OT: Hypocrisy in politics

As long as you are ok with that when the opposite occurs. Can't complain about cancel culture if someone conservative is canceled from a campus speech because liberals there don't like what he has to say etc. Technically free speech protects you from government censorship only. But I am also firmly against the left wing cancel culture which apparently the right is now on board with as well.
As long as that campus isn't spending any tax dollars. Your own comment "free speech protects you from government censorship only" makes my point that governmental employees or those spending tax money to the benefit of their campus, do not have the right to censor free speech.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

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What would set off a guy to go and kill a president.

The more we know about the killer…through his classmates.
Where did this attitude come from? In my opinion this came 100% due to the democratic party leaders, social media and networks that would openly attack and say whatever they wanted about President Trump for years telling the world how evil a person he is and laying the blame for everything bad on him while never saying anything positive. I lay the death of this kid and the attempted assassination 100% at the feet of those who painted a picture of President Trump that this kid believed hook, line and sinker.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics


You do get to pick and choose. This is a free country, which gives us the right to protest against those who cheer on the attempted assassination of President Trump. People also have free speech to make jokes in regards to pedophilia, rape, kidnapping, or an assassination attempt on a liberal leader, etc... but without a doubt there is a line that you do not cross or it should destroy their careers, so why should the same not be said in regards to their jokes in regards to the attempted assassination of President Trump? Do you think people would act the same if the assassination attempt was on Obama or Biden, or do you think they would be in the streets rioting and attacking conservatives? They have the freedom to make scumbag jokes, and we have the right to do our best to put them out of business or out of a job.
As long as you are ok with that when the opposite occurs. Can't complain about cancel culture if someone conservative is canceled from a campus speech because liberals there don't like what he has to say etc. Technically free speech protects you from government censorship only. But I am also firmly against the left wing cancel culture which apparently the right is now on board with as well.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

No, it goes back and forth. But free for me and not thee doesn’t fly well with me.

If Trump was assassinated and you were happy, even though it’s in and taste, imo, you should be able to say it. If Biden dies of Covid, again, bad taste to say you’re happy, but you should be free to state it.

And if you do state it, yes, opposition should be able to lash back.

But cancelling and ruining people’s lives, that’s over the line to me. Yeah, yeah, I agree, the lefties started it very heavily and relentlessly. It wasn’t right then, I don’t think it’s right now.

I guess for me it comes down to not telling others what they can/should do … it just sucks that decency has died because that in itself kept people in check for the most part.
Tenacious D sucks..

Jack Black threw his buddy under the bus. Should have said “ I apologize if this was in bad taste..but it was just a joke”

Instead he cancelled the rest of his tour…and his musician friend is back to obscurity.

Who’s laughing now wonder boy?

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I don’t know. Everyone is being cancelled now in the other direction. I get that “turnabout is foul play” and all that.

But I still side with free speech. If you’re pissed they missed, you should be able to say so. I think it’s crass, bad karma, etc, to hope for such things … but aside from obvious things that cross the line, you should be able to say what you feel.

When speech is free, you don’t get to pick and choose.

And trust me, going back many years, just on this site, some wanted full control of what people were allowed to say (but this could be bad for the the staff … there are much better ways to say a kid isn’t good … lie to everyone and tell them the schedule is better than it seems … I wouldn’t say the team sucks, there are a million reasons why they’ve struggled, I’d like to moderate the site and control what’s allowed, etc). And there’s never a good reason to control people’s thoughts and what they can say, especially since there are mechanisms for you not to hear what they say. Freedom of speech, freedom to not listen.
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What would set off a guy to go and kill a president.

The more we know about the killer…through his classmates.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I don’t know. Everyone is being cancelled now in the other direction. I get that “turnabout is foul play” and all that.

But I still side with free speech. If you’re pissed they missed, you should be able to say so. I think it’s crass, bad karma, etc, to hope for such things … but aside from obvious things that cross the line, you should be able to say what you feel.

When speech is free, you don’t get to pick and choose.

And trust me, going back many years, just on this site, some wanted full control of what people were allowed to say (but this could be bad for the the staff … there are much better ways to say a kid isn’t good … lie to everyone and tell them the schedule is better than it seems … I wouldn’t say the team sucks, there are a million reasons why they’ve struggled, I’d like to moderate the site and control what’s allowed, etc). And there’s never a good reason to control people’s thoughts and what they can say, especially since there are mechanisms for you not to hear what they say. Freedom of speech, freedom to not listen.

You do get to pick and choose. This is a free country, which gives us the right to protest against those who cheer on the attempted assassination of President Trump. People also have free speech to make jokes in regards to pedophilia, rape, kidnapping, or an assassination attempt on a liberal leader, etc... but without a doubt there is a line that you do not cross or it should destroy their careers, so why should the same not be said in regards to their jokes in regards to the attempted assassination of President Trump? Do you think people would act the same if the assassination attempt was on Obama or Biden, or do you think they would be in the streets rioting and attacking conservatives? They have the freedom to make scumbag jokes, and we have the right to do our best to put them out of business or out of a job.
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Tedford steps down

Wow...over half the MW fb programs have new HC's
While I know a lot of people are hedging in regards to Washington State and Oregon State, I think it is a good time to merge with them due to the number of lower level MWC teams that have recently been dropping off in their quality of football. With the exception of UNLV, I think most of the MWC has either stayed the same or dropped down over the last 1-2 years.

I believe Utah State, SDSU, unr and Colorado State have all taken a step or two backwards.
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OT: Star Wars

I can think of worse things in this series, lol...
But it really highlights that they just dont care about Star Wars enough to honor Star Wars appropriately. The song added nothing to the Star Wars universe. This show itself has been nothing but a big set up for the "somehow Palpetine returned" line again... the story hasnt really built off any of the Legends Lore from the High Republic, it fumbled through a set up for telling us the Jedi would fall, etc... and with 1 episode left, I dont see how they can wrap the story well enough without huge cliff hanging gaps to draw in for the next story. In fact, it appears the Acolyte wont get a season 2. Just dumb, go into the Legends stories, and do something people can actually connect to.
Hahaha..Master Sol just got thrown under the bus by the green Jedi chick.

Holy f’n shit.
