Is anyone surprised by this?

When Porter asked Maiava specifics about dropback techniques and what he'd learned from other coaches, Porter says Maiava offered a confused look in response.

Maiava had a lot to learn, so they sat down together in Porter's office and sketched out a development plan. Fortunately, as Porter came to understand, Maiava could pick up concepts the first time he was told. He just needed the confidence to use them.
Man team Maiva made sure that unlv staff looked incompetent.

In spite of that success, Maiava suggests there were disagreements about "decisions made for his development" at UNLV. Tautofi, a self-described "pioneer" of the name, image and licensing space, says he was the first to suggest Maiava enter the transfer portal.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I can't find anyone who can name one thing of consequence that is better in our country today than it was four years ago. That's because there isn't anything. I can't find anyone voting for Harris that can state why without bringing up Trump. That's because they're not voting for Harris, they're voting against Trump (except for my wife's brain dead friend who, when my wife said she was voting Trump, replied, "You mean you're not voting for the girl?"). Granted, Trump wouldn't be the first guest I'd invite to dinner, as there's plenty to not like about him as a person. But some of the best leaders in world history have been a-holes.

I don't know who said this, but I'm in agreement:

"A vote is not a valentine. You aren't confessing your love for the candidate. It's a chess move for the world you want to live in."​

And I don't want to live in Northern Venezuela.

One of the greatest quotes by a Democrat is not something that the party believes today:

Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. - JFK​

The Dems today want to know what they can do for you so you will continue to vote them in power. Then they won't do it for you, anyway.

I hate politics. It shouldn't be about power or what side of the aisle you sit on, it should be about service. But that's a frigging pipe dream.
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