But the traitor 4 helped draft the contract being judicially scrutinized as to its legality.
That would definitely be part of any “bad faith”, as you of course know.
'Sources say it was discussed'
But I hear you.
My point being if SDSU and the rest were in any way involved in the scheduling agreement while also in talks about jumping ship that feels real collusiony.
Hand in hand with what reagan said and would definitely be the bad faith part needed to go hand in hand with the collusion part.
And all of it goes straight to the part where everything gets dragged out for god knows how long. Ultimately it would most likely end up settled BUT in the meantime both sides are gonna be asking for “stuff” from the other side that they think helps their case… and then both sides litigate about that… and so on and so on…
If in fact there is evidence that the MW was trying to pick off one PAC school and not the other, then that to me would be a pretty damning piece of evidence that the MW was in fact trying to murder their partner. I’d imagine that would go a long way in convincing a judge that the party acting in bad faith through everything was the MW.
It would most certainly cause the MW to settle for far less than they otherwise thought they’d get.