OT: Olympics..who is watching

I wonder if they all swam at Pavillion Pool near Palo Verde. That place is awesome..

UNLV has a pool but because the people when they built it, it was like a couple feet short of specifications. They fired the idiot guy. If Las Vegas ever hosted the Olympics which I think it should, Las Vegas would make a great host. Something to think about in the future. UNLV look into that.

Yup they swim there, Desert Breeze, Municipal, Adelson, basically wherever there is a pool they will be using at some point.

I forgot about Ilya Kharun he was on the local team too and basically a Vegas native but his parents are cirque du soleil performers and were in Canada performing when he was born so he is swimming for Canada not the USA.
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Reno player arrested

Ever used cocaine, meth, fentanyl or GHB coog?

I’ve never touched either one..
Not sure where you are going with this. My whole point is that pot and peyote (done both, plus mushrooms), all actual plants, are considered by the state or feds or both of being more dangerous than coke, fentanyl or meth. Which is F-ing lunacy.

I did quite a bit of cocaine in my younger years, was pretty hooked for a while. Thank Gawd I moved to a different city where it was less available and way more expensive. I loved it and it was highly addictive. Meth, don't think so - we did Crank and speed way back then, I don't think either were actually meth. Fentanyl? Hell no, except in the hospital during an actual medical procedure. Where I live now meth and fentanyl are widely available and are ravaging the community. But hey marijuana is worse?

I don't know what GHB is. And don't call me coog.

OT: Olympics..who is watching


I love this stuff.

What was your favorite Olympics?

‘84 LA Olympics.

I was a kid growing up in SoCal. We went to a couple events USA vs Italy in Soccer, Saudi vs someone in Soccer and a couple of random Basketball and baseball games that I can’t remember who played.

T&F is my favorite sport to watch but I don’t watch Olympics like when I was a kid and I couldn’t wait to watch. Now it’s just not as interested, no real reason same probably as why I’ve watched a total of probably 30 minutes on UNLV BB the last 6-7 seasons, just not as exciting for me

Brennan Marion OC - Interview

The backfield is almost completely turned over with high level power transfers. So I would hope that our defense looks different and plays better. I think the D line is the biggest question mark. But I sure hope we play better, especially over the top where we were burned much too often last year.
yeah, definitely got burned deep. The end of the season was rough. That was when we played some better quality opponents (SJSU, Boise, and Kansas), but in those 3 games, we gave up TD's of 56, 40, 57, 70, 60, 40, 56 and 43 yards.

OT: Olympics..who is watching

Did not know that. Very cool.

My favorite Olympics were the 80s with icons like Mary Lou Retton, Carl Lewis and Jackie Joiner Kersey.
I wonder if they all swam at Pavillion Pool near Palo Verde. That place is awesome..

UNLV has a pool but because the people when they built it, it was like a couple feet short of specifications. They fired the idiot guy. If Las Vegas ever hosted the Olympics which I think it should, Las Vegas would make a great host. Something to think about in the future. UNLV look into that.
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Brennan Marion OC - Interview

I wonder how much different our defense will be also. We've had a lot of turnover, and IMO, upgrades on the defensive backfield. Will they play the same schemes as last year, or add more blitzing? Can our DB's cover 1 on 1? Will our D line be able to hold up and get some pressure?
The backfield is almost completely turned over with high level power transfers. So I would hope that our defense looks different and plays better. I think the D line is the biggest question mark. But I sure hope we play better, especially over the top where we were burned much too often last year.

OT: Olympics..who is watching

Vegas has 2 swimmers from a local swim club in the Olympics. Katie Grimes is a Vegas native and Claire Weinstein has been here for 3+ years. There were about 12 swimmers from Vegas at the Olympic trials.

I think Vegas had 5 swimmers in the Tokyo Olympics. Bella Sims didn’t make it this year despite having the most qualifying events at the trials. Erica Sullivan won silver in Tokyo but has been injured since and didn’t make it either.
Did not know that. Very cool.

My favorite Olympics were the 80s with icons like Mary Lou Retton, Carl Lewis and Jackie Joiner Kersey.

Brennan Marion OC - Interview

I wouldn't write off Houston.

They have a brand new coach, will be in the second year of the Big 12, so they matter more to the people of Texas, and Houston is a top 5, if not top 3 recruiting hotbed in the country.

Fritz did a great job at Tulane. It is tough to fully turn around a team in one season. But we just did it.

We could blow them out. I will be there so I hope that will happen. But I wouldn't look at last year as an example on how they are going to look/play.

I just know that there is MUCH, MUCH more potential for success at UH than say UNLV. Top recruiting hotbed in a true power conference. 2nd tier power conference, but still a conference that is leaps and bounds better than the MW.

I can see us win big or us losing by 2 scores. I don't think we get blown out though.

Also our offense will be different, but not completely different. We could look at Tulane film, but it is hard to extract will all new personnel. They will be a bigger surprise to us, then we will be to them.
I wonder how much different our defense will be also. We've had a lot of turnover, and IMO, upgrades on the defensive backfield. Will they play the same schemes as last year, or add more blitzing? Can our DB's cover 1 on 1? Will our D line be able to hold up and get some pressure?

Brennan Marion OC - Interview

I wouldn't write off Houston.

They have a brand new coach, will be in the second year of the Big 12, so they matter more to the people of Texas, and Houston is a top 5, if not top 3 recruiting hotbed in the country.

Fritz did a great job at Tulane. It is tough to fully turn around a team in one season. But we just did it.

We could blow them out. I will be there so I hope that will happen. But I wouldn't look at last year as an example on how they are going to look/play.

I just know that there is MUCH, MUCH more potential for success at UH than say UNLV. Top recruiting hotbed in a true power conference. 2nd tier power conference, but still a conference that is leaps and bounds better than the MW.

I can see us win big or us losing by 2 scores. I don't think we get blown out though.

Also our offense will be different, but not completely different. We could look at Tulane film, but it is hard to extract will all new personnel. They will be a bigger surprise to us, then we will be to them.

UNLV Media Day

I won’t say never and I’m not going to say he sucks if he doesn’t. I think he’s pretty solid and had a great year for us.

But does anything from him scream “special”? Even being “special” isn’t always good enough for the league.

Not rooting against him but I didn’t see enough out of him. Slow Reads, leg speed, ball security, stuck with primary receiver come hell or high water too often … and you all know how I feel about heart/effort and I think he’s lacking a bit there. There were some big plays when he went down way too easily and when he made a mistake, he was pretty good at being rattled. Now that can be coached away, reps can help with the that.

But I wasn’t feeling it to an NFL level.
He has some arm talent that is not teachable. Not off the charts, but definitely good enough for the NFL and better than the majority of college QBs.

It is concerning that many of his mistakes were not fixed throughout the year, but he did improve.

UNLV Media Day

He was a freshman so yeah that is going to happen. He also lead a comeback against Vandy, played much better second half against KU and had some (major) mistake free games. Most importantly he took us to a bowl game something that wasn't happening if Brumfield stayed at QB (for the few games he wouldn't have been injured).
For UNLV has was a good QB, for USC it is a different game. The Boise State QB transfer from Malachi Nelson is being played up as a big get for Boise State, the same BSU that beat up on UNLV, and he couldn't make it at USC. As for the Vandy game, Maiava put UNLV in the hole to start with in a game against a really bad Vandy team.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Anytime you see a major crisis proclaimed, you should say hmmmmm … who benefits from the crisis? Who pays?

The global warming, ooops, it’s not warming significantly, let’s call it climate change and blame life critical CO2 levels (which are actually low historically, almost too low) for “heating” the earth when rising CO2 levels actually lag behind temperature rises … let’s move away from oil which is part of a natural process …

It’s a major sham. Unless you follow the enemy for your truths, MSM.

SO many brains are dead, MSM is their mind virus.
CNN and Yahoo are just as bad if not even worse!
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Tedford steps down

Saw his interview at the MWC media day on Bronco Nation, did not look well. Still a shock but I think Skipper is not a bad replacement.
Big moment for Skipper. I am no fan of Fresno; but I have a shirt that says “In Skipper we trust from when he was the dc”. Hoping he loses to UNLV; but beats reno and sdsu.

OT: Star Wars

I give this show a 10 out of 10.

This series was like Pulp Fiction. It was shown out of order.

The worst part was the ending when they added a pop song..
I can think of worse things in this series, lol...
But it really highlights that they just dont care about Star Wars enough to honor Star Wars appropriately. The song added nothing to the Star Wars universe. This show itself has been nothing but a big set up for the "somehow Palpetine returned" line again... the story hasnt really built off any of the Legends Lore from the High Republic, it fumbled through a set up for telling us the Jedi would fall, etc... and with 1 episode left, I dont see how they can wrap the story well enough without huge cliff hanging gaps to draw in for the next story. In fact, it appears the Acolyte wont get a season 2. Just dumb, go into the Legends stories, and do something people can actually connect to.
