We got football this Saturday

When I posted this, Montana State had just started the scoring drive. On that drive had 2 big runs and multiple solid completions, including the TD pass n catch
There is no question about, UNM run defense is horrible. But their offence is palatable. UNM need to run and ding dong short yard offence to tired out the MSU defense even further...they're out of shape and the heat is getting to them.

Stealing signals

Personally I think they should hire a few students or fans, involve them as part of the team, dress them up a coaches on game day and let them hold random posters with images on the sidelines every week just to throw the other teams off. Its crazy that teams can decipher the 6 image combinations and read the plays, now image adding 3 random fans that just have a binder full of images that mean nothing and associate with nothing but look legit along side the official play call...
How about we have RBX or Suge Knight on the sidelines giving out cash after a good play?

Most dangerous Group of Five teams

Exciting to even be mentioned in the playoff bid- but their are so many questions left to be answered. Like how is our QB going to look ????

Every time we are in this position preseason- getting press and notoriety (whether it be football or basketball) it seems our team underachieves and lets us down. I can't really get too excited from press clippings because 40 years of being a Rebel Fan tells me to have cautious optimism. History has me jaded (but deep down I want to unleash some Rebel Pride)

LFG !!!
