OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I purchased my car in August of last year, but the loan rates are still fairly high with 6.89% being the rate for a decent credit score in comparison to 3 plus years ago when many of the car dealerships would give rates as low as 0% and most had rates under 4% through the banks and credit unions.
Yeah until the fed lowers rates you won’t see those rates come down. We should get a cut at the September Fed meeting so rates should come down 1/2%.
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Ohio St. 20 Million in NIL

I'm sure for some this is true but for me it's making me care less about the other schools and the overall sports. I follow us, obviously, but I can't tell you who the Heisman hopefuls are going into next season. I'm sure it's someone in the SEC, Big12, and Big10 but specific names, no clue.

Between that and the constant penalties/fouls called slowing the pace of games and making the games softer now then when I grew up, they aren't the same sports to me. Don't call PI on every pass or a foul every time a player jerks his head back trying to get a call. I've got better things to do than watch even WVU (my second favorite school) now since I know what I'll see. I've isolated down to just watching us now.
I didn't even bring up or think about those who just say screw it. I will admit I have gone from watching about a half dozen programs to mostly just being interested in UNLV!
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

It’s because it is down to that now but it was over 7% last year.
I purchased my car in August of last year, but the loan rates are still fairly high with 6.89% being the rate for a decent credit score in comparison to 3 plus years ago when many of the car dealerships would give rates as low as 0% and most had rates under 4% through the banks and credit unions.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

That 3.4 percent inflation f’n way. That’s way off.
I am guessing you have not purchase a car lately? The current average loan rate for a new car with a good credit rating is 6.89% for those with not so good of a credit rating, it can go above 10%. Most of the car companies are not currently subsidizing there car loans. By the way, I have a very high FICO rate, but when you buy a luxury car, they do not give the best of loan rates.
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UNLV vs Oregon State game

Home of Steve Prefontaine.

I moved from LV to Oregon (only lived there a year) I remember the first time flying back into LV seeing just the ugly brown desert everywhere as we were about to land saying to my wife how the hell did we live in here so long. Oregon is awesome, after a year moved to Seattle for 5 years which is also awesome but the weather started to wear on us. The summers are amazing but seemed to get shorter every year and the winters longer.

Hope you will make some Oregon football games this season. I go to games all over the country and Autzen is right up there with the best atmospheres in college football. Ive had season tickets since 2002 and go up for a lot of games. The Ohio State game this year should be crazy. I sold 4 of my six season seats for $600 each to that game and then will be using the other 2 myself. We have a good tailgate group so if you want hit me up and you can join us.
I lived in Portland two years and we moved because of the weather it is pretty but…

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

That 3.4 percent inflation f’n way. That’s way off.
In the 80's and 90's changes were made to how Inflation is calculated. Some feel these changes were made to better reflect the true cost of goods. Others think the changes were made to under-calculate inflation in order to reduce annual increases for people on Social Security and other Federal programs.
  1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) began allowing for substitution between similar goods when calculating the Consumer Price Index . Rather than comparing the price of steak, they can now compare the price of Steak to Hamburger.
  2. The BLS started making more adjustments for improvements in product quality. For example, if a product's price increased but its quality or features also improved, only part of the price increase would be counted as inflation.
  3. Housing costs: The method for measuring housing costs in the CPI changed from using home ownership costs to using "owners' equivalent rent," which estimates how much homeowners would pay to rent their own homes.
  4. The BLS implemented more sophisticated techniques to account for quality changes in products, particularly in areas like electronics and appliances.
Bottom line the Federal method is not just comparing prices today to what they were last month. They take these numbers but they filter them through multiple complex formulas to come up with what they tell you is the inflation number. If inflation feels like it's higher than reported it's most likely because it is really higher.

UNLV vs Oregon State game

Coos Bay, I got here in Feb and it rained until April, obviously way different than Vegas, but not as bad as I expected.

Home of Steve Prefontaine.

I moved from LV to Oregon (only lived there a year) I remember the first time flying back into LV seeing just the ugly brown desert everywhere as we were about to land saying to my wife how the hell did we live in here so long. Oregon is awesome, after a year moved to Seattle for 5 years which is also awesome but the weather started to wear on us. The summers are amazing but seemed to get shorter every year and the winters longer.

Hope you will make some Oregon football games this season. I go to games all over the country and Autzen is right up there with the best atmospheres in college football. Ive had season tickets since 2002 and go up for a lot of games. The Ohio State game this year should be crazy. I sold 4 of my six season seats for $600 each to that game and then will be using the other 2 myself. We have a good tailgate group so if you want hit me up and you can join us.

Ohio St. 20 Million in NIL

As they keep increasing the cost of sports, more and more schools will drop out of the arms race, which in the long term with slowly but surely eat away at college sports for most schools, leaving a small group of super powers. How long before college football fans will start looking at them as professional teams, which would make them all bottom feeders compared to the NFL. I can see in the long run that beyond the specific school fans, more casual fans will migrate to the higher level professional league of the NFL.
I'm sure for some this is true but for me it's making me care less about the other schools and the overall sports. I follow us, obviously, but I can't tell you who the Heisman hopefuls are going into next season. I'm sure it's someone in the SEC, Big12, and Big10 but specific names, no clue.

Between that and the constant penalties/fouls called slowing the pace of games and making the games softer now then when I grew up, they aren't the same sports to me. Don't call PI on every pass or a foul every time a player jerks his head back trying to get a call. I've got better things to do than watch even WVU (my second favorite school) now since I know what I'll see. I've isolated down to just watching us now.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

That 3.4 percent inflation f’n way. That’s way off.
it because it compounded. That is just this year. it like 15-20% plus over the last 4. Funny thing is people will still vote for Harris even thou her/Biden policies are insane. The Media and the leftist politicians are great revisionist and defecting any negative stories involving their own. Plus top notch at spinning ever angel possible to put Trump in a negative light ,was almost assassinated and the media and government and the way they handled it and reported on it is straight out of a dictators playbook. and their constituents eat up every word of it. Example the whole Russian collusion. I still have co-workers that think it true still to this day.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

I mean, it is a throw away vote. The Libertarians nominated someone that doesn't even follow their values or principles, RFK couldn't run in the Dem primary so he's a 3rd party but is basically a Democrat. Until such a time that a 3rd party builds the grassroots level support and success required to break into a true 3rd party with a real unified platform capable of offering true alternatives to the other 2 parties it's throwing away a critical vote.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

My last car was zero percent interest rate under President Trump, the last car I just bought the best I could do was around 7% under Biden. The price of insurance has skyrocketed, the price of gas is way up, the price of food is way up, etc......
That 3.4 percent inflation f’n way. That’s way off.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Why... that's like tossing away your vote in an election that has more consequences than any before. If people want a 3rd party, fine, build it ground up at grassroots and work to really establish a legitimate 3rd party platform...but don't throw votes away this year at a candidate that is a Democrat but has a few counter culture ideologies that appeal to parts of the conservative base. Not in sn election that now has as far left a candidate that has ever made it to that spot, placed there by party elites without a single vote.
I hear that stuff every year. It’s a throw away vote..

I liked Ron Paul 2008.

Hot Asian VP and got her money from dating the guy who invented Google.
