Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Why on earth would those 2 do that? They'd be in line for like a 200 million dollar war chest and financially cripple the Pac 12s war chest... they could easily collect the money and then merge into A smaller conference and enter with a ton of cash
I may not be reading you correctly. If you get 6 of 8 (75%) to dissolve the conference then the two votes voting to keep the conference just lost.
It makes a lot of sense if you accept the fact that there are a lot of incompetent people in high positions such as college athletic directors and administrators. Before any commitment to leave was made, the very first question that should have been asked is what is the media deal? With who and how much per school? The next question should have who are the other target schools and how many? It took me only a simple google search to find out that the exit fee from the AAC was $27.5 mill and SMU negotiated it down to $25 mill last year. How realistic is it to think Memphis or Tulane will pay $25 mill to join a west coast G5 conference? Now the primary targets are UNLV and USU? Who is going to pay the exit and poaching fees for UNLV and USU? Also, if WSU or OSU had value the BIG or Big 12 would have invited them. Now it appears WSU and OSU are going to blow the $250 mill windfall to try to create a G5 super conference when the money could be better spent to improve their programs (infrastructure and coaches salaries) so they are better situated for the next round of expansion.
Tim you are kind of making my point for me?
Do you really think the PAC 12 is THAT incompetent. And that they were able to get 4 of our best schools to abandon ship without knowing these things.
So you tell me how by cutting out all the fat of the MW, and Adding OSU and WAZZU, 2 teams that at the very least match, if not exceed the value of the other schools, will make the same as the MW with all of those nothing markets? You can't tell me that you believe the 4-6 million dollar reports.
Also read my other post, no one has ever paid full value of exit fees. it averages about 60%. SMU was an anomaly.
Also no other conference realignment move has been done without the blessing of a media contract. We have not had a situation where moves were made and several weeks or even day occurred before they announced what the contract is. PAC isn't done, we all know that.
Gould used the term "swinging for the fences". They knew that they may not get their primary targets. Also have you noticed that Memphis still hasn't declined their offer. If it was so ridiculous for them, wouldn't that be clear by now?
It is very possible that the AAC is playing hardball as well, and they are trying to work it out. Also those east coast schools may be playing hardball to get the ACC or Big 12 to make a move. Probably likely.
The PAC will eat the poaching fees. The exit fees will get negotiated down, but who knows by how much. UNLV and USU may be playing the waiting game, to get their poaching cut, then use that to pay probably half of the exit fees. Then they are making 10 mil a year, and will have 5 mil to pay. Sounds pretty reasonable.
If two schools vote not to dissolve then the rest are out of luck and will be forced to pay the fees. 75% vote required. Do not believe Hawaii has a vote. If any deals pays less to the lower teams, not sure why they would give up all that money to get nothing?

I get it.

But let's say USU and UNLV announce going to PAC.

Reno, UNM, SJSU, Wyo hold out and get a pile of cash..

Now what for them?

Take that money and try and poach CUSA teams?

I'm not disagreeing with just saying what is their next step?

There's so many ways this could break.
I may not be reading you correctly. If you get 6 of 8 (75%) to dissolve the conference then the two votes voting to keep the conference just lost.
Because just like the Pac 2, they would sue. They can vote to dissolve all they want, but if the 6 voting had a financial deal arranged before, the other 2 would have a sure fire argument that disolving the conference in order to keep their new landing place from taking a financial hit is a bit quid pro quo...
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What is this new media deal for the PAC in 2026?

There isn't one yet. Only rumors.

But if the old MWC media deal was 3 million and you took schools that were a big driver of that it will be more than what the MWC next deal will be.

More or even the same is better than less.

Again if AFA leaves the MWC us no longer a conference. It's toast.
I get it.

But let's say USU and UNLV announce going to PAC.

Reno, UNM, SJSU, Wyo hold out and get a pile of cash..

Now what for them?

Take that money and try and poach CUSA teams?

I'm not disagreeing with just saying what is their next step?

There's so many ways this could break.
I do think they stick around and take the cash. Why wouldn't they? The only way they are dissolving if the PAC poaches enough teams to dissolve the thing. I don't think they really want to do that, since they will be driving their annual cost revenue by taking more teams than they want.
The remaining teams are looking at 1 mil a year without extra millions of dollars or 1 mil a year with extra of millions of dollars essentially.
Whether they poach or merge with another conference, it still makes sense to try to keep the MW just for the money.
I do think they stick around and take the cash. Why wouldn't they? The only way they are dissolving if the PAC poaches enough teams to dissolve the thing. I don't think they really want to do that, since they will be driving their annual cost revenue by taking more teams than they want.
The remaining teams are looking at 1 mil a year without extra millions of dollars or 1 mil a year with extra of millions of dollars essentially.
Whether they poach or merge with another conference, it still makes sense to try to keep the MW just for the money.

I personally don't think they will dissolve.

Just saying every school right now is weighing options and some of those options are to get the hell off a sinking ship.
Yes, SDSU and Fresno are big losses but BSU and CSU are not. SDSU and BSU have been actively f*cking the MWC for years. Let them go. Whether or not UNLV stays in the MWC, I am so glad UNLV sparated from BSU and their BS.
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Yes, SDSU and Fresno are big losses but BSU and CSU are not. SDSU and BSU have been actively f*cking the MWC for years. Let them go. Whether or not UNLV stays in the MWC, I am so glad UNLV sparated from BSU and their BS.

Yes they are big losses Trip.

Boise has the biggest name recognition in the conference.

CSU has a major media market.

AFA wants to get out and join AAC Army/Navy.

The conference is in real trouble if that happens.

It will have to poach schools to survive.

If PAC convinces 1 more school to jump ship the MWC could be done.

Even if it survives it's a shell of itself.
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BSU is a crappy research school. CSU basketball and football are trending downward. They are not irreplaceable.
BSU is a crappy research school. CSU basketball and football are trending downward. They are not irreplaceable.

Dude you think TV execs give a damn how good a school is at dissecting frogs when figuring out these media deals?

OK let's play a game...

Tell me the 5 schools you are going to poach to the MWC and get the same media deal they have now.
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Dude you think TV execs give a damn how good a school is at dissecting frogs when figuring out these media deals?

OK let's play a game...

Tell me the 5 schools you are going to poach to the MWC and get the same media deal they have now.
We weren't necessarily going to get that deal anyways... I still don't see how the Pac 2 think they're getting as much as they are, but hey more power to them...
There aren't like for like replacements, but there also isn't a reason to make dumb long term decisions like paying exit fees and agreeing to a smaller cut of revenue just because you weren't in the first 6 teams or you're worried about what the future TV deal looks like
Dude you think TV execs give a damn how good a school is at dissecting frogs when figuring out these media deals?

OK let's play a game...

Tell me the 5 schools you are going to poach to the MWC and get the same media deal they have now.
It is tough, that is why I am so pissed. Snakes like WSU and OSU should never been entertained.
Sacremento State
UC Irvine
Grand Canyon
New Mexico State
UC Davis
The Montanas' schools (2)
The Dakotas
We need more Cali and Texas schools.

Edit: UC San Diego still have Lavin as Coach? If they afford him, yes.
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Not sure how that would lead to dissolution. I don't think the traitorous 4 have a vote anymore, and 8 traitors, even if they could vote, aren't enough to dissolve. The Pac-2 is stuck paying the $43M and whatever else we will owe if we poach further. Don't think our money would stretch to 8 poaches, obviously depending on what we are committing to in terms of helping with exit fees. Sure wish someone would leak that info.

This whole thing is just a cluster. We have a Commissioner that was/is totally biased as keeping the Pac keeps her employed, no matter how much money she blows along the way. Your Commissioner had the interests of the entire MW in her mind, which is admirable but which blew up in her face. IMHO, the remaining question is who do we poach in addition to UNLV, and when. SJSU has raised their profile, but a 21,000 seat stadium isn't going to cut it. "plans" for restoring seating? I like Wyoming but geez they are sucking.

Relative to the wounded MW - I don't see the potential FCS prospects as being realistic. First, why would any of them jump anywhere? They seem to be doing just fine. And of the obvious ones (Montana, MSU, ND State and SD State), Montana is the only one with a 20,000 plus stadium.
I like your take and you add another perspective. It is a cluster! 😆
Man, we could've totally killed OSU/WSU by not getting big eyes at the $$ and agreeing to help with their scheduling in return for $$... instead we all got the idea that we'd merge in 2 years and be a happy family with boat loads of cash as a new 14 team Pac 12
It is tough, that is why I am so pissed. Snakes like WSU and OSU should never been entertained.
Sacremento State
UC Irvine
Grand Canyon
New Mexico State
UC Davis
The Montanas' schools (2)
The Dakotas
We need more Cali and Texas schools.

Memphis ain't coming to the MWC.
Neither is Tulane. We can't offer more than the PAC.

Not a single person is tuning in to watch UNM play UC Davis in football.

You're proving my point.

There is nobody on that list that comes remotely close to helping secure a media deal comparable to what we had.

I hate this crap as much as anyone here. But I 100% do not want to get left behind in a depleted MWC.
Memphis ain't coming to the MWC.
Neither is Tulane. We can't offer more than the PAC.

Not a single person is tuning in to watch UNM play UC Davis in football.

You're proving my point.

There is nobody on that list that comes remotely close to helping secure a media deal comparable to what we had.

I hate this crap as much as anyone here. But I 100% do not want to get left behind in a depleted MWC.
Bull, UNLV won the National Championship in what conference in 1990? UNLV is a worldwide phenomena. Does it matter?
I think we should stay and collect the PAC fees then try to get a vote for enough teams to dissolve to go to the AAC unless the PAC pays our fees.
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The more I think about it, I'm not sure how much AFA leaving would change anything.
The only way this changes anything is that it leave 1 fewer team the PAC could poach to dissolve the MW and save some money.
It would still take 4 teams to dissolve the thing. Then you take UNLV, USU, Wyoming, and... SJSU?
The last 2 will likely drive the cost down a good amount.
I think we should stay and collect the PAC fees then try to get a vote for enough teams to dissolve to go to the AAC unless the PAC pays our fees.
BSU and SDSU are getting their shares enlarged. That is they you want to be a part of that?
This is my prediction when it comes to the playoffs. G5 conference affiliation will have little impact. What will matter is wins against the P4. Odom was clever in his scheduling. He is the only G5 program to schedule 3 P4 opponents and the only G5 school that is 2-0 on the road against the P4. Syracuse is important. A win at home UNLV will be 3-0 against the P4 and it doesn’t matter whether they are a member of the MWC, MAC or AAC. What will matter is a 3-0 record against the P4. Assuming equal win-loss at the end of the year at say 11-1 and UNLV is one of 2-3 G5 with the same record, UNLV will get the nod.
Bull, UNLV won the National Championship in what conference in 1990? UNLV is a worldwide phenomena. Does it matter?

Again with this nonsense comparison.

Sorry Trip this is just silly man.

You are talking about two completely different sports.

1- Football roster sizes are so much bigger than basketball rosters. It takes far more players to be 'good'.

2- There were like half as many D-1 basketball programs back then. Talent wasn't spread as thinly.

3-UNLV was the last non power Conference to win a national championship in basketball. And before you say Villanova go look at the Big East media deal vs what MWC is getting.

UNLV is not a worldwide phenomenon.

They are a fondly remembered team for people in their 40s and 50s.

And without knowing it, you proved my point in another post. When I asked you who MWC should poach.

If conference doesn't matter, why would any of those schools leave their conference to join a new MWC. Why not just stay put if it doesn't matter...
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Again with this nonsense comparison.

Sorry Trip this is just silly man.

You are talking about two completely different sports.

1- Football roster sizes are so much bigger than basketball rosters. It takes far more players to be 'good'.

2- There were like half as many D-1 basketball programs back then. Talent wasn't spread as thinly.

3-UNLV was the last non power Conference to win a national championship in basketball. And before you say Villanova go look at the Big East media deal vs what MWC is getting.

UNLV is not a worldwide phenomenon.

They are a fondly remembered team for people in their 40s and 50s.

And without knowing it, you proved my point in another post. When I asked you who MWC should poach.

If conference doesn't matter, why would any of those schools leave their conference to join a new MWC. Why not just stay put if it doesn't matter...
I dont know Bull. Why didn't UNLV pushed to join the PAC 10 when UNLV was a worldwide phenomena? You answered your own question.
Yes man, UNLV was famous world wise back then I travel to Thailand with a UNLV shirt and they recognise it. Programs are programs. Football is a larger project, is football as famous as the UNLV basketball team of the 1990. No. Can it be, maybe...long way to go. I mean Goshdang dude, the sheer intimidation of UNLV basketball team was insane. Games were won long before they play the game.
I dont know Bull. Why didn't UNLV pushed to join the PAC 10 when UNLV was a worldwide phenomena? You answered your own question.

Because our football program wasn't good. And our academics weren't high enough at the time.

We couldn't get in. Not that we didn't want to or wouldn't have if offered.

Nice try though.
Yes man, UNLV was famous world wise back then I travel to Thailand with a UNLV shirt and they recognise it. Programs are programs. Football is a larger project, is football as famous as the UNLV basketball team of the 1990. No. Can it be, maybe...long way to go. I mean Goshdang dude, the sheer intimidation of UNLV basketball team was insane. Games were won long before they play the game.


WAS this.

WAS that..
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UNLV became a university in what year. I think it was 1957? Right? Became a DI in 1978?

Why are you arguing with me, Bull? You know you cannot win. Shut the hell up.
Yes man, UNLV was famous world wise back then I travel to Thailand with a UNLV shirt and they recognise it. Programs are programs. Football is a larger project, is football as famous as the UNLV basketball team of the 1990. No. Can it be, maybe...long way to go. I mean Goshdang dude, the sheer intimidation of UNLV basketball team was insane. Games were won long before they play the game.
Vegas is famous. But what has UNLV done since the 90’s? All of our recent success in football was last year and prior to that success was decades before. Basketball hasn’t had success in a decade.

With the exception of one conference on the east coast; ALL media deals rely on football. I work for a big media company. At the moment football is king.

I HATE sdsu, reno, and to a lesser extent new mexico; but if basketball was our ticket to a big media deal then why would the pac poach based on football?

We need to find a way to not get left behind. I’ll take less money up front with the big12, pac, and aac to get off a sinking ship. I’d rather leave everything behind to have a chance at survival than to go down with the ship.
UNLV became a university in what year. I think it was 1957? Right? Became a DI in 1978?

Why are you arguing with me, Bull? You know you cannot win. Shut the hell up.
I already posted this, but will again. You ARE correct that UNLV became D-1 in 1978, see last quote below. WSU welcomed them with open arms..... :)

"The first college classes, which eventually became the classes of UNLV, were offered as the southern regional extension division of the University of Nevada in 1959 in a classroom at Las Vegas High School.

In 1965, the Nevada Legislature named the school Nevada Southern University, and the Board of Regents hired the campus's first president,

In 1968, Nevada Southern was given equal status with its parent institution in

After ten years as a Division II independent, the program made the jump to the Division I level in 1978, independent of any conference affiliation. On September 9, the Rebels played their first game as a Division I school, losing to Washington State 7–34. "
UNLV became a university in what year. I think it was 1957? Right? Became a DI in 1978?

Why are you arguing with me, Bull? You know you cannot win. Shut the hell up.


Ok Trip.

UNLV did not meet the academic requirements for the PAC back then.

It had nothing to do UNLV not feeling like they didn't need the PAC to succeed.

As the power conferences solidified and grew the ability of non power conferences to compete has dwindled.

Gonzaga and a few others are now exceptions to the rule not the norm.

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