What a game

This game reminded me of the 2001 Arkansas game and for a lot of the game I was thinking the outcome would be similar. Glad it turned out to be different. Not ready to declare playoffs yet. Still have Boise St, Syracuse, Oregon St, Fresno St and San Jose St, Tough to say that we will win them all. Can possibly drop one and still make it, but even 4-1 against those 5 will be tough. Need to get more efficient offensively, but the defense certainly seems legit which helps quite a bit


Going into Big12 territory and running all over their defense because they (nfl draft likely corners) were rolling coverage to White and preventing the big plays.

A QB that is a statue in the pocket doesn’t win this game, probably get blown out. But look I think UNLV needs to work on the red zone issues. It’s shorter field and it’s hard to punch through vs a p4 caliber team loaded with athletes.

That ten minute drive really gassed them and probably helped in the end with James punching it through. Prior to that, KU was ready for most of the plays like the Dejesus handoff, Marion might want to consider adding some wrinkles for the RZ offense.

Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

Beating a ranked Arizona State team in Sundevil Stadium, beating Wisconsin, beating Arkansas in the Bowl game. This game is up there just because of the national audience for it.
I’d go further. The win is higher bc a top 35 ranking was on the line and bc it is so critical for playoff contention.

Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

Correct, Kansas took away our top passing options. We kept running it because sometimes you have to take what the defense gives you.

It’s not flashy and I know the passing game got a lot of hype in preseason. Tonight was why Sluka was brought in, if we had a pocket passer at the helm. We lose.

His numbers at Holy Cross told the story.

He completes deep shots. He's going to keep drives alive with his legs.

I don't think he'll be sub 50% all season. I also don't think he'll get to 60% either.

He is what he is.

3-0 as our starter.
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Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

I hope Hajj or Friel get reps. SLuka can run but sheeesh you have Ricky White and Jacob De Jesus
I’m curious about Hajj as well. If he truly has a better arm and can run (even if not as well as Skuka) you gotta wonder if he could make the offense more versatile and potent. Such a tough call as you don’t want to make a change and it backfires.
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Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

I read it more as you are going to have to win some ugly games...

I feel like a broken record but.

DeJesus doesn't come up with a catch on first drive that might have been 7 and at worst was a big 40+ yard chunk play.

White has one he usually snags go through his hands. Another that could have gone for a possible seven.

A third play White pulled up on a route causing the over throw. It was an option route so maybe Sluka read it wrong I don't know but if White continues his route it's possibly 7.

KU has 2 NFL possible CBs as well.

Passing game hasn't been great, needs to fet better and I think it will. Sluka's not going to ever be a a super high completion guy. But he's going to keep drives alive with his legs and hit enough shots downfield to keep the offense moving.
Correct, Kansas took away our top passing options. We kept running it because sometimes you have to take what the defense gives you.

It’s not flashy and I know the passing game got a lot of hype in preseason. Tonight was why Sluka was brought in, if we had a pocket passer at the helm. We lose.
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Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

After the game Odom said we're going to have win ugly games this season. Doesn't sound like someone who has confidence in the offense.
Yes and no.

A good running game gives you a lot of control over the game. If we scored right away and it was 23-20 with 5 minutes to go, I don’t think we’d see the same outcome. Maybe it’s tied and we go to OT. Who knows.

The fact we had a sustained drive of nearly 10 minutes won the game. What allows that to happen, the run game. You know what else sustained drives do? Keeps the defense fresh.

Last year we flung the ball vs Kansas and got into a shoot out with them. Didnt exactly work in our favor, we were gassed and got bombarded.
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What a game

I’m not sure.

But Maiava stays, Hajj and Sluka aren’t here.

But IF they were both on the squad, I’d think Sluka … there were some issues between Maiava and Marion.

If I were coach, I’d go with Sluka because I value leadership and toughness above all else.
I'm not going to be the one to check. I'll leave it to scrub. But I guarantee Sluka has balls that are made completely of Titanium.

Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

After the game Odom said we're going to have win ugly games this season. Doesn't sound like someone who has confidence in the offense.

I read it more as you are going to have to win some ugly games...

I feel like a broken record but.

DeJesus doesn't come up with a catch on first drive that might have been 7 and at worst was a big 40+ yard chunk play.

White has one he usually snags go through his hands. Another that could have gone for a possible seven.

A third play White pulled up on a route causing the over throw. It was an option route so maybe Sluka read it wrong I don't know but if White continues his route it's possibly 7.

KU has 2 NFL possible CBs as well.

Passing game hasn't been great, needs to fet better and I think it will. Sluka's not going to ever be a a super high completion guy. But he's going to keep drives alive with his legs and hit enough shots downfield to keep the offense moving.

Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

Marion might have the best offense designed ever but he is absolutely atrocious at calling plays in short yardage situations and continues to show 0 confidence in QB to not make a mistake in Redzone
Catching up on the thread… Couldn’t agree more. Marion has a brilliant offensive playbook but his play calling is below average. He doesn’t seem to have a feel for the game and gets too conservative too quickly, sticks with the same plays where even the announcers were saying how easy it is to read what’s coming, and seems to forget all the offensive talent that’s at his disposal.

What a game

I think the offense was much smoother under Maiava. It was still unpredictable, more Go Go, but still smoother with him.

But the dimension of legs has added a lot and he’s tough to bring down, Maiava went down like a stick man made of straw.

With Maiava, everyone was a threat. Not so with Sluka.

Defense has been our identity this year, not last year.

For aesthetics, I like Maiava. Even for overall effectiveness.

But there’s that huge intangible that I see with Sluka that I didn’t see with Maiava. Tough. Chin and attitude (granted, Maiava was only a freshman and Sluka is seasoned).
Sluka is definitely tough and is excellent running the ball. I think we would have more points with Maiva.
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Line ‘em up: Predictions and Game Thread UNLV at Kansas

Part of it.

And he's better on deep shots and off script stuff. Not great in the pocket.

Let's see what Marion dials up with 2 weeks.
After the game Odom said we're going to have win ugly games this season. Doesn't sound like someone who has confidence in the offense.

What a game

I think the offense was much smoother under Maiava. It was still unpredictable, more Go Go, but still smoother with him.

But the dimension of legs has added a lot and he’s tough to bring down, Maiava went down like a stick man made of straw.

With Maiava, everyone was a threat. Not so with Sluka.

Defense has been our identity this year, not last year.

For aesthetics, I like Maiava. Even for overall effectiveness.

But there’s that huge intangible that I see with Sluka that I didn’t see with Maiava. Tough. Chin and attitude (granted, Maiava was only a freshman and Sluka is seasoned).
It'd be nice we still have both, who starts tho?
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