Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

I went with 38-31 Kansas
I watched all the betting line discussions, and they all talked about the UNLV secondary struggling as well as the QB being a downgrade. The QB as a downgrade is hard to take considering the coaching staff shut down the passing game by half time in both games. As for the secondary, I have no doubt it is a major upgrade from last season.
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Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

They have complete power over renewing the contract of the university President.
Well, if I'm the university president, and I have the opportunity to build up my resume by advancing my school, I'm taking it. If the regents decide to fire me, I'll take my chances with being able to get another good job.

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

There’s 3 options and none of them involve staying in the MWC. This conference is dead.

The three options:

1- Join PAC, pay the penalties and possibly litigation from Reno.

2- Join Big12, pay the exit fee, negotiate a reduced payout agreement with b12 with the option of full payouts in the future after meeting certain requirements and conditions.

3- Join AAC, pay exit fee. Will require full payout as other members, maybe more to cover travel. Our media revenue will more than double though travel costs will go up. UNLV will probably be back on BIG MONDAY on ESPN since ESPN is the AAC distributor.
Can't we take AF and another school and blow up the conference so we don't pay exit fees?
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

At this point, unless UNLV has very strong assurances of getting into the Big 12 sooner rather than later (I doubt this is the case) I think UNLV needs to bite the bullet and jump ship, assuming the PAC would take them. From what I've read, UNLV is wanted, but the UNR situation muddied the waters, so we got passed over in round 1. The remnants of the MWC aren't going to be good quality, so I'm sure the media contract will be greatly reduced in value when the current one expires. Less money equals no money for coaches, and further drop towards irrelevance.

Worst case scenario if UNLV goes to the PAC is that the new PAC doesn't qualify as part of the Power 3/4 conferences. But even if that's the case, it's still much better than the remnants of the MWC
If they don't pay our way how do we afford it now?
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Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

There’s 3 options and none of them involve staying in the MWC. This conference is dead.

The three options:

1- Join PAC, pay the penalties and possibly litigation from Reno.

2- Join Big12, pay the exit fee, negotiate a reduced payout agreement with b12 with the option of full payouts in the future after meeting certain requirements and conditions.

3- Join AAC, pay exit fee. Will require full payout as other members, maybe more to cover travel. Our media revenue will more than double though travel costs will go up. UNLV will probably be back on BIG MONDAY on ESPN since ESPN is the AAC distributor.
The PAC don't want us. The PAC will take two or four AAC schools to broaden their media exposure. I don't think we are an option. The Big12 is a pipe dream that i watched OSU and WSU fans to where they actually thought they had a chance. Didn't happen for them and won't happen for us. I'm all for the #3 option. Even if the AAC is raided by the PAC and we join a weaker AAC at least we get the exposure from the different time zones and as you say ESPN. This would be a good move for us and good for the LV Community as it opens an opportunity to bring in other schools fans and their money to Vegas. The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority should agree with that.
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CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

The next two schools will be from the AAC. They aren't going to take two MWC schools and have to pay the scheduling agreement withdrawal fees.

Thanks for sharing the video.
Didn't have a chance to watch the video yet, but the AAC exit fee now is what? $10m?

Sure beats $17m + appx $10m from the agreement
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

At this point, unless UNLV has very strong assurances of getting into the Big 12 sooner rather than later (I doubt this is the case) I think UNLV needs to bite the bullet and jump ship, assuming the PAC would take them. From what I've read, UNLV is wanted, but the UNR situation muddied the waters, so we got passed over in round 1. The remnants of the MWC aren't going to be good quality, so I'm sure the media contract will be greatly reduced in value when the current one expires. Less money equals no money for coaches, and further drop towards irrelevance.

Worst case scenario if UNLV goes to the PAC is that the new PAC doesn't qualify as part of the Power 3/4 conferences. But even if that's the case, it's still much better than the remnants of the MWC

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

There’s 3 options and none of them involve staying in the MWC. This conference is dead.

The three options:

1- Join PAC, pay the penalties and possibly litigation from Reno.

2- Join Big12, pay the exit fee, negotiate a reduced payout agreement with b12 with the option of full payouts in the future after meeting certain requirements and conditions.

3- Join AAC, pay exit fee. Will require full payout as other members, maybe more to cover travel. Our media revenue will more than double though travel costs will go up. UNLV will probably be back on BIG MONDAY on ESPN since ESPN is the AAC distributor.

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

Talk with AF and both of us talk with the AAC to find out if they would be interested in having us. The MWC just died. The Pac12 don't want us. Gloria did her best but she was out maneuvered.

You have to know that the MWC will never get the media revenue it has right now. And, that says a lot. We have to give our one year notice to leave this graveyard of a conference while we still have Odom and a decent looking football program.

Save our school. Save our student athletes. Save our fans. Save our Community.

Fundamental misunderstanding

“It would seem really odd to me,” Brooks said. “It makes more sense for the two institutions to have conversations about where they’d like to see their football programs, where they want to land, and what does the future look like for the state of Nevada when we talk about collegiate athletes?

Where they want to land???? Where they would like to see their programs????

It's as though this dunce believes we can just sit down as twinsies with Reno and choose the conference we want to hold hands and then just go there. Oh, we want the Big 10 - Let's go. Or the B 12 - then let's go. It's much more likely we could choose between the Big Sky and the Missouri Valley. And I don't think this guy would care a whit if we did.

I would venture a guess that this man doesn't know how many points you get for a safety. How many yards you need for a first down. Or why there are smaller stripes towards the sidelines.

I can't believe this level of idiot can make decisions about sports programs that, with the right decisions, could develop into many multi-million dollar entities.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Even Nevada Sports Net recognized what happened and admits that it's UNR. From today:

* THE BIGGEST LOSERS here are UNLV and Air Force, two legitimate candidates who were bypassed. The Falcons are one of the other MW schools that have been vocal about looking for a conference upgrade. Now, it's stuck in a watered-down MW, at least for now. As for UNLV, I would have invited the Rebels before Colorado State or Fresno State given the media market, the brand, the facilities and the ascending football program that is coming off its first MW title game appearance.

* UNLV'S LINK TO NEVADA appears to have been a major reason the Rebels aren't a new Pac-12 member. Some among of the Nevada Board of Regents are desirous of keeping Nevada and UNLV in the same conference, which could keep the Rebels out of the Pac-12. UNLV is a much more attractive candidate than Nevada, and if the Regents really keep the Rebels out of the Pac-12 based on that, shame on them. Historically, Nevada and UNLV have rarely been in the same conference.

* NEVADA'S ONLY WAY of getting into the Pac-12 appears to be on the back of UNLV. Even the most ardent Pack supporters (and those in the athletic department) aren't under thedelusion Nevada has earned a spot in the new Pac-12 on merit. Nevada's case is based on potential and men's basketball. But with a small media market, a football program that's done almost nothing in its MW era and a below-average budget, jumping on UNLV's back as a package deal might be the only way in.

Staying shackled to reno is our death penalty. Whitfield needs to get with AF and get us to the AAC if they will take us. Whitfield can do this. He just needs to realize it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission when it comes to dealing with the BOR.

AF and UNLV need to leave together while we still have some value.

Thanks for that article.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Even Nevada Sports Net recognized what happened and admits that it's UNR. From today:

* THE BIGGEST LOSERS here are UNLV and Air Force, two legitimate candidates who were bypassed. The Falcons are one of the other MW schools that have been vocal about looking for a conference upgrade. Now, it's stuck in a watered-down MW, at least for now. As for UNLV, I would have invited the Rebels before Colorado State or Fresno State given the media market, the brand, the facilities and the ascending football program that is coming off its first MW title game appearance.

* UNLV'S LINK TO NEVADA appears to have been a major reason the Rebels aren't a new Pac-12 member. Some among of the Nevada Board of Regents are desirous of keeping Nevada and UNLV in the same conference, which could keep the Rebels out of the Pac-12. UNLV is a much more attractive candidate than Nevada, and if the Regents really keep the Rebels out of the Pac-12 based on that, shame on them. Historically, Nevada and UNLV have rarely been in the same conference.

* NEVADA'S ONLY WAY of getting into the Pac-12 appears to be on the back of UNLV. Even the most ardent Pack supporters (and those in the athletic department) aren't under thedelusion Nevada has earned a spot in the new Pac-12 on merit. Nevada's case is based on potential and men's basketball. But with a small media market, a football program that's done almost nothing in its MW era and a below-average budget, jumping on UNLV's back as a package deal might be the only way in.


Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

This is the quote from Byron Brooks, member of the NSHE - Board of Regents..."It would be very difficult for UNLV to make a move into another conference without UNR because that should be a package deal. And then the financial obligations that these campuses have in moving from one conference to another...I'm not sure that UNLV and UNR are in a place to spend that type of money to move into another conference. You know what is a shame? Brooks is a Las Vegas native who is now residing in Las Vegas. Reno trying to keep UNLV under their wing and/or influence is not new. It started when UNLV started and UNR wanted to keep us as a branch of UNR. For years, they blocked us from having our own medical school. Last, but not least, when we got donations to build the Thomas & Mack Center, we could only build it, if Reno got their own, new arena. Just a note that I've always been annoyed about. Brooks referred to Reno as UNR, not Nevada. Nevada is not the formal name for Reno. UNR is. They only changed to Nevada when they could not sell the name of their University as UNR to recruits.
Look at his choice of words. ". . .should be a package deal." He knows there's nothing requiring it.

We've only been in the same conference with Reno for the following years:

92-95 (Big West)
12-24 (Mtn West)

It was never a problem in every.other.year. of our programs' histories. The BOR and Reno know they have no legal basis to keep us together. We left them in the Big West. We left the WAC before they entered. We will leave them again.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Depends on what the "Pac" is hearing for their media rights.. what if fighting for a larger payout and dominating the new version of the MWC is the ticket to a bigger payday like say the Big 12 in 5 years... honestly the "Pac" isn't a power conference and I can't see how they can convince anyone that they're worth more than the current MWC deal is. And with the CFP format as it stands, we could easily turn into a powerhouse in multiple sports, getting the national attention and attraction needed to get a bigger fish... just saying, is jumping laterally any better than staying put and dominating while asking for a larger cut as the clear jewel of the new conference?
I don't believe for one second the MWC in it's next media contract will earn what we are earning today. More than likely we will be a million or less per year per school. The AAC is paying better and has a longer term contract. If they offer us 7 million why would we stay for 1 million. The PAC don't want us the Big12 is a pipe dream. We need to follow the money. The MWC is going to be worthless real soon. There won't be much attraction for student athletes. AF and UNLV need to at least try to get to what will be a better option than staying in a drowning conference.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

I just got back from a fishing trip and come into this shyt. WTF.

So did the BOR just fck us or what? They need to be run out of the state. They should all go to hell.
Depends on what the "Pac" is hearing for their media rights.. what if fighting for a larger payout and dominating the new version of the MWC is the ticket to a bigger payday like say the Big 12 in 5 years... honestly the "Pac" isn't a power conference and I can't see how they can convince anyone that they're worth more than the current MWC deal is. And with the CFP format as it stands, we could easily turn into a powerhouse in multiple sports, getting the national attention and attraction needed to get a bigger fish... just saying, is jumping laterally any better than staying put and dominating while asking for a larger cut as the clear jewel of the new conference?
They know what their deal will be. They work this out ahead of time. These realignment decisions are not made blindly. And you can bet your ass it will be significantly better than what the MW is getting currently. Especially considering Boise jumped at the opportunity and they currently get more than every MW team.
There is dead weight in the MW it severely drives the payouts down. This is what stalled the merger/reverse merger IMO. The MW wanted to "stay united" and the PAC 2 didn't want leave money on the table.
OSU and WAZZU still have strong followings I would imagine that both of those schools are probably worth more in terms of media rights compares to probably every current MW team.
They just took perhaps the 4 best teams in terms of media. They may have replaced UNLV with another because of other reasons. But now I am not so sure. Since I have seen some of the paltry ratings that UNLV has done, maybe not.
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