Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Do you think she should have played nice and rolled over? Also, the 4 that left signed off on the negotiations and agreed to the poaching provision. Gloria’s job was to protect the MWC and its members. Not cater to the PAC 2 or Boise and the 3 that left without a TV deal in place and no clue as to future revenue. Smart move by the PAC 2! Now they will find out what their true value is in the market place…..same as the MWC they just left because they are all G5 schools and they will get paid accordingly.
Just pointing out that the MWC is undoubtedly worse off after she tried to overplay her hand than they were before. Not saying I would have done it differently. We also don't have all the information that she is privy to, but that was what had been reported early on.

They will definitely not match p4 money, but I'd expect them to get double or more MWC money. And they don't have to give reno, wyo, unm, us currently, any of it. Bigger pie and fewer mouths. Easy choice for them to leave once offered.

Edit- she is the commissioner, her role is to look out for her schools. Expect that to have been in good faith, but it obviously didn't go as good is it could have.

Basically rehashing an earlier post. McMurphy is usually solid on info.

One thing to consider with any of these reports is the possibility that schools both actual targets of the PAC and some that aren't might be leaking false info out for leverage.

Take Memphis for example. Saw a couple things pop up today linking ACC interest to both Memphis and USF. Was this Memphis and USF leaking stories to try and sweeten deal with new PAC? Maybe even add more pressure on AAC commish?

This story has USU and UNLV linked as next targets of PAC. Are they? Possibly. Is this USU and UNLV trying to put some pressure on MWC commish to give them a bigger cut of MWC deal if they stay put?
Just pointing out that the MWC is undoubtedly worse off after she tried to overplay her hand than they were before. Not saying I would have done it differently. We also don't have all the information that she is privy to, but that was what had been reported early on.

They will definitely not match p4 money, but I'd expect them to get double or more MWC money. And they don't have to give reno, wyo, unm, us currently, any of it. Bigger pie and fewer mouths. Easy choice for them to leave once offered.

Edit- she is the commissioner, her role is to look out for her schools. Expect that to have been in good faith, but it obviously didn't go as good is it could have.

I forget what talking head it was on TV discussing this, but gist of it was he doesn't want to hear that the MWC commish was caught off guard by this move. He said when you basically hand them the blue print of what it would cost to poach you shouldn't be surprised when it happens.

What I'm still not clear on is how Hawaii's football only status is factored into this?

Anybody have insight on it?

I've heard they may have no say if schools voted to dissolve the conference?

If that's the case wouldn't that put MWC technically below the 8 required for conference affiliation already?

In which case wouldn't that additional poaching penalty/fee kick in?

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