Boxing Thread

For sure, he needs to call it a day before he ends up with drain bamage.

Said in an earlier post. Wilder is the same guy now he was when he turned pro. No wrinkles to his game. Never developed beyond one dimensional..Paw with jab and look to land right hand.

Similiar guy smaller weight Tommy Hearns. Evolved over his career. Became a really good body puncher as a middleweight. When he moved up to light heavy and didn't carry his power up with him he absolutely boxed Virgil Hill's ears off.

Wilder feasted on a really bad heavyweight division.

I think if he didn't get them early both Klitchko brothers beat him. I think Riddick Bowe beats him. Lennox beats him. Wilder with his power would always be a threat, but all those guys were better.


The fear of Marion getting poached is overblown and exaggerated to an extent. He would never go to a school like USU a month before the season or right when the offseason begins.
I agree. I think the "he needs to be Head coach in waiting" crowd needs to reflect a bit on how lucky we got Maiava turned out to be a good QB. Will Marrion make a good HC some day, possibly, but losing him to another school isn't the end of the world. And yeah, 100% agree, anyone taking that job a few months before season starts is in for a rough year, and I don't see him looking at that kind of opportunity...

Boxing Thread

Wow, I’m actually impressed with Shakur. He did a complete 180 from his last fight.

That ESPN card was stacked.

That Abdullah Nelson guy is really good. I watched the O whatever u spell his name shockey get robbed. It’s not that he got robbed, you can’t be in cruise control like that and have your corner telling you that you are winning..

I saw the robbery a mile away!!

Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

You must be super happy with UNLV since winning isn’t important.

Money is important to the owners, for sure. If that comes with winning, great, but if they don’t win and get the money, you’re right, they’re fine. Because it’s all about the money.

I don’t see any fan worried about money. No Dodger fan or Yankee fan or Celtics fans give two craps about the team salary, hell, they may whine about ticket prices and merchandise, but they still go and pay. But if they aren’t winning, that’s when they get upset.

So you approach sports from an owner/business standpoint. Fans of the sports don’t do that. They want to win.

And when you say people/fans don’t know who wins. Most don’t. Except for the die hard sports fans, which is a small percentage. … or the fans of the team that wins … it matters to them.

Not many non-UNLV fans remember we won a championship in hoops.

Do you remember when it was? Does every other fan here know when it was? Of course they do. Because that’s what matters to them.

If you’re taking a world/national/owner/business view, then not much of what matters in everyday life matters.
Its NOT my disposition_ i don't like it anymore than you do _ i am just aware of it. The beauty of sports is tainted by money. its progressively got worse over the last 30 years all because of money. Actually money kind of ruins a lot of things.

Think about high school kids being payed to play now. They just passed the NIL rule for HS sports here in Florida so all the IMG kids are getting deals and sponsors. At an age where they should be learning just basic fundamentals. NOw they have to think about " Should I pass to my team mates. What happens if it hurts my stats and effect my Sponsorship or how much I get paid if I pass instead of shoot and score." these are things kids in HS have to think about now. Kids will really get selfish and look for their own. I think they are too young to handle finance and money but.....

I can't help NOT being much of a fan these days. Its hard to be devoted to any team or franchise. Every year its a new collection of players assembled for why ? Because they got paid ? Not because they love the team the city or the coach- its different. Its harder to respect pro players than it was in the past. - They get more and more entailed. but it is what it is.

Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

Bro, you're the one who thinks that being a personal trainer makes you more special than the other 2,578,656 personal trainers in your county in Florida. I'd sit this one out.

I don't get drunk with any "power" on here since I can post just like you. Again, calm down, Francis.
Wow you attack my occupation ?? - a little birdie told me that a lot of people complained about you being a MOD - now I know why . I love internet keyboard bullies. Enjoy your space where you matter. in the real world you would NEVER call me "Francis" face to face.

Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

Oooh did you get your stripes taken away?? - My bad - What happened ??? were you drunk on the power of being a moderator and got your special privilege's revoked ??
Bro, you're the one who thinks that being a personal trainer makes you more special than the other 2,578,656 personal trainers in your county in Florida. I'd sit this one out.

I don't get drunk with any "power" on here since I can post just like you. Again, calm down, Francis.
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Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

But do the Lakers need to sell tickets? I don't think so, but I guess maybe. Their fans are front runners and the Lakers have not been true title contenders since 2020.
But throughout history they have been about "Win now". They would steal other teams best players and haven't drafted a true star since Kobe. This move is against character for them.
But I don't think this gimmick is going to sell many tickets outside the first few games. Once they see Bronny has no business being on the court, they will probably start to complain if they aren't winning.
This was 100% about making Lebron happy and ensuring he stays a Laker.
No veteran respected coach wants to go there, because they would have no power. That's why they keep hiring first time HC's.
"Tickets" mean Merchandise - Broadcasting - Sponsorship - its an array of revenue sources - IDK if they (fans) just all of sudden find out Bronny sucks early in the season and the "story" is over. Lakers fans pretty much put up with Kobe stinking up the joint for the first year until he matured and actually helped them win consistently. Bronny can suck ass (and he will) but even that is a STORY _ good or bad it doesn't matter as long as they are talking about you and are interested they are viewing & they are winning. LeBron is the golden ticket - his son being drafted bought him another year or two to ride off into the sunset. I hate the STORY personally and I do NOT like Lebron. Winning really isnt important as you think it is. Making Money is the goal of the owners /Not winning (shhhh dont tell the fans) IN todays day and age people don't even remember who won the NBA Championship the last couple years. Most NBA fans can NOT recite the last 3 years of Champions - They forget- but Stories. STORIES they will remember forever.

Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

You are hilarious and delusional, all wrapped up into one.

Glad that I “run this site” given that I can’t even post to the Confi Board. That makes me equal to you, doesn’t it. But you know all oh wise one.
Oooh did you get your stripes taken away?? - My bad - What happened ??? were you drunk on the power of being a moderator and got your special privilege's revoked ??

Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

In one aspect his son has to feel good that he gets to play in the NBA with his dad. He'll earn a load of money. But, as a man, it sucks. He'll never know what he could do on his own. He'll always be "Bronny".
Should be interesting. Lebron and other NBA players get heckling fans out on a whim…

I would venture to guess a place like Philly would be a hot ticket vs the Lakers.

Summer league is coming up I think.
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Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

JOE what other Father /Son duo has played on the same team at the same time in PRO SPORTS ? And you dont think the situation is similar ? ARe you nuts ? We know Bronny sucks - its not about comparing Bronny to Grif Jr _ We know GRif Jr was great- Its the story thats simular - You are a FANBOY Joe - You judge and compare on substance and W's L's - You have a "FANS" perspective that is why you run this sight (or let that PT dude run it) - I wouldn't expect you to agree with me - we see things differently - I see the $$$ side and motive- That was a huge story and the media ate it up - Its all about STORIES not substance - thats what sells tickets -
You are hilarious and delusional, all wrapped up into one.

Glad that I “run this site” given that I can’t even post to the Confi Board. That makes me equal to you, doesn’t it. But you know all oh wise one.
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Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

Rubber bands/paperclips bent into an S shape, like a slingshot. Those things are dangerous. Freshman year of HS, it was me and my best friend John. We were 86’d from the Showboat. Pictures taken, cops brought in and all that stuff. It was stupid as hell.

Making it worse is I was with my HS history teacher, he liked that wrestling stuff too. He was a cool guy, learned a lot from him. But I had 6th period history, couldn’t figure out why everyone at school was laughing and giving me looks. He wrote the story about what happened on the chalkboard (yes, chalk back then) and asked the students not to say anything so I’d have a surprise to end the day. Humiliating but funny.

Man, we were handcuffed and dragged out of there, soda, beer, boos and popcorn from every direction, such a long walk it seemed like.
not absolving what you did but AWA wrestling was awful. I didn’t like it at all.

Ot seems high in the draft for bronny

But does the mere talking point of father/son actually move tickets? Especially when the son is so sucky? The Lakers sell tickets, their fans want winning. This clown show pick up might get the media talking but how long is that going to last? After a couple of weeks the media will start talking about how the kid doesn’t deserve to be there. That lasts a couple of weeks until he’s gone. It’ll be short lived, low impact.

Like Jordan to the White Sox. Yeah, it generated some talk, sold some tickets for the Sox, a franchise that actually needed it, unlike the Lakers. And then it fizzled, he sucked. The hype was short lived, the impact was zero, just a tiny net gain for the Sox (Lakers won’t get gains).

Lebron is taking care of his son. I don’t have a problem with that. He has the bargaining position. If I were owner, I’d dump him and get something for it rather than let him dictate the direction of the franchise, especially when his mind isn’t in the right place. His son is no Griffey Jr.
In one aspect his son has to feel good that he gets to play in the NBA with his dad. He'll earn a load of money. But, as a man, it sucks. He'll never know what he could do on his own. He'll always be "Bronny".
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