PAC 8?

Top 2 play??
When? What would be the mechanism to avoid exit fees? What would happen to the rest of the MW??

Timing is key obvisouly, they would need to strike before the MW can construct their next deal, but the longer they wait, the less expensive it would become.

Taking only 6 MW teams is risky, because those teams will have a tougher job trying to "stall" talks on a new contract, though having the best markets does help somewhat.

But they do have a decent amount of cash to play with, they may feel that biting the bullet and paying the exit fees for the 6 teams will be worth it long term.

As for a conference championship, maybe that will not be a problem.

This is an old article, but I assume this was passed:

"Removing championship game guardrails is considered noncontroversial and will likely be rubber stamped, giving conferences additional flexibility in approving new ways to crown a champion. Most notably, the change would allow conferences to eliminate divisions, an idea that has grown in popularity in recent years.

Present NCAA rules mandate that any football conference with 12 or more members must hold a championship game and split teams into divisions with round-robin seasons for divisional opponents. The NCAA passed legislation in 2016 allowing conferences with fewer than 12 members to hold conference championship games, clearing the way for the 10-member Big 12 to hold a title game between its top two teams from the regular season. "

PAC 8?

I have been thinking this would be the way they could go for the long time.

This for sure will maximize per school revenue, and every conference alignment decision has been dictated by this very thing up to this point. It is all about the money, and if the PAC wants to build a new conference, this would be the way to do it. It also leaves room for later additions perhaps if the ACC blows up.

It is much easier to add schools vs kicking schools out. Which is basically unprecedented.

The biggest drawback to this is the size of the conference would not allow for a conference championship game, which is a pretty big deal. I think it would need at least 10 if not 12 for that to happen. I am too lazy to look that up.
Top 2 play??

PAC 8?

I have been thinking this would be the way they could go for the long time.

This for sure will maximize per school revenue, and every conference alignment decision has been dictated by this very thing up to this point. It is all about the money, and if the PAC wants to build a new conference, this would be the way to do it. It also leaves room for later additions perhaps if the ACC blows up.

It is much easier to add schools vs kicking schools out. Which is basically unprecedented.

The biggest drawback to this is the size of the conference would not allow for a conference championship game, which is a pretty big deal. I think it would need at least 10 if not 12 for that to happen. I am too lazy to look that up.
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I thought that chicks dig the long ball

Fair about impact on your joint, but stopping, starting, turning on skates isn't hard on ligaments and tendons? Especially ankles and knees? The weird angles it creates?

That's not even bringing in the physicality of the sport. Hockey plays back to backs just like NBA and you don't see dudes 'load managing' except goalies.

I mean the league has stepped in saying you need to play X amount of games to win awards it's gotten so bad with guys taking nights off.
Hockey is definitely more physical and has more direct impact for collisions. It definitely has much higher risk for some injuries, like concussions for instance.

But skating vs running and jumping, actually protects their joints, and muscle/ligaments for that matter. The ground reaction forces are significantly lower, and the plyometric activity also much lower, which loads muscular tissue more.

I agree that hockey players are tougher, no question. But I also believe that there is a bigger need for load management in basketball. The combination of running, jumping, the long season, the long games, and the size of the athletes themselves makes basketball maybe the most dangerous sport for chronic injuries.
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