Most dangerous Group of Five teams

Exciting to even be mentioned in the playoff bid- but their are so many questions left to be answered. Like how is our QB going to look ????

Every time we are in this position preseason- getting press and notoriety (whether it be football or basketball) it seems our team underachieves and lets us down. I can't really get too excited from press clippings because 40 years of being a Rebel Fan tells me to have cautious optimism. History has me jaded (but deep down I want to unleash some Rebel Pride)

LFG !!!
When has UNLV ever been getting positive press for football prior to this last season and before that decades in the past.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Caught much of RFK Jr’s speech today and I was personally blown away by most of what I heard. Of course, being in the medical field and him having a large focus on health … perked me up a little more. With his stances on our healthcare system, really could get behind this guy.

His speech was better than any I’ve seen the past couple of years.

Unfortunately, he’s going to go the way of some other family members. Murdered. He’s taking on too big of an opponent and I applaud him for that. But they’ll kill him in an “accident”. Signed his own death warrant.
That same Kennedy has thrown his support behind President Trump

We got football this Saturday

SMU is playing like a UNLV team of players of. 4th and 15? Just spot on a guy and give them a 1st down. Multiple unnecessary PI penalties: I have no idea if Reno’s defense is this stingy or is SMU’s offense this bad?
Felt like SMU didn't get into any rhythm at all until late. And Reno had no answer for their big WR. 8 catches for 160 something yards I believe, all in 2nd half.

We got football this Saturday

I know they were at home but I bet there weren't 5000 fans in attendance. Not much of a home field advantage.
I think the biggest piece of that home field advantage is the 3 hour flight from Bozeman and that fact that it was hot by Montana standards.

UNM didn't have offensive points in the second half, and of their 31 total, 14 were defensive. Montana State is a very good FCS team. IMO they wouldn't be in the top 4 of the MWC, or probably the top 6-8.

As for our middle MWC game of the day, I think Reno has looked much more competent on defense than I expected. SMU also doesn't look as good as I expected them to. SMU's first (so far only) touchdown required separate first downs via penalty from inside the 30.
