Kool Aid

Still think 9-3.

And let's be honest that would still be amazing for this program and another step in the right direction.

UNLV has always had the 'potential' to be a solid football school.

It took some commitment from the University. A big donation. An AD with a clue. And finding the right guy to captain the ship.
That is what I think as well 9-3 and as you said that would be great. That said, if the offense improves is 10-2 out of the question? Probably not. Which could be playoffs. But there is a lot of football to go and even more question marks and though I don’t believe they make the playoffs it isn’t 100% out of the question either. I think we are pretty close to BSU in that regard.

Week 2 G5 Notes

It won't mean less. It would still accomplish 2 things... Another road win at a P4 school that's likely to still be in competition for Big 12 title at end of year...and another road win against the Big 12 when the Big 12 is looking at where they should be expanding to... sure, it wont count as a Top 25 win, but I'd be shocked if winning on the road at another Big 12 school wouldn't get us there...
It would still be a big win no doubt but just not the same as beating a ranked team.

Week 2 G5 Notes

Going 2-0 against the Big 12 is big IMO. Both on the road? One being a conference title contender?
But for this season, it does mean a little less. It would mean not getting a top 25 win. Something that we may need to crack it ourselves. At least it would this early in the season.
Syracuse could crack the top 25 which would be good. But we need to win that game of course
I think Syracuse came in at #22 in this weeks AP poll

Kool Aid

9-3 …. 18 (or 19, or 20) wins over two seasons … is what we do in a decade. Yeah, would be huge. And we will and should want more and if Odom is here, he will want more. That’s all I want. Progress. A vision and movement towards it. Not slow growth loser mindset.

My following take is based purely on speculation.

I think Odom is here long term barring a couple things.

I believe there are 3 maybe 4 jobs that if they opened he would jump ship. Call them 'dream jobs'.

I also believe money always talks. So there is also always the chance that somebody outside of those three or four jobs throws stupid money at him maybe he bolts.

That said I don't think he jumps ship for just any P4 job even for a bump in pay. It would need to be substantial.

Take a school like Indiana. As good of a coach as he had been here I simply don't think you can move the needle much at a P4 like that. 8-4 consistently would be great for them, but you aren't sniffing the CFP there.

I believe jobs like Boise, Memphis, Fresno and UNLV are actually more desirable with the expanded playoff format. It's an easier path than mid tier P4 programs.

Not saying he won't bolt at some point. I just don't think he is actively looking to leave because he believes he can make UNLV competitive and a top G5 destination and that's not a bad place to be now.

Kool Aid

After week one, many publications put us in the playoffs. That is where this is coming from.
Objectively, it makes sense just due to what the rest of G5 has done that week.
Right now, Boise is our biggest threat for that, but they have some flaws. Obviously. Kansas and Syracuse really do not matter too much for that playoff spot. Since we know we get Boise at least once.
Personally I think the offense needs to show more. Run has been more consistent though a bit less explosive. But it seems like we are getting more of first down. The passing game has been bit hit or miss. Sluka has been missing on some short stuff, and we haven't really spread the ball around. His ability to run has been nice and makes us tough to defend on 3rd down.

Week 2 G5 Notes

It won't mean less. It would still accomplish 2 things... Another road win at a P4 school that's likely to still be in competition for Big 12 title at end of year...and another road win against the Big 12 when the Big 12 is looking at where they should be expanding to... sure, it wont count as a Top 25 win, but I'd be shocked if winning on the road at another Big 12 school wouldn't get us there...
Going 2-0 against the Big 12 is big IMO. Both on the road? One being a conference title contender?
But for this season, it does mean a little less. It would mean not getting a top 25 win. Something that we may need to crack it ourselves. At least it would this early in the season.
Syracuse could crack the top 25 which would be good. But we need to win that game of course

Kool Aid

I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of Kool Aid drinking otherwise the stands would be more full.

But among the people that follow them closely year in and year out, I do think there’s a lot of Kool Aid drinking early on.

We beat/dominated a decent team on the road and smacked around a horrible school. A lot to see still, they really haven’t proven much though. Eye test is pretty good in the early going.

But talks of expanded playoff, undefeated/1 loss … I think that’s over the top. It’s like the “we’re back” posts in hoops when we win at the Pit or win the 76 classic with a mediocre field.

If I start thinking that, it probably wouldn’t be until the first week of October.

That said, we aren’t often 2-0, and we rarely “look” this good to start the season. So there is reason for optimism.

Still think 9-3.

And let's be honest that would still be amazing for this program and another step in the right direction.

UNLV has always had the 'potential' to be a solid football school.

It took some commitment from the University. A big donation. An AD with a clue. And finding the right guy to captain the ship.


IMO, my seat is reasonably priced for a premium stadium and a team that is doing well.

Concessions, otoh, are beyond my ability to reasonably pay. Is this because I'm so old I can remember $ 3.00 beer at a Buffalo Bills game? Or has the cost of concessions gotten out of control?

Concessions have gotten out of hand at most stadiums.

Went to Houston game. Night before grabbed some tix for Astros game for $10. 6 tall boy beers were $90....(That was for me and the boys not just me). 🙂

So it's pretty much the norm.
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IMO, my seat is reasonably priced for a premium stadium and a team that is doing well.

Concessions, otoh, are beyond my ability to reasonably pay. Is this because I'm so old I can remember $ 3.00 beer at a Buffalo Bills game? Or has the cost of concessions gotten out of control?

Kool Aid

I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of Kool Aid drinking otherwise the stands would be more full.

But among the people that follow them closely year in and year out, I do think there’s a lot of Kool Aid drinking early on.

We beat/dominated a decent team on the road and smacked around a horrible school. A lot to see still, they really haven’t proven much though. Eye test is pretty good in the early going.

But talks of expanded playoff, undefeated/1 loss … I think that’s over the top. It’s like the “we’re back” posts in hoops when we win at the Pit or win the 76 classic with a mediocre field.

If I start thinking that, it probably wouldn’t be until the first week of October.

That said, we aren’t often 2-0, and we rarely “look” this good to start the season. So there is reason for optimism.
The team is doing what they're supposed to do to meet their and Coach Odom's goals. Whether they meet their highest expectations, remains to be seen. At least they are headed in the right direction.
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It looks like at least 2-4K people didn't show up who purchased tickets.
I call B.S. on on the 24,500. The lower bowl seats approx. 30,000. At least 1/3 of the West side was unfilled plus 1/4 of the East and 1/3 of the North end zone. Also we lose several thousand seats for the unfilled grass entry area in the south end. Real attendance, around 20,000. On the upside - best student attendance I've seen. Without the student attendance would have been in the mid-to-high teens.
