First Look

This is the product in year 4 and this is acceptable? An at large bid is not even a consideration and the AD is okay with this!? We have a coach that is in way over his head and it’s just status quo by the athletic department. Thanks UNLV for taking pride in the program.
This year could shape into… A. We play above our collective heads or B. We fire him due to the same old, same old. I’m thinking it’s going to be the letter B!

Who are on the NFL's watch list?

Not sure what exactly you're looking for but there's several articles under "news" for White...

And it was all over the Twitter page during July when these lists started coming out..

here is a summary of the Awards watch list. Very well represented! I don't think we have ever had this many players on these lists at one time.

Kevin should be ashamed:

Win league outright and you don’t have to worry about NET, not heavily anyway. And we are among peers in conference. So primarily focus on being as good as you can be, winning league. That has sufficed every other season.

Do an Odom, bust through without excuses, without an invitation, without searching for quirkiness, don’t use a slow growth crutch, don’t use the we don’t have enough talent, we had too many injuries, we thought Pawtucket state might win their league excuse … make a program, build a foundation, field a team that has a clue.
I honestly do not see what Odom has done has anything to do with this.

He doesn't have a NET equivalent. He needs a mixture of tough game and wins, but it can be more forgiving in football.

Also stop talking about a slow build when it comes to Odom, he didn't slow build because he had a pretty good roster to work with out of the box. He did not start from scratch, so that comparison doesn't hold up.

Arroyo not a great HC, but a good recruiter. He did better than any coach we had before him in terms of initial rankings ( Odom has already surpassed that). But he was able to work with players that have been near the top of the conference who were also seasoned.

Not to discredit Odom. He has done wonders with this team and deserves all the credit in the world for last season. But you have to acknowledge that had the approach of trying to utilize the players that were already on the team to be as good as possible right away. He picked an OC that runs a system that can fit to many different pieces, he also had a similar approach to the defense.

I love this approach, but it is the exception to the rule. Most coaches try to use existing talent when taking over, but often have systems that require specific player types. Especially in football. '

So back to basketball, so your saying win the league outright and everything will take care of itself? So are you saying you should just count on 3-4 days in March to make the dance? Haven't you been criticizing that approach for the past several years?

The goal is to have a tournament worthy resume before the conference tournament. Finishing first in the MW is no guarantee.

If you load up your schedule and play tough teams in environments that put you in a disadvantage then your resume will suffer. Going 1-8 in quad one wont help. You need as many quad one games as possible with some chance to win at least half of those games.
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

You know your democracy is in danger when votes in government bodies are 100% partisan.
This nation has been built on compromise. The idea that no one is 100% right, or wrong.
Today, hate is more common than cooperation.
If someone is not concerned about the country we are leaving our grandkids, they may well come to regret it.
But, it will be the other party's fault, of course.
Kamala sucks and you can take that to the bank!!

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

At this point... bring on the debate, maybe then theyll at least have to talk about something other than stump speeches... the X conversation last night was very interesting, Elon has real ideas for improving and bringing infrastructure into future.. Trump didnt necessarily understand some of Elons ideas, but 2 hours of free conversation.. not scripted stump speeches.
And as for the debates, Trump doesn't even have to defend any of his positions or ramble about Hanibal, he just needs to fire back that she doesn't believe that or she doesn't support that. They used to nail you for being a flip flopper on policy, but Kamala can do it via press release on X... but they won't even challenge her on it, we'll get 90 minutes of "threat to Democracy" and "we're not going back"...
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OT Jonathan Lewis beaten and killed by gang of kids in Vegas

This is why so many people now carry in their car or get a concealed carry permit. The current administration supported rioting and other types of violence whenever people do not get their way, or if their politics isn't in line with the current administration, so people have learned that there are no or few consequences for acting out violently. BLM and Antifa rioting was the mainstay of the last election with few if any consequence while lining peoples pockets, now they have become heroes to those who believe violence is the way to get what you want in life!

I thought that chicks dig the long ball

I was heavily involved in martial arts which included fighting, training, and teaching at a high level, and the simple fact is there is zero chance that an untrained baseball player will have against a highly trained MMA fighter. You can use logic however you wish, but until you actually get into a ring and fight, you will not have an understanding of the difference in fighting skills from a typical street fight.
Fair enough

I thought that chicks dig the long ball

Got it. Hence the term, "fighting chance." It means anyone (i.e., Buster Douglas) can catch lightning in a bottle on a given day. Especially with fighting since we've all done it since we were kids.

By that same logic, maybe the UFC fighter can grip the bat properly, time the pitch, and take one out of the park, since we've all done it since we were kids. I see your logic now!
I was heavily involved in martial arts which included fighting, training, and teaching at a high level, and the simple fact is there is zero chance that an untrained baseball player will have against a highly trained MMA fighter. You can use logic however you wish, but until you actually get into a ring and fight, you will not have an understanding of the difference in fighting skills from a typical street fight.

Kevin should be ashamed:

There is something to be said about the “F it, any place, any opponent, any time, we aren’t afraid” attitude.

Overthinking and trying to thread the needle can be catastrophic.

Not dismissing the importance of proper scheduling. But when you’re overthinking it too much, you’re trying to back door your way in instead of doing an Odom, not giving a crap and doing all you can with what is on your plate and actually kicking the door in instead of politely waiting for an invitation.
That's exactly what could have happened. All of the top teams possibly were only willing to play us on their home turf.

I like in general the anyone anywhere attitude, but that just isn't practical.

You have to use the NET strategically. Plain and simple, if you don't you can be screwed out of a tourney berth.

The good news there is now incentive for top teams to play in the T&M over a neutral site or even a home game, since it would be likely be a quad 1 game for them ( we just have to be top 70). We need to use that to our advantage. It will help build a nice home schedule for fans, and be a strong schedule as well.

We are going to have to play against lower level teams. There is no way around it these days. If you can play some of those games on the road, improving the quad ranking, you should.

Bottom line, the new NET rules can be very good for a school like UNLV since it will demphasize neutral site games.

The only thing that we should stand strong is avoiding "neutral" games in Las Vegas since they count as home game. If we do, it better be a game/team that is truly worth it.
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Kevin should be ashamed:

Back to the OP.

I do think that the NET needs to be a huge consideration when putting together a schedule. It has been a huge factor for other mid major teams, and definitely in the MW in general.

Those 5 road games will ALL be quad 1 if the rankings hold up ( unlikely, but it is still a very good start). That would be top 25 easy in the country in terms on OOC quad 1, probably better. That is very good.

The flipside of that is you want to take advantage of NET to entice some of those games to be at home. It gives you a better chance to win, and with the new rules, teams should not be as afraid to schedule UNLV as a true road game since there is a very good chance it would be quad 1 for the opposition. Also of course for a struggling fan base and attendance, you need games that will get butts in the seats.

Also flipping some of those lower 200's level teams to a road game will make those games quad 3 instead of quad 4.

So a perfect world, you flip all of the top 30 games for home, and you keep the 50-70 for the road. Also flip the lower Now realistically you cannot expect that to happen, but it could be better.

Bottom line there will be a lot of Quad 1 games next season, and that is a good thing. As we learned last year, we absolutely cannot drop any of those home games. At least no more than one. But bottom line this is a good schedule that easily has the potential to get us in the NCAAT.
You say NET doesn't need to be a huge consideration and then the rest of your post talks almost exclusively about NET.

Kevin should be ashamed:

Back to the OP.

I do think that the NET needs to be a huge consideration when putting together a schedule. It has been a huge factor for other mid major teams, and definitely in the MW in general.

Those 5 road games will ALL be quad 1 if the rankings hold up ( unlikely, but it is still a very good start). That would be top 25 easy in the country in terms on OOC quad 1, probably better. That is very good.

The flipside of that is you want to take advantage of NET to entice some of those games to be at home. It gives you a better chance to win, and with the new rules, teams should not be as afraid to schedule UNLV as a true road game since there is a very good chance it would be quad 1 for the opposition. Also of course for a struggling fan base and attendance, you need games that will get butts in the seats.

Also flipping some of those lower 200's level teams to a road game will make those games quad 3 instead of quad 4.

So a perfect world, you flip all of the top 30 games for home, and you keep the 50-70 for the road. Also flip the lower Now realistically you cannot expect that to happen, but it could be better.

Bottom line there will be a lot of Quad 1 games next season, and that is a good thing. As we learned last year, we absolutely cannot drop any of those home games. At least no more than one. But bottom line this is a good schedule that easily has the potential to get us in the NCAAT.
