Theres no rule or written legislation that ties UNLV to Reno.

Something in the back of my mind, I seem to remember that the Regents gave us problem with a coach that we were trying to hire. Does anyone remember something like that? Or should I throw that thought into my trash can?

Both with Beard and Menzies.

I know Menzies is a bad name around here but he did have a funny line in the BOR meeting.

One of the Regents popped off trying to make Menzies contract about race since Beard was offered more. To his credit Menzies answered back 'I have an economics degree I'm comfortable with that number, it's a fair salary' (paraphrasing a bit but something like that).

They are the worst.

Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

Oh, we will have at least one. Let’s keep it to one. It’s better than 2 per quarter like last season.
This is pretty much a guarantee.. Each side has to good of athlete on the offensive side to think someone isnt going to make a mistake once either trying to be aggressive or in communication... You just dont want to set the tone and be followed up by another.. Like lets say KU gets ball and on first play they throw a 65 yard TD or break a 65 yard TD run. Then offense comes out either conservative or aggressive and either an Int or a 3 and out occurs and then KU scores and 5 minutes into game were down 14.. Thats a hole we just cant get into... Im ok trading score for score, and then hopefully they make the mistake or have to make a FG vs a TD...
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I want to see everyone's letter to the Regents on my desk by tomorrow.


I write this letter to express my displeasure concerning recent events involving UNLV.

I would contract carpal tunnel typing all of the reasons that in a world full of IDIOTS you IDIOTS stand above the rest.

I'd like to help out. Byron Brooks is the regent from Las Vegas who wrote the quote featured in the Review-Journal. Please find below his office phone number and e-mail address.

702-501-1646 e-mail:
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

This one I am not sure. I am not sure I want to be associate with Boise or SDSU anymore.?
It wouldn't be my first choice either, but what are the options?

1. Stay in depleted MWC
2. Find a way to get in to the Big 12
3. Join the PAC teams
4. I don't know if there's a realistic 4th option. I guess try to join the AAC? However, the travel would be horrendous, and I don't think it would be as high of profile move as just going into the PAC. Maybe there's a case where the ACC blows up, and we try to be part of a regional grouping of teams with whoever is left, but with BSU, SDSU, CSU and Fresno all leaving, that probably messes up the chances of that happening.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Or start with a higher share but find out what it would take to get a deal done soon. If they're not willing to talk or make a serious offer, then I still think you approach the new PAC. These conferences that span the whole country are going to be brutal for travel, not so much for football, but all other sports. If we are in the PAC, the travel will be much easier than in the Big 12 or any of the other cross country conferences, plus, we'll get more media money (assumed), and can shed the bottom tier schools in the MWC.
This one I am not sure. I am not sure I want to be associate with Boise or SDSU anymore.?

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

If I'm UNLV, I go talk to the Big 12 commish. We do somewhat of an SMU deal, with taking very little money initially. Either have the big 12 pay our buyout from the MWC, and then we take a 25% share for 2 years, 50% for 2 more years, 75% for 2 more, then are 100% after 2 more years. That would way more than pay for the $18,000,000 buyout, and it would still be a fine deal financially for UNLV.

Plus, recruiting would be much better for us, and we'd get better attendance numbers in all sports due to the better conference games. So any money we lose initially from the partial share, we could make up through ticket sales.
Love your idea, brother.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

If I'm UNLV, I go talk to the Big 12 commish. We do somewhat of an SMU deal, with taking very little money initially. Either have the big 12 pay our buyout from the MWC, and then we take a 25% share for 2 years, 50% for 2 more years, 75% for 2 more, then are 100% after 2 more years. That would way more than pay for the $18,000,000 buyout, and it would still be a fine deal financially for UNLV.

Plus, recruiting would be much better for us, and we'd get better attendance numbers in all sports due to the better conference games. So any money we lose initially from the partial share, we could make up through ticket sales.
Or start with a higher share but find out what it would take to get a deal done soon. If they're not willing to talk or make a serious offer, then I still think you approach the new PAC. These conferences that span the whole country are going to be brutal for travel, not so much for football, but all other sports. If we are in the PAC, the travel will be much easier than in the Big 12 or any of the other cross country conferences, plus, we'll get more media money (assumed), and can shed the bottom tier schools in the MWC.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

If I'm UNLV, I go talk to the Big 12 commish. We do somewhat of an SMU deal, with taking very little money initially. Either have the big 12 pay our buyout from the MWC, and then we take a 25% share for 2 years, 50% for 2 more years, 75% for 2 more, then are 100% after 2 more years. That would way more than pay for the $18,000,000 buyout, and it would still be a fine deal financially for UNLV.

Plus, recruiting would be much better for us, and we'd get better attendance numbers in all sports due to the better conference games. So any money we lose initially from the partial share, we could make up through ticket sales.

Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

Talk with AF and both of us talk with the AAC to find out if they would be interested in having us. The MWC just died. The Pac12 don't want us. Gloria did her best but she was out maneuvered.

You have to know that the MWC will never get the media revenue it has right now. And, that says a lot. We have to give our one year notice to leave this graveyard of a conference while we still have Odom and a decent looking football program.

Save our school. Save our student athletes. Save our fans. Save our Community.
Heard that Boise undercut her. And heard Boise is getting some financial incentives in getting the other 3 to join.
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Whitfield and Harper You Have ONE Job Right Now.

I think if there are more defections, a merger with CUSA is likely. I don’t see the point in backfilling with low tier or FCS like programs.

(In the above scenario, unlv is long gone in the MWC).


(Not saying it would happen)

1- BIG12
2-Refurbished PAC12

I'm not interested in a CUSA merger or a refurbished MWC.

I haven't missed a UNLV game in 25 years and I'm serious when I say this, If none of those three happen I'm not sure I would care anymore.

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Per Regent Brooks.

“And then the financial obligations that these campuses have in moving from one conference to another … I’m not sure that UNLV and UNR are in a place to spend that kind of money to move into another conference.”

And he wasn't on board when it cost us ZERO money.
This is why you should never have sports programs coupled with politics... Hes up for re-election at the end of the conference contract (I think his election cycle is 2026?) and doesnt want to have any opponent use his role as the chair of financial investments advocating on using "18 million dollars in tax payer funds" to benefit on UNLV.
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