Kevin should be ashamed:

We play eleven non conference games. According to last years final Kenpom rankings, the 7 lowest ranked teams play in the Thomas & Mack. The other 4 are neutral or away.

Road games: Kenpom # 11 32,34, 41,61
Home games # 217,224,260,290,310,358
A rather embarrassing slap in the face to downstairs donors who have to witness these putrid games. How does UNLV expect to draw ANY crowds with that type scheduling? Thanks Kevin for getting me all fired up about UC Riverside…..Not sure how we coerced Memphis to come here. So we got that going for us…

Rebels practice at Raiders’ facility

That was a horrible throw, but also good positioning by the DB. If the WR is running an out that close to the endzone,where there is 0 fear of being beaten over the top, you have to immediately look elsewhere the second you see the DB sit in that throwing lane. It's going to be picked 75% of the time. It even looks like it was thrown to the inside shoulder.

That being said, its a 5 second clip of one throw. I am SURE Marion gave him that look of confusion/disgust.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

That’s what I hate about being vague. It leaves everything open to interpretation and keeps accountability far away. Because I didn’t say what you thought I said. It allows for flip flopping almost seamlessly.

But I think that’s why people do it. They’re taking advantage of the gullible nature of people.

If you’re casual, it’s not your job, you’re not an expert, etc, etc, etc, I can understand vagueness. You shouldn’t stick to hard fast in that case because you don’t know.

But foreign policy IS their job, the economy IS their job, jobs IS their job, inflation, crime, immigration IS their job. So state your freakin position with absolute certainty. The American public deserves it. How are we supposed to know your stance if you hem and haw, if you backtrack and doublespeak, spit out nonsensical, incoherent jibberish? … all I can take from that sort of thing is you are a used car salesman, you only care about personal advancement, people don’t matter to you, the country doesn’t matter to you. And you think everyone is stupid and you’re only half right.
Exactly. It's why they can say stuff like, we're going to 'fix' the border. What does that mean? Maybe fixing it in their mind means keeping it open safely, so they can efficiently bring in tens of thousands of people. Or does 'fixing' it mean, closing it so no one can get through without going through the actual border crossings?

Rebels practice at Raiders’ facility

In one of the clips they showed a number 3 quarterback putting a pass on the dime during practice. From the roster it appears that is Matthew Sluka. While it may be the best pass of the practice, etc..., it is nice to see he can toss a 25+ yard pass so casually in the first few days of practice. The feeling is getting strong that he will be the #1 QB going into the Houston game.
darth vader force GIF
I believe it was Sluka.. and he tossed it on dime while rolling out..
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Exactly. I don't care too much what you say, whether you're Trump, Harris, or whoever. Show me what you've done, and tell me how you'll do what you plan to do. Obama pushed the whole, "Hope and Change" thing, but didn't actually expand at all on what that meant. Kamala is talking about how we need to fix the country, but she's been VP this past term, and the administration that she's in is largely responsible for our biggest problems right now. She was supposed to be in charge of the border, and she's done nothing but make it worse. Literally removing some of the border walls and transporting illegals all over the country to places that they need extra votes.
Shes not allowed to talk unless its scripted. Watch theyll start doing interviews with her and itll be very scripted softball stuff. The point being to drive her appearance as being up in the polls enough so that theyll force Trump into debating her on her terms... Theres not a single question that will be levied against her now that she has a running mate to take those. Itll be all scripted speeches. and Im sorry, I dont get the "were not going back" slogan...
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