Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

The really interesting thing is going to be what the PAC does now. There are only a handful of schools on the west, or really, anywhere in the country, that would be attractive enough for them to go after.

So, either...

1. The PAC tries to merge with the AAC or similar conference, forming a western pod of the conference.
2. The PAC adds schools like USU, UNM, etc (if they haven't signed the agreement that UNLV signed), but even if they do, every school that departs still has to pay that large fee, which ultimately will make it's way back to the remaining MWC schools.
3. The PAC goes with it's tail between it's legs to the MWC and tries to do a merger. They have less than 2 years until they need to reach 8 members, so not a ton of time. And with shorter durations, any departing schools have higher exit fees, making them less likely to go.
4. The PAC fails to reach 8 members and disbands. The remaining schools are on their own to try to get membership into whatever conference they can get into.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

If they add nmsu and utep today, they are getting more money in their tv deal than the MWC.

There aren't really people on this board that thing UNLV carries this market, are there? UNLV could be undefeated for 5 years and less than half of the people would be able to name the coach, quarterback, or conference UNLV is in.
This road ahead is fun

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

So $10M to sign a document? I guess that’s good; but that document requires us stay for the life of the deal. Not good
We need to see the details of all of this stuff. How much we getting now, how much of the 4 departing MW schools and when we receive it, plus, how long of a commitment has UNLV (and others) given to the MWC by signing this? Our current media deal only has 2 years left, so how many years are we agreeing to? And is it at all tied to the ability of the MWC to get a good media deal this next iteration?

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Or the MW will do what?

But guys, here is an excerpt from a post I just made on my board. F-ing fools over there are in lala land.

"Well are you ostriches getting nervous yet? AAC schools have published their intent to stay in the AAC. Can't believe we were stupid enough to offer Memphis and Tulane ahead of UNLV and whoever. If that is indeed the case.

F-this Gonzaga blather. Won't happen, and would only make things worse if it did.

We are left with this: Regardless of what we have committed to the traitorous 4 on exit fees, we now need to offer them, UNLV and whoever else out of AF/Wyoming or USU UNR/SJSU. Commit to paying ALL of their exit fees. All 6 teams. So, $67M in poaching fees, and $102M in exit fees. $169M out of our $250M. The rest will already be spent this year."

Anyone see another path forward? If so, let's hear it."

Edit - I wish a few of you would meander over to WAZZUWATCH and start flipping some shit. I'm sick of my fellow Cougs.
I've tried, but can't post over there. You'll notice some of my 'likes' on your posts, but sadly, I can't correspond with you guys.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

I'll throw this out there.

Whatever deal UNLV takes.

Let's say even 30 million in exit/poaching fees for giggles.

New MWC deal won't hit 5 million per team.
Let's say they get 3 million in new deal.

That's a 10 million dollar shortfall over 5 years from previous media deal.

That eats into that 30 million pretty quick.

Now if UNLV commands a bigger share of the media deal and stays at 5 million per.

Just join the XFL.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

$10 million dollars plus a bonus. Sign the Mfing contract now. lol.

I'll throw this out there.

Whatever deal UNLV takes.

Let's say even 30 million in exit/poaching fees for giggles.

New MWC deal won't hit 5 million per team.
Let's say they get 3 million in new deal.

That's a 10 million dollar shortfall over 5 years from previous media deal.

UNLV wants to lock up Odom? Probably another million a year over 5.

Now we're up to 15 million.

Eating up that 30 million pretty quick.

Now if UNLV commands a bigger share of the media deal and stays at 5 million per.


Who said UNLV TV numbers were low?

Yeah, they are definitely a higher tier in terms of viewers. I won't argue at all that UNLV's history is remotely close to the viewership of the PAC schools.

However, it's difficult to compare a school like UNLV historically. On one hand, yes, we have sucked. On the other hand, it's not like many of our games have been broadcast on national channels at times where they would get a lot of viewers. I can't remember what channel is was, but I feel like I used to watch the UNLV football games on channel 12 or something like that, even just a few years ago. Maybe we'd get lucky and it would be on the MW network, but how many people actually have that channel?

I think the old UNLV basketball program shows what this university could be. Back in the 80's and 90's, UNLV was a household name across the country. And when it was popping, Vegas followed it big, as well as the rest of the country. The T&M was packed every game and had celebrities sitting courtside.

That's a glimpse of what UNLV could be, if they had the right resources, and the right people in charge. It seems like we're trending in the right direction (for football), but hoops needs a major rejuvenation.

Hopefully, the university makes the right decision on this current round of expansion, and they pour gas on the fire! If not, things could spiral downward in the next few years.
I DO believe the numbers OSU and WSU are obtainable. Getting into even the ACC or AAC, by proxy increase viewership. Dcut is right, a lot of the numbers OSU and WSU count on are opponents tuning in. Media deal writers underestimate Las Vegas’s place in the media space. LSU and USC overtaking the superbowl crowd numbers prove that there is big enough of an appetite for college football.

I wish we could get into the big12. Even though we would buried at the bottom half of the conference; we might have to open up the top bowl to get more seats.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Just wanted to post this while still reading another article. But, apparently the MWC gave UNLV just until today to accept the package deal and sign the GOR. We may know very soon our future.
It seems like Neverez is trying to PAC 2 UNLV. Force us to sign a deal that would lock us in to a contract with a lower ceiling.
We may just PAC 12 her back.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Or the MW will do what?

But guys, here is an excerpt from a post I just made on my board. F-ing fools over there are in lala land.

"Well are you ostriches getting nervous yet? AAC schools have published their intent to stay in the AAC. Can't believe we were stupid enough to offer Memphis and Tulane ahead of UNLV and whoever. If that is indeed the case.

F-this Gonzaga blather. Won't happen, and would only make things worse if it did.

We are left with this: Regardless of what we have committed to the traitorous 4 on exit fees, we now need to offer them, UNLV and whoever else out of AF/Wyoming or USU UNR/SJSU. Commit to paying ALL of their exit fees. All 6 teams. So, $67M in poaching fees, and $102M in exit fees. $169M out of our $250M. The rest will already be spent this year."

Anyone see another path forward? If so, let's hear it."

Edit - I wish a few of you would meander over to WAZZUWATCH and start flipping some shit. I'm sick of my fellow Cougs.
Nothing. They won't give us extra money and we may still end up in the MW. We don't have an invitation to the PAC as far as I know.

One other crazy ass article I read this afternoon is that UNLV was reaching out to the B12. These reporters, bloggers, idiots just love to pull things out of their anus.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Lol...The MW doesnt have that negotiating power. UNLV can sit and hold for the best offer to come. Thats what being the most desirable program in the conference right now does for you.. They want to know so they can make contingent offers to other schools, but UNLV can sit tight lipped. Thats part of negotiating when you hold all the cards
I'm not even aware that we've been invited to the PAC.
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