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Because they would legally have to pay them. There's a contract in place. The PAC would have to pay that.

Not to mention they don't want all of the MWC.

They just made the first few chops of the tree. Now waiting for gravity to do the rest.
But if you dissolve you don’t have to pay the contract goes away. I guess they didn’t want them is the answer but it seems an easier way to go plus you get where you need to be a conference.

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

Have you seen the AAC? If they are getting 7, the new PAC can definitely get at least 10.
Wazzu and Osu were left our for a reason,but they are still worth something. Remember the PaC turned down 30 mil a year before they broke up. The PAC is worth something if they are the floor of 30 mil.
I can see 10-15 per school. I think I saw an article that a new PAC of the same 6 plus UNLV and AFA would get 15 mil a while back. But ita toguh to know how accurate this dtuff can be.
I think the MW if it stayed together could maybe get 7 like the AAC for a new Contract, and the traitorous 4 jumped for a reason.
As for an AAC and MW merger. I don't see it. Lots of bloat and the only reason to do that if to be the best G5 and it wouldn't be with the new PAC. Especially since they likely take the 2 best of what is left.

PAC 8 let's say Memphis Tulane. Might get double what current MWC deal is. I can't see it being much more than that.
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Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

You could be 100% correct. But Is CW going as high as 7 million when current MWC deal is only around 3 ? Is there that much more value in this conference and those teams?

I don't know.
Have you seen the AAC? If they are getting 7, the new PAC can definitely get at least 10.
Wazzu and Osu were left our for a reason,but they are still worth something. Remember the PaC turned down 30 mil a year before they broke up. The PAC is worth something if they are the floor of 30 mil.
I can see 10-15 per school. I think I saw an article that a new PAC of the same 6 plus UNLV and AFA would get 15 mil a while back. But ita toguh to know how accurate this dtuff can be.
I think the MW if it stayed together could maybe get 7 like the AAC for a new Contract, and the traitorous 4 jumped for a reason.
As for an AAC and MW merger. I don't see it. Lots of bloat and the only reason to do that if to be the best G5 and it wouldn't be with the new PAC. Especially since they likely take the 2 best of what is left.
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CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

I, agree with you the Mountain West Conference is dying and want no part of it.
My, first choice is the Pac 6.
My, second choice is the Big 12.
My, third choice is the AAC.
And, yes I like women's sports. The only UNLV women's sports I care for is the Lady Rebels, volleyball and softball. In, that order.
I agree with those choices. It would be ideal. I just think the AAC could work if they want us. The PAC doesn't want us and the B12 is not going to expand anytime soon. We have to take care of ourselves first with what may be the only option. Again, I'm not sure the AAC even wants us but, I think they would take us and AF if the PAC steals UTSA and/or Memphis.
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CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

So long as ACCdoesn't completely implode, I agree.
We've imploded. What teams are the MWC going to bring in to replace what we lost. The MWC is over. Its dead. We need to get the AAC to go with an East West mindset. If the other MWC schools want to stay then we still depart in 2026 and we take our share of PAC money with us after paying our exit fee.

CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

I know you like women's sports right. With the four MWC schools headed to the PAC we will be down to 5 softball teams in the conference. They may be forced to go to the WAC or some other fringe West conference. I haven't looked at the other sports but even in Women's basketball we will be down to 7 teams. Hell of a conference tournament with 7 teams.

No, we need to part ways with the MWC to protect all of our sports. If it costs us more at least we keep them together. The PAC payout to the MWC will help with travel when we shut down the MWC in 2026.
I, agree with you the Mountain West Conference is dying and want no part of it.
My, first choice is the Pac 6.
My, second choice is the Big 12.
My, third choice is the AAC.
And, yes I like women's sports. The only UNLV women's sports I care for is the Lady Rebels, volleyball and softball. In, that order.

CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

The, travel will be hard for UNLV athletics.
I know you like women's sports right. With the four MWC schools headed to the PAC we will be down to 5 softball teams in the conference. They may be forced to go to the WAC or some other fringe West conference. I haven't looked at the other sports but even in Women's basketball we will be down to 7 teams. Hell of a conference tournament with 7 teams.

No, we need to part ways with the MWC to protect all of our sports. If it costs us more at least we keep them together. The PAC payout to the MWC will help with travel when we shut down the MWC in 2026.
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Anyone else scared Odom will be coaching for FSU next week?

Both Florida and FSU could be open and no he isn’t turning down either to stay at UNLV.

Absolutely not.

He has SEC ties. And that's a great job. (Florida)

FSU job also very good and he would 100% take it but with ACC up in air would he want to deal with it. (Yes over UNLV obviously) I'm talking in an either or scenario.

Would Florida look at Gus Malzahn at UCF?

CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

I think getting the AAC to absorb the remaining MWC schools would make a beautiful East West conference. We give our notice for 2026, keep the PAC money, and kiss the MWC goodbye as we vote to shut her down. PAC may be interested in the future but, they certainly are not interested today. We have to take care of ourselves today. We need make a move sooner rather than later with the MWC folding and then we head to the AAC. It will be a large conference that can absorb some future defections and we stand a good chance of making better money than what we are going to beg for in our future media rights as the MWC burns down around us.
The, travel will be hard for UNLV athletics.
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Board Member Responses

I wish it were that easy. UNLV and AF may be able to get out and hope for an invite to the AAC but, the others have no place else to go. Those others won't vote for a dissolution. We are going to end up paying for our own exit fee is what I'm afraid of. I'm also afraid we will hear our school President say we don't have the money.
I'm the biggest Homer ever. And even I, If I was a Regent, would not vote to pay $ 17 million to join a conference that SDSU just got in for free.

CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

Found, this on Youtube.
The Monty Show, at 6:26 min. He, says he has sources saying, the Pac 6 definitely wants UNLV to join.

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I think getting the AAC to absorb the remaining MWC schools would make a beautiful East West conference. We give our notice for 2026, keep the PAC money, and kiss the MWC goodbye as we vote to shut her down. PAC may be interested in the future but, they certainly are not interested today. We have to take care of ourselves today. We need make a move sooner rather than later with the MWC folding and then we head to the AAC. It will be a large conference that can absorb some future defections and we stand a good chance of making better money than what we are going to beg for in our future media rights as the MWC burns down around us.
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Anyone else scared Odom will be coaching for FSU next week?

I want us to go to the best we can get. But I can't stomach the thought that we would have to pay $ 17 million to go where SDSU went for free.

We wouldn't.

How can you charge an exit fee if there is no conference..

Provided I'm right here. Which I am probably not.

I mean you're talking to a guy that is so simple of mind that calling @bcvegaspt an IDIOT for absolutely no reason is the height of my day.
