we poach in addition to UNLV, and when. SJSU has raised their profile, but a 21,000 seat stadium isn't going to cut it. "plans" for restoring seating? I like Wyoming but geez they are sucking.

Relative to the wounded MW - I don't see the potential FCS prospects as being realistic. First, why would any of them jump anywhere? They seem to be doing just fine. And of the obvious ones (Montana, MSU, ND State and SD State), Montana is the only one with a 20,000 plus stadium.
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Long term no... short term if we can turn our athletic programs into powerhouses, and then in 5 years when Big 12 is looking at expansion, we're a very attractive partner... it's not great, neither is forking out a ton of cash to go to Pac St conference or taking a competitive disadvantage in payout revenue to join them either...

I'll believe Big12 when it happens.

And I get the reluctance at getting a smaller cut to join PAC. But not joining and making significantly less in
new media deal is also a competitive disadvantage.

None of these scenarios are ideal I think we can all agree on that.
They wouldn’t. Nickels and dimes you can rationalize. That’s 2-3x the amount.

shes a dunce. But we tend to think those at the top are geniuses, above criticism, they MUST know what they’re doing, they MUST be good - otherwise why would they be hired? Coaches, ADs, presidents, etc.

Once merit as a hiring tool was cast aside … you invite incompetence to prevail. Not every case, but before positions were always earned.
This puts even more value into UNLV if they can stay ranked and finish the season going to the 12 team playoff. None of the teams in the current PAC have relevance on a national level, so the only thing that would draw in a casual fan is a ranked team, and currently UNLV is the only ranked team.
Not sure how that would lead to dissolution. I don't think the traitorous 4 have a vote anymore, and 8 traitors, even if they could vote, aren't enough to dissolve. The Pac-2 is stuck paying the $43M and whatever else we will owe if we poach further. Don't think our money would stretch to 8 poaches, obviously depending on what we are committing to in terms of helping with exit fees. Sure wish someone would leak that info.

This whole thing is just a cluster. We have a Commissioner that was/is totally biased as keeping the Pac keeps her employed, no matter how much money she blows along the way. Your Commissioner had the interests of the entire MW in her mind, which is admirable but which blew up in her face. IMHO, the remaining question is who do we poach in addition to UNLV, and when. SJSU has raised their profile, but a 21,000 seat stadium isn't going to cut it. "plans" for restoring seating? I like Wyoming but geez they are sucking.

Path to dissolution.

We are at 8 currently.
Hawaii is football only. I do not know if they get a vote or not. Let's assume yes for now.

AFA is probably going to AAC. It's why I've said they are a huge piece in how this plays out.

AFA leaves now down to 7.

We technically are now no longer a conference unless we can add some schools.

I don't think remaining schools would vote to dissolve the conference.


You can bet Presidents and ADs are on the phone right now with CUSA/PAC/AAC etc looking for potential landing spots.

And if enough of them feel relocating is better than trying to cobble the MWC back together they could vote to dissolve removing exit fees.
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Path to dissolution.

We are at 8 currently.
Hawaii is football only. I do not know if they get a vote or not. Let's assume yes for now.

AFA is probably going to AAC. It's why I've said they are a huge piece in how this plays out.

AFA leaves now down to 7.

We technically are now no longer a conference unless we can add some schools.

I don't think remaining schools would vote to dissolve the conference.


You can bet Presidents and ADs are on the phone right now with CUSA/PAC/AAC etc looking for potential landing spots.

And if enough of them feel relocating is better than trying to cobble the MWC back together they could vote to dissolve removing exit fees.
With a full complement of MWC teams at 12 it needed 9 (75%) to end the conference. Now, assuming Hawaii gets a vote 75% would make it 6 teams. All the PAC has to do is invite the 6 and have them vote to dissolve the MW conference prior to them announcing their departure to the PAC. This way there will be no exit fees and the poaching fees disappear.

Now the PAC is at 12 schools. It can then take the two worst MWC teams it absorbed and relegate them to minimum revenue distribution. Maybe even relegate the bottom 4. That way the top 8 schools will maximize in revenue. The two PAC schools won't have to spend a dime and use that money to better their athletic departments.
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Path to dissolution.

We are at 8 currently.
Hawaii is football only. I do not know if they get a vote or not. Let's assume yes for now.

AFA is probably going to AAC. It's why I've said they are a huge piece in how this plays out.

AFA leaves now down to 7.

We technically are now no longer a conference unless we can add some schools.

I don't think remaining schools would vote to dissolve the conference.


You can bet Presidents and ADs are on the phone right now with CUSA/PAC/AAC etc looking for potential landing spots.

And if enough of them feel relocating is better than trying to cobble the MWC back together they could vote to dissolve removing exit fees.
If two schools vote not to dissolve then the rest are out of luck and will be forced to pay the fees. 75% vote required. Do not believe Hawaii has a vote. If any deals pays less to the lower teams, not sure why they would give up all that money to get nothing?
Not sure how that would lead to dissolution. I don't think the traitorous 4 have a vote anymore, and 8 traitors, even if they could vote, aren't enough to dissolve. The Pac-2 is stuck paying the $43M and whatever else we will owe if we poach further. Don't think our money would stretch to 8 poaches, obviously depending on what we are committing to in terms of helping with exit fees. Sure wish someone would leak that info.

This whole thing is just a cluster. We have a Commissioner that was/is totally biased as keeping the Pac keeps her employed, no matter how much money she blows along the way. Your Commissioner had the interests of the entire MW in her mind, which is admirable but which blew up in her face. IMHO, the remaining question is who do we poach in addition to UNLV, and when. SJSU has raised their profile, but a 21,000 seat stadium isn't going to cut it. "plans" for restoring seating? I like Wyoming but geez they are sucking.

Relative to the wounded MW - I don't see the potential FCS prospects as being realistic. First, why would any of them jump anywhere? They seem to be doing just fine. And of the obvious ones (Montana, MSU, ND State and SD State), Montana is the only one with a 20,000 plus stadium.
If you look at the size of SUDS's stadium that makes it sound great. But, they are lucky to get 50% attendance. They may report higher numbers but I'm guessing they are counting beer cans in the concession stands.
With a full complement of MWC teams at 12 it needed 9 (75%) to end the conference. Now, assuming Hawaii gets a vote 75% would make it 6 teams. All the PAC has to do is invite the 6 and have them vote to dissolve the MW conference prior to them announcing their departure to the PAC. This way there will be no exit fees and the poaching fees disappear.

Now the PAC is at 12 schools. It can then take the two worst MWC teams it absorbed and relegate them to minimum revenue distribution. Maybe even relegate the bottom 4. That way the top 8 schools will maximize in revenue. The two PAC schools won't have to spend a dime and use that money to better their athletic departments.
Why on earth would those 2 do that? They'd be in line for like a 200 million dollar war chest and financially cripple the Pac 12s war chest... they could easily collect the money and then merge into A smaller conference and enter with a ton of cash

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