Recruiting …

It’s taking some time getting used to the way all this works. We knew it was coming and we are in our second year of it … but wow, it really changed what a college coach is.

I can think back a couple dozen years …. Listening to a couple of assistants on the same staff talking about a kid they were watching live, discussing whether they should recruit him or not, how heavily, etc. He does this well, that well, can’t do this, won’t be able to do that …. He’s not that good now but he has a chance to be a starter in a couple years, he has the right mind and work ethic and has some tools ….

Evaluation isn’t something anymore. Diamonds in the rough have lessened with immediate info and tech.

The more I think about it, the more I wouldn’t recruit a high school kid. Or at least it should be a minority of recruiting, perhaps. Why waste your time on a decent high school kid (the best kids are going into an NLI we can’t afford) and work him a year or two, into your system, developing him … only to have Texas or Michigan lowball offer the kid 5x more than you can even afford?

I think many of the bigger schools will just flat out poach. Illegally, but it won’t matter, too hard to track communications, too many ways to communicate. The NCAA isn’t going to run sting operations to try and uncover these things, so they’ll happen. So if big schools focus on the top 100 HS guys with high NLI’s, that leaves mid tier guys for you … which they’ll end up pulling from you after you invest your time.

The new premium player is a freshman entering the portal, followed by a sophomore entering the portal. We need players with the penalty of having to sit out a full year if they choose transfer again. And there’s value in that, a year or two of D1 under the belts makes them game ready when you get them.

I keep playing over potential conversations and options and when you think about it, it’s mind boggling how these things can go. I know I don’t like it but that’s not going to change it.

The rich are going to get more rich. The middle class can get rich only through success. There won’t be many of those. SDSU is on the brink of that, imo, their options will open up. Those that don’t find success, I feel they are going to fall further behind and create a huge chasm between good teams and bad teams (I know there’s a lot of parity in college hoops but I think it’ll settle and separate).

With recruiting, I don’t recognize the game anymore. It’s so far from it was even 10 years ago.

I’ll maintain that regardless of who we sign, the number of stars, the previous season stats … they won’t be a good indicator of whether we will have a good team. That “on paper” will be flimsier than ever. It really is going to come down to how well the pieces fit together. I think the most successful teams in the game have a “same page”, single vision about them, they click on the court, little ball hogginess, smaller ego ….

And we won’t know that by looking at the stats or trying to size up the roster. We probably won’t know what we are dealing with until early December.
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Jalen Hill has been contacted

Can finally comment on this because its public. Hill has been in the portal since 3/29 and was contacted right before the dead period. He will be on campus either this or next weekend. I'm not sure why it takes several days for names to appear publicly but all coaches are able to access the portal and see the names 24 hours after the paperwork is submitted and approved.

Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread SDSU vs UConn

Haven’t seen the line yet but UConn has the be a pretty big favorite, around 6 I’m guessing. And bet up because UConn has been pretty dominant.

If UNR and UNM and Boise can beat SDSU …

But SDSU looks so much better (defensively) than they did in conference. And they’re winning the tight ones. Easy road, but they don’t pick the opponents, gotta play who is in front of you.

TBH, I‘m thinking I will probably low play a money line again and under parlay on SDSU for sake of value.

I‘m (unbelievable even to me) rooting for SDSU in a traditional recruiting/how rosters should be vs the rich get richer NLI way.

That said, my guess is UCONN 77, SDSU 71.
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If the Aztecs go PAC 12 the MWC Commish will convene a group to search for a replacement.

Who should the new team be? Needs to be in a good TV market. Should it already be FBS so it doesn't need to upgrade a football stadium? How close should it be in order to coral travel costs? Does it even need to be a football school? Should it be near a major city or remote?

I'm really stuck for who we could possibly get that wouldn't be a huge downgrade.
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23-24 Season

I ended up typing alot, lol

Ok so UCON dominated NCAA, didn't see that, but not suprised someone like them winning, top team 20 was weakest I can remember, now since season is over on to big issues.

Aztecs PAC bound?
Big 12 expansion talk had died down, let's see how PAC media rights go.

Looking at roster, Cottrell at PF, Norwell at SG, Webster, SG, Rodriquez at SF, then Hicks and Whatley is the roster now.

PG, need 2 incoming, I prefer Thomas since getting top player from Vegas and hopefully some of his friends, the kid in AZ who's top player too.

I like to have 2 6'9 kids 230 each at C, athletic, rebounds and defends, be nice if one can make shots 10-12 feet and down low. Now I want PF. And SF-SG combo.

I want Aztecs model, defense tough minded, I don't care about ugly offense, I seen that for so many years, I want wins, I want top 3, and winning MWC, I given up on being a power again, but being a top 30 school should be achieved, I look at non football schools, Marquette, Xavier, Gonzaga, I said in past if UNLV competes for MWC fans will comeout, 15K plus for weekend games, NFL, NHL prices are so much more expensive.
Need to get students out in force, it's shameful, outside of Reno game, dreadful.

Is Harper all in to win? I believe Odom hire could be big win, wins mean money. I don't worry about being poached, just win success will help getting new coach if this happens, football should be bread winner for athletic program.

Glad Aztecs lost, I still hate Reno, I was there to see Puke lose, so all good.
