Is no one going to post about the kick ass sun logo helmets tomorrow?

Made ESPN's list of best of the week

the symbol was a temporary replacement for Beauregard the wolf that nobody liked back in the late 70's early 80's.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I decided today that I was going to check out the local news at 6 PM to see if they had any good news stories regarding UNLV football. I learned quickly why I no longer ever watch local news. Channel 13, 8 & 5 all had negative Trump stories on which quickly got me to switch off the stations. All the local media is good for is being a puppet of the national media which has non-stop attacks on President Trump and nothing but positive and advertisements for Kamala Harris! Let the local new go back to slowly dying on the vine!

Wow. Talk about homer journalism

They had an average attendance of 17.309 for 2023 and only one of the three home playoff games had an attendance over 13,000. Considering the population of North Dakota, they are most likely near the peak of possible attendance.

The only games against upper power 4 programs that I could find include a 31-28 loss to Arizona in 2022 (Arizona 5-7 record); 23-21 win over Iowa 2016 (Iowa 8-5 was good win); 34-14 win over Iowa State in 2014 (Iowa State 2-10 record); 24-21 win over Kansas State 2013 (Kansas State 8-5 record); 37-24 win over Minnesota 2011 (Minnesota record 3-9); 6-3 win over Kansas 2010 (Kansas 3-9 record).

I will give them this, they have done well over the last 14 years mostly against teams in Iowa and Kansas, but they only play an upper level team about once ever two games, and I am sure they put everything into that game.
