• J
    JTthe2nd replied to the thread OT: Best 80s movie ALL-TIME.
    Aliens. Also wins the most quotable-movie-of-all-time award.
  • Boston Rebel 2
    Boston Rebel 2 replied to the thread Army and UNLV.
    I would have liked to go back to the Guaranteed Rate Bowl vs the other Kansas team, we would have been a better draw than Rutgers.
  • rebelzzz
    rebelzzz replied to the thread OT: Best 80s movie ALL-TIME.
    Better off dead
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    More context. Denver had 5 power plays to UNLVs zero. That's nuts. Hockey refs almost always give you a soft call when the penalties...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    What do you think of the actual hire? What's the consensus among Cougs fans? Not taking shots here, I think New Mexico may have...
  • Rebel1986
    They will lose that lawsuit.
  • Loyal Coug1
    And just where did you come up with the notion that the Pac-2 is paying anybody's exit fees? Why, pray tell, would some of the traitors...
  • XFactorRebel
    Even if we win out, I don't think there is saving interest. Offseason will need coach search posts on all socials. We are no longer...
  • XFactorRebel
    Pretty bad when there are no posts regardless of game outcome, win or lose. Twitter was...crickets. Avg view count analytics of...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread Army and UNLV.
    Yes and no. The game thread and comments after the result would have been pretty over the top. Maiava is the second coming ! Why...
  • Rebel_Luv
    Rebel_Luv replied to the thread OT: Best 80s movie ALL-TIME.
    Hornable mention. Back to the Future.
  • Rebel_Luv
    Karate Kid.
  • R
    RebelAlbert replied to the thread Army and UNLV.
    Cal wasn't so bad, but a 5-8 LA Tech, yeesh
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    Nice. I've watched a few that way. I didn't realize they did all of them.
  • R
    RebelAlbert posted the thread Army and UNLV in Rebel Football.
    How the hell do two potent teams like UNLV and Army get stuck with such crappy bowl games?
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    For context. Read the replies. Exhibition or not its a massive upset. The word embarrassing is popping up a lot. It was Denver's...
  • V
    VegasPete7 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    all the games are on YouTube. Home games anyway. Here’s the site:
  • Boston Rebel 2
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    I aware. I'm saying I don't think Foley is going to drop the million plus dollars to pay for the move to D1. VGK have basically given...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    Yeah really hard to find the games.
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    I'm down. And also down to go to games and grab a beer. I've been to a few and it's a fun experience. With VGK going it sometimes...
  • M
    Masked_rebel replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    Not really. It'll spike interest temporarily but it's not easy to follow, watch, etc.
  • Rebel1986
    Rebel1986 replied to the thread UNLV Hockey.
    The Knights have already spent millions to help out the UNLV hockey program including use of all of their facilities.
  • M
    It'll be interesting to see what he does.. the core was his group from his first job and now they're graduated or gone. Sure he'll get...
