I know I always preach

… well, not preach, people can make up their own minds …

But I do emphasize my opinion that I believe it’s best for people to use their own eyes to judge, certainly not news outlets (very slanted, lack context, controlled) … not using just highlights …. Not utilizing a star system or ranking system … your own eyes have more power, imo. You all know sports well enough, we all do. You know what you see …

And while I preach that, sometimes it’s not possible to see things with your own eyes. The next best thing is people you trust, people who don’t have much of a slant if any … they just give it to you like it is. And hold onto those people and hold onto that trust.

That said, in spite of my head and heart not allowing me to fully digest what was told to me … because of the past (yes, that’s bias, I realize that, it’s also human nature) …. Based on the info I received last week, football performed just about as expected. Fast defense, deep defense, great linebacking, strong secondary, fast, opportunistic …. Some individual player reports that hit true …. The usage of De Jesus, types of plays, gravely worried about kicking … etc, etc, etc … that we’d beat Houston without much problem … so the info I received was spot on.

Now the below info comes from a couple of people I trust with info since I didn’t get to workouts … not saying it’s true … it’s just a solid consensus, some from a couple months ago …

Cherry looks good, Dedan is Dedan, we know what we are getting out of Whaley … everyone else, pretty much plus or minus a little bit, is essentially “the same” as what we’ve had in terms of impact. Essentially mediocre MWC players where some may have a couple good games in a row, some might over perform a bit, some will underperform a little bit … some young rawness that might do some things but it won’t be sustained or consistent … just, pretty much, more of the same … expected to be a fringe type NIT team… workouts, urgency have been just mediocre … no real oooomph to be found. Speed is ok, athleticism as a team is ok, defense is ok, offense is slower … just mediocre across the board.

Hopefully they can find something to rally around, a team unity, a one mind because if you have that, talent doesn’t need to be off the charts but I’ve heard nothing “special” in that regard either.

So I don’t know … haven’t heard of a bar, a goal that has to be met in order to continue with Kevin, I think most of us that still care (not many left) believe it’s get into the NCAAT or get out; mine (which carries zero weight) is a little stricter, get an at large, not a fluke MWCT win, to make the NCAAT. Unless we are firmly projected for the field and we win the MWCT to get an auto, that is … and I’m fine by that, that would be best.

We will see.

Review-Journal coverage of first football game

Hope you don't mind me venting a bit. I am probably one of the few followers of UNLV who still gets the Review-Journal daily. There has been almost no coverage of how the Rebels have progressed during practice and today, no preview of today's game with Houston. There were two articles one in the Review-Journal and one in the Sun. Both were more like human interest stories about Woodward and White. They both deserve coverage but there was nothing about comparing the two teams, position by position and no RJ prediction. I find that appalling. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

MWC football games

So far it is looking average for the MWC during the first 2 weeks of the season:

Colorado St. is down 31-0 near the end of the first half to Texas with offense totals of 66 yards for CSU and 309 yards for Texas.

Air Force 14-0 end of first half to Merrimack

Boise State 14-9 Georgia Southern early second quarter

Last Week:

New Mexico 31-35 Montana Not Good

unr 24-29 SMU total offense 408 SMU 298 unr - It took SMU the first half to wake up down 17-0 then they should down unr.

Hawaii 35-14 Delaware State

SSJU 42-24 Sacramento State 17-14 Sacramento then SJSU woke up

What a clown

Who strikes a Heisman pose in the first game of the season? Also who strikes a Heisman pose against Georgie Southern? Ashton Jeanty that’s who.
I hope Oregon puts the wood to Boise next week.
Boise State launched a Heisman Trophy campaign for Jeanty earlier this week, and he struck a Heisman pose in the end zone after his first touchdown of the year.

