Where we are at.

One of the better points made. Everyone is so focused on trying to get into the Big12, but the Big12 may fold before the ACC does. This will be about 2 conferences. Are you Big10 or SEC? If not, you are irrlevent. One thing, oddly, that could prevent or delay much of this, is if the PAC does somehow add back Cal and stanford, along with and FSU and Clemson. It would help keep some of the larger non Big and Sec schools elsewhere. Both the SEC and Big10 are waiting for ACC to fold. The second it does, they will add the few high valued schools and leave the rest for pac and big12. They don't need to wait for the Big12 to fold. They already have who they want from that conference.
I can see the BIG would gobbled up the ACC elite academic schools like UNC, Duke, Virginia..

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

I know there’s not. UNR always tagged along. They can’t get anywhere on their own merit. Not saying we’ve crushed it in the fields of play, but everything else, UNLV is miles ahead (city, name, tourism, sports capital, venues, teeth, etc).

Regents voting against UNLV bettering themselves should be fired and sued.
This is the quote from Byron Brooks, member of the NSHE - Board of Regents..."It would be very difficult for UNLV to make a move into another conference without UNR because that should be a package deal. And then the financial obligations that these campuses have in moving from one conference to another...I'm not sure that UNLV and UNR are in a place to spend that type of money to move into another conference. You know what is a shame? Brooks is a Las Vegas native who is now residing in Las Vegas. Reno trying to keep UNLV under their wing and/or influence is not new. It started when UNLV started and UNR wanted to keep us as a branch of UNR. For years, they blocked us from having our own medical school. Last, but not least, when we got donations to build the Thomas & Mack Center, we could only build it, if Reno got their own, new arena. Just a note that I've always been annoyed about. Brooks referred to Reno as UNR, not Nevada. Nevada is not the formal name for Reno. UNR is. They only changed to Nevada when they could not sell the name of their University as UNR to recruits.

Where we are at.

Most powerbrokers in the Big12 agree (behind closed doors of course) that they foresee a dismantling of the Big12 in the next 4-6 years. They know it's them or the ACC. That's why they've been trying to get the Florida schools and Clemson on board. If you're not the Big10 or SEC, it's all about survival. Texas and Oklahoma knew it. They wanted their move the SEC to not include any other schools. They are going to revel in the burning of their former conference.
One of the better points made. Everyone is so focused on trying to get into the Big12, but the Big12 may fold before the ACC does. This will be about 2 conferences. Are you Big10 or SEC? If not, you are irrlevent. One thing, oddly, that could prevent or delay much of this, is if the PAC does somehow add back Cal and stanford, along with and FSU and Clemson. It would help keep some of the larger non Big and Sec schools elsewhere. Both the SEC and Big10 are waiting for ACC to fold. The second it does, they will add the few high valued schools and leave the rest for pac and big12. They don't need to wait for the Big12 to fold. They already have who they want from that conference.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

or you let the MWC burn to the ground where there is no conference to require an exit fee.
Gloria is just going to bring NMState, Utep, and some FCS teams. The MWC won't die easy but, it will be reduced to ash. We need to pay our exit fee and get the fck out. We need to move quick to try and jump to the AAC before the Six Pac takes their good schools. If we can move with AF quickly we may be able to hang on to some of those AAC schools.

The MWC is somewhere we don't want to be in a year or two. Only fools would stay.

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

There are NSHE bylaws that discuss conference changes. You are right, there is nothing that says UNLV and Reno need to be in the same conference. The BOR doesn't even really have power to block a change the Chancellor and President ratify.

This is the BOR talking out loud, but there is little the BOR could do to block UNLV from going to a different conference.

So that begs the question, and pardon' my france'

WTF is the holdup/deal then.

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

I don’t know. The only thing I think of is the unlv admin saving face and doing so by dumping it on Reno.

The other thing is Reno President Sandoval placed a call and somehow used some leverage (future budget discussions?) to get unlv to hold off. I don’t know. It doesn’t make any sense, this conference realignment discussion has been going on for years and out of left field we were blocked by Reno? Doesn’t make any sense.

(My post isn't directed at you just a general rant)

Hold off for what though?

The MWC is done. There are not 2 or 3 or 4 schools that the MWC can add that can replace what we lost and attract any type of media deal.


Memphis ain't leaving AAC for the leftover MWC.

MWC will be looking at a similiar deal to what CUSA is getting. Peanuts.

Not only that, no way AFA sticks around now. Have to imagine they go to the AAC.

So instead of letting one school move into a more lucrative conference (potentially), both schools are going to suffer and become more obsolete.

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Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

The board of regents have always favored Reno over Las Vegas from everything. It has shifted some of the last 10-14 years, but there is a history of favoring UNR over UNLV. I think the comment about Sandoval is relevant, he still wields influence being a former governor and a skilled politician.

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

If they have no teeth then what is the hold up I wonder..(The Regents not the populace of Reno)
I don’t know. The only thing I think of is the unlv admin saving face and doing so by dumping it on Reno.

The other thing is Reno President Sandoval placed a call and somehow used some leverage (future budget discussions?) to get unlv to hold off. I don’t know. It doesn’t make any sense, this conference realignment discussion has been going on for years and out of left field we were blocked by Reno? Doesn’t make any sense.
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

and yet there is no media deal in place that guarantees that. The current 4 that left got their fees covered. Thats not guaranteed for the other 2 or more that leave to join. So if the ask was to pay even 5-6 million dollars towards the departure fees as part of the second round of adds to avoid being part of any lawsuit over the agreement to prevent the poaching, a BOR member isnt going to advise spending tax payer dollars to do that.
There's a lot of money numbers being thrown around between exit fees or payouts to each program, lost revenue that has to go to that payout etc. and the BORs all get wishy washy over burning $$ with election cycles coming up before the potential for revenue increases in the future. That's why having your athletics programs tied to politicians is stupid.
or you let the MWC burn to the ground where there is no conference to require an exit fee.

Where we are at.

The Big 12 talk is just nonsense. They don't want us. What we need to do now is call AF and together ask the AAC if they have room for us. They are paying 7 million per team. Our next MWC media contract is going to pay about 1 million. If we get the invite to AAC we jump with AF. Let the BOR and our school attorneys fight it out after the fact. Staying in the MWC is not a good option it will destroy us. How stupid can the BOR be for destroying one of it's State Institutions. President Whitfield needs to have some balls and do what is right for the University, the student athletes, the fans, and the community.
Most powerbrokers in the Big12 agree (behind closed doors of course) that they foresee a dismantling of the Big12 in the next 4-6 years. They know it's them or the ACC. That's why they've been trying to get the Florida schools and Clemson on board. If you're not the Big10 or SEC, it's all about survival. Texas and Oklahoma knew it. They wanted their move the SEC to not include any other schools. They are going to revel in the burning of their former conference.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Doesn't have the money?

That makes no sense. The PAC is helping pay off if not completely paying off the exit fees. Even if you prorate the payback. Doubling or tripling media revenue is worth taking in the initial costs anyway.

Its BS.
and yet there is no media deal in place that guarantees that. The current 4 that left got their fees covered. Thats not guaranteed for the other 2 or more that leave to join. So if the ask was to pay even 5-6 million dollars towards the departure fees as part of the second round of adds to avoid being part of any lawsuit over the agreement to prevent the poaching, a BOR member isnt going to advise spending tax payer dollars to do that.
There's a lot of money numbers being thrown around between exit fees or payouts to each program, lost revenue that has to go to that payout etc. and the BORs all get wishy washy over burning $$ with election cycles coming up before the potential for revenue increases in the future. That's why having your athletics programs tied to politicians is stupid.

Where we are at.

The Big 12 talk is just nonsense. They don't want us. What we need to do now is call AF and together ask the AAC if they have room for us. They are paying 7 million per team. Our next MWC media contract is going to pay about 1 million. If we get the invite to AAC we jump with AF. Let the BOR and our school attorneys fight it out after the fact. Staying in the MWC is not a good option it will destroy us. How stupid can the BOR be for destroying one of it's State Institutions. President Whitfield needs to have some balls and do what is right for the University, the student athletes, the fans, and the community.

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

There is no written agreement or contract or declaration or any other document or form that says UNLV and Reno are joined at the hip in any conference talks.

Why the sudden talking point that were a package deal? Where did that come from? The realignment discussion has been ongoing for a decade and none of this came up. What is going on with our administration?
There are NSHE bylaws that discuss conference changes. You are right, there is nothing that says UNLV and Reno need to be in the same conference. The BOR doesn't even really have power to block a change the Chancellor and President ratify.

This is the BOR talking out loud, but there is little the BOR could do to block UNLV from going to a different conference.

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

I know there’s not. UNR always tagged along. They can’t get anywhere on their own merit. Not saying we’ve crushed it in the fields of play, but everything else, UNLV is miles ahead (city, name, tourism, sports capital, venues, teeth, etc).

Regents voting against UNLV bettering themselves should be fired and sued.

If they have no teeth then what is the hold up I wonder..(The Regents not the populace of Reno)

Where we are at.

The only game changer here is if the Big12 is infact interested. Regents wont make the Big12 take reno too. That would be shocking. And UNLV could be simply using the pac invite to pitch themselves more the Big12. Who knows really. All a mess
I can assure you this is true. How much interest? Eh. I have a lot friends in the ADs offices at BYU and Utah. Erick Harper has been pretty proactive the last couple years. We've been shopping ourselves around, and it's a secret in plain sight. The implosion after USC and UCLA left the Pac12 was not really something that was foreseen. UNLV was speaking with both the Pac12 and Big12 at that time. Once Arizona and Colorado made an alliance to destroy the Pac12, UNLV's chances were obliterated.

Here are the NSHE guidelines:

"Any change by an NSHE institution in its athletic conference membership requiring an NSHE institution to vote on approval shall be approved by the Board on recommendation of the President and Chancellor with full consideration of all factors to include student competition in intercollegiate sports appropriate to the institution, fiscal resources available, and sound standards of student academic performance."

However, there is nothing in the bylaws that say when and if a vote is actually required for conference membership changes. Just that if a vote is required, one must be taken. This provision also says the bor SHALL vote to approve on recommendation of the President and Chancellor. You know Whitfield would be on board. Just need chancellor to sign off based on the following:

". . .student competition in intercollegiate sports appropriate to the institution, fiscal resources available, and sound standards of student academic performance."

Not sure how a move to another conference would not be appropriate given those factors.

Where we are at.

The only game changer here is if the Big12 is infact interested. Regents wont make the Big12 take reno too. That would be shocking. And UNLV could be simply using the pac invite to pitch themselves more the Big12. Who knows really. All a mess
No way this is what is happening, UNLV gets played in these situations not do the playing.

Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

There is no written agreement or contract or declaration or any other document or form that says UNLV and Reno are joined at the hip in any conference talks.

Why the sudden talking point that were a package deal? Where did that come from? The realignment discussion has been ongoing for a decade and none of this came up. What is going on with our administration?
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