• reagan21
    reagan21 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    I'm hearing this might be a one and done season for Bronco in NM.
  • dcut03
    My Favorite Mitch bit, Granted a signs of the era but Paraphrasizing some here but... Do you know the cheapest AIDs test? ASk your...
  • M
    Masked_rebel replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    But thats also projecting that none of the MWC schools get any better competitively with the lack of those other schools around. Wyoming...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread QB2.
    I am pouring bleach into my eyes after reading that.
  • reagan21
    One of the finniest standups I have ever seen. The last time I saw him was a couple months prior to his OD. Top notch.
  • WarthogRebel
    WarthogRebel replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    I'm not talking about what is - but what will be. They generally got the cream of our conference. I believe it will end up much easier...
  • L
    I loved Mitch Hedberg's stand up. Funny guy. "A fight to the finish!" 🤣
  • U
    unlv7163 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    Makes wonder if any school would see Odom in that light. Meaning would they be willing to outbid us. It’s one thing to give him middle...
  • L
    LocoRebel replied to the thread What's this about?.
    RJ finally started covering UNLV apparently, probably didn't know he did weekly pressers 🤣
  • Loyal Coug1
    Loyal Coug1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    Oh c'mon. At least WSU and OSU absolutely dominated your pack of bottom-feeding, metric failing scrub teams this year. Oh wait - I...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    I don't disagree. But if we are talking about potential... SDSU has more than any team in the MWC outside of UNLV. What are we? 4/5...
  • Loyal Coug1
    Loyal Coug1 replied to the thread Attendance revenue.
    We have heard nothing on either the media deal front or the expansion front. Absolute crickets, which has become commonplace over the...
  • M
    Masked_rebel replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    Have you seen the records of the teams that are part of or going to the Pac-12? CSU- 8-4(luckiest 8-4 Ive ever seen, they're closer to...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    'Invest in program'. I think you nailed it there. If the BIG12 is on the table, one criteria would be that we can pony up some money to...
  • Rosegreen1
    Rosegreen1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    It’ll be much harder to go undefeated in the pac than the MWC. That reimagined conference doesn’t even have a media deal and is staring...
  • Bullmastiff 1
    Bullmastiff 1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    I agree for the most part but I think with the success of the last two years, the 'floor' for attendance will go up a few thousand...
  • M
    Masked_rebel replied to the thread Attendance revenue.
    Seems like they might want to work faster on adding teams... You know they're a few months away from just inviting NMST to avoid the...
  • Rosegreen1
    Rosegreen1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    The question for me is whether or not unlv can pony up almost 3 million for Odom. If we can afford it, I don’t think there’s any...
  • WarthogRebel
    WarthogRebel replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    We are underestimating what a shit show the PAC raid had on our league. Once the traitors leave for the 2026 season ( after next year )...
  • reagan21
    reagan21 replied to the thread Maiava.
    He'd be #3 behind Maiava and Longstreet. If he wants to end his career on the field it won't be in Watts.
  • Rebel_Luv
    Rebel_Luv replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
    I know we could not outbid for CLK ,but how they handled it afterwards is what gets me. So inept.
  • LVRebel2000
    LVRebel2000 replied to the thread Attendance revenue.
    Hey Coug, what's the status of the Pac media contract these days? I know they brought in that consultant a couple months ago, but I...
  • reagan21
    "That's a good place to end" - Mitch Hedberg
  • reagan21
    reagan21 replied to the thread What's this about?.
    He literally has weekly press conferences every Monday.
  • Rosegreen1
    Rosegreen1 replied to the thread Keeping Odom..
