OT: Hypocrisy in politics

You think this might be satire or embellishment … it’s not. Anybody that thinks things are better now than they were, they’re lying to you and themselves. It’s demonstrable at every turn.

When are people going to wake up and realize they’ve been played? That “their party” slid so far past what they once believed in … to complete lunacy …. So many things, probably everything … how are your eyes so damn closed? And no, this isn’t an endorsement for Trump or the republicans, the positioning of the current Dems is far more absurd and nonsensical that it’s ever been in history.

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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

F*cked and F*cked a little less.
I was much happier and much better off under the last administration. My son makes a crazy good salary and couldn't even buy a decent house where he currently lives. The cost of insurance (up over 100%), fuel (up 40%) rent (doubled), homes (doubled), cars (50%+), groceries (30%+), and everything else has sky rocketed while the average salary has gone up maybe 10-20% at best in the last 3.5 years. I will take President Trump any day over the current administration that is running us into the ground while making friends and family rich and giving away the house to illegals! If it is so great, why is the middle class leaving California by the millions while they are being replaced by illegals? Both parties are out for themselves, but I believe President Trump is really not part of the party system!
