What did that Wazzu fan infect Rebel-Net with??!??!?!?!?

Interesting convo, and not just from a betting perspective. They kinda crapped on both teams' defenses in the analysis and, based on last year, deservedly so. But I think we all see, as close Rebels followers, that there's been an emphasis on D in the off-season that the national media doesn't necessarily see (hey, there's a QB battle to watch, dontcha know). So this makes me feel better about our chances. Rebs survive a potential game-winning drive by the Cougs, come out on top 28-23.

Two Pre-Season All-Americans and more....

Agree, We were a competent HC away from being a decent program... for multiple years and especially once we got into the Practice Facility and Allegiant. UNM doesnt have the $ to invest in those kind of facilities, their talent is atrocious, and theyre fighting bad history. Mendenhall might be a slam dunk hire for UNM, but thats still within a limited via of what success means. SDSU on the other hand tried to play QB with a CB. Not a great idea. We saw what happens when your team gets a competent coach and QB. Its the same story at schools like Fresno, Boise, and SJSU. SJSU will take a huge step back with the loss of their coach and what 4 year starter Cordiero. I think out of shear schedule plus the bottom half of the conference has to play each other someone will have a better than expected season, but I wouldnt be calling for UNM to jump from 10th to 3rd just based off how we turned things around last year...

Two Pre-Season All-Americans and more....

A great turnaround would have been 2-4 wins but UNLV went further than that. That was a seismic shift. Most of us could not foresee that. The UNM Coach can have the same impact if this staff is solid enough.

Just my opinion ok? I think UNM finished in the top half of the MWC teams. I thought Fresno would finish 1st until the sudden retirement of Tedford. Then it was UNLV. Third would be Boise. Now I think, UNLV then Boise then UNM..
We need to stop pretending that UNLV was in awful position before Odom came in. Arroyo was not a good head coach, but he was a pretty good recruiter. Near the top in the conference in more than one year. And we didn't lose that many players once he left either.
Odom is a better coach obviously. He is also very smart. He hired an OC that runs an offense that can work with different types of pieces. Odom had a much bigger impact on the defense which went from bad to serviceable/ pretty good at times. That with a pretty easy schedule that ended up little tougher than in looked initially and we had a breakout year.
Both UNM and SDSU are in much different situations. UNM has been awful with terrible returning talent. SDSU had some talent but was a defensive minded team with a terrible offense.
Both coaches teams are looking at closer to full rebuilds (especially UNM). I would also put SJSU in the same category with losing their coach and a ton of players and what seems to be a notable change in playing style
On the other hand, Odom inherited a much, much better situation. He didn't do a miracle one year turnaround as he is often given credit for in this site. Odom has done an outstanding job though. And he is recruiting at another level and we have arguably the most talent in the conference this season which is in itself a miracle.he also deserves credit for using talent that we already had for immediate success and not dumping players in the name of fit/playing style
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