Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Look at all the money that the PAC2 has and how quickly they are spending it to survive. That money will not change the condition of the MWC.
They will be paying $55 million in poaching fees. The 5 leaving will be paying us about $18 million each which is about $90 million. Then we keep the 5 schools media revenue distribution for the next 2 years which will come out to about $25 million or more.

Total monies as a result of the 5 schools leaving about $170 million.

All that money and we are stuck in a weaker conference imo.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

if it was 12 with Memphis and Tulane, I don't think the pendulum swings that hard the other way. I think they are looking at about 8 mil per year.
I believe nothing they say. The Pac12 deal (before Colorado left) was said to be $40M/ was nowhere NEAR that. MWC will get all the exit and poaching fees, and the share of the NCAA tournament/CFP money this season and next. It's going to be close to $25M-$40M/school to just stay for the next two seasons.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Agree. Theres no way the TV deal gets into that 7-10 million dollar range with who is available. They got sold a national conference with appeal and potential to argue they are a P5.. now they're a Temu version of the Pac 12...

I give zero poops what the PAC may or may not make.

What I care about is how little UNLV may end up making.

Like I said earlier.

Let's say UNLV is getting 30 million dollar lump sum.

If media deal drops from 5 million per school to 3 million per (And that might be generous considering what MWC will look like now)

That's 2 million less per year over the next say 5 years.

That's 10 million off the top of that 30 million.

Want to lock up Odom. Probably another Million a year.

We're down to 15.

What are attendance numbers going to look like when the Home conference schedule is Sac State, UTEP, NMSU, WYO?

Have to imagine that takes a hit creating another shortfall.

That money dries up pretty damn quick.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

What makes this tough is the uncertainty of who's staying and who's going.

I'd have to know who else from current MWC is sticking it out.

Figure AFA not likely sticking around.

I'm down to 7 now.

Need 5 to rebuild.

Ok if I'm building with 7 I'm thinking I probably take the money and do everything possible with it to get a BIG12 invite in 5 years.

If it's 6 because USU took the PAC12 offer I think I'm taking a PAC12 offer as well if its there.

I just think the conference would be so watered down at that point I'd damn near have to run the table every year to even hope for a CFP birth. I'd have to schedule way up in OOC (No more FCS opponents) to compensate for weak in conference schedule.

But that is a boatload load of money to turn down.
Look at all the money that the PAC2 has and how quickly they are spending it to survive. That money will not change the condition of the MWC.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Agree. Theres no way the TV deal gets into that 7-10 million dollar range with who is available. They got sold a national conference with appeal and potential to argue they are a P5.. now they're a Temu version of the Pac 12...
if it was 12 with Memphis and Tulane, I don't think the pendulum swings that hard the other way. I think they are looking at about 8 mil per year.
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Who said UNLV TV numbers were low?

From looking at the UNLV tickets site, it looks pretty good in terms of the number of seats sold. I'd guess that there are around 1500-2000 seats remaining in the lower bowl. I could be off on that, but if all of those people show, the lower bowl will be almost full. Hopefully, as it gets closer, we get a bunch of students and other locals that pick up tickets, and they have to open some upper level sections as well.
Look under both the single game and season tickets, and there appear to be a lot more tickets available when both added together. So far ticket sales are about the same as the Utah Tech game, but hopefully that changes when student tickets added, as well as sales in next 4-5 days.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

They've shown they can fill the league...but with what? I'm telling you SDSU, Boise, and Fresno are pissed. They were told USF, Memphis, and Tulane and will now get USU and ????
I get that, their bottom line will be hurt.
But ours is hurt significantly more. OK so now they are getting 8 mil a year, we will be getting 3 if we are lucky.
And now we are hoping UTEP and NMSU wants to join. And hope to coax Montana to elevate, and we have to pay 5 mil to do so.
The op of their league is significantly stronger, plus they will be strong in the NCAA tournament if the Gonzaga report is true.
I just think we chose the wrong option, and I think the decision was obvious.
The fact that we shut the door on the AAC is also dumb. Sure the travel would have sucked, but we had some leverage with 3 conferences courting us, and we took the least amount of annual money.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

They've shown they can fill the league...but with what? I'm telling you SDSU, Boise, and Fresno are pissed. They were told USF, Memphis, and Tulane and will now get USU and ????
Agree. Theres no way the TV deal gets into that 7-10 million dollar range with who is available. They got sold a national conference with appeal and potential to argue they are a P5.. now they're a Temu version of the Pac 12...

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

We should have been talking with USU. We only should have signed if they agreed to do the same.
This only made sense if the MW held strong. Them taking USU means they only need one more.
Even so that is risky. Even if the MW shut them out, I think they still find a way to fill their league. And we kind of burn a bridge there.
They've shown they can fill the league...but with what? I'm telling you SDSU, Boise, and Fresno are pissed. They were told USF, Memphis, and Tulane and will now get USU and ????

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Love, the hire of Bronco Mendenhall. He, wins everywhere he goes.
If, he can win in UNM, which I think he can. They, will go to a bowl game soon.
UNM, really needs to do something about their stadium. It, was born in 1961.
He won't be there long enough to win. Bronco is not in it like he used to be. He was living on his Montana Ranch loving life. Great guy. Good coach, but he's been dealt a 2, 5, 7, 10, and A

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Yessir. That’s why I’m all done methinks. Won’t even follow the university news. Also will cancel my LVRJ membership since I won’t need sports news other than knights. Definitely stopping my donations
I've been donating to the Lady Rebel Basketball team. I might start donating a little to football. I get where you are coming from but, I can't abandon my Rebels. I've been following them for +50 years. I wouldn't know how to stop following them.
