Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

At this point the Pac 12 isn't using Metrics.. Hawaii is one of the toughest conference mates you can have. Travel sucks, TV deals suck, school struggles with $ to invest in programs.. makes no sense to have cash partial member if your whole intent was a leaner MW...

Here's something to consider in all this.

You have to figure PAC went to let's say Apple TV for sake of argument. They already have all the old PAC12 TV equipment so that helps a lot.


Pac goes to Apple TV and says we have two potential scenarios.

They present them with Option A (Original 6 plus AAC schools)

They present Option B
(Original 6 plus USU, UNLV and maybe somebody else)

Apple TV comes back and says we'll give you X amount for Package A and X (less) for Package B.

I guess where I'm going with this is, if they have to come back to Apple TV and say yeah about that. We need to replace UNLV with UTEP (or whoever)

APPLE TV says we'll that's another 500k per school off previous offer.

SDSU/FRESNO/CSU/BOISE all got sold on Options A or B

Is there a point where the returns are so diminishing that they have to reverse course?

I wonder..

(To your point of the uncertainty of PAC media deal)

So I definitely see your hesitancy in those regards.
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Here's something to consider in all this.

You have to figure PAC went to let's say Apple TV for sake of argument. They already have all the old PAC12 TV equipment so that helps a lot.


Pac goes to Apple TV and says we have two potential scenarios.

They present them with Option A (Original 6 plus AAC schools)

They present Option B
(Original 6 plus USU, UNLV and maybe somebody else)

Apple TV comes back and says we'll give you X amount for Package A and X (less) for Package B.

I guess where I'm going with this is, if they have to come back to Apple TV and say yeah about that. We need to replace UNLV with UTEP (or whoever)

APPLE TV says we'll that's another 500k per school off previous offer.

SDSU/FRESNO/CSU/BOISE all got sold on Options A or B

Is there a point where the returns are so diminishing that they have to reverse course?

I wonder..

(To your point of the uncertainty of PAC media deal)

So I definitely see your hesitancy in those regards.
The answer is yes. At this point Plan A failed. Plan b is not working out.. They're trying to get another school because they need the legitimacy of a conference cover to get those conversations to be serious. Right now they also need to get the first 4 in to stay committed despite all their best intentions falling apart. Its all a power struggle at this point. Id be interested to know if Gloria gets on the phone with say Fresno and CSU and tells them they wont need to pay and offers them some assurances with cash if they announce they decided against joining.. Also still to be decided is USU's fate. Pac 12 bylaws arent just going to go away right?
The answer is yes. At this point Plan A failed. Plan b is not working out.. They're trying to get another school because they need the legitimacy of a conference cover to get those conversations to be serious. Right now they also need to get the first 4 in to stay committed despite all their best intentions falling apart. Its all a power struggle at this point. Id be interested to know if Gloria gets on the phone with say Fresno and CSU and tells them they wont need to pay and offers them some assurances with cash if they announce they decided against joining.. Also still to be decided is USU's fate. Pac 12 bylaws arent just going to go away right?

I'm still in the go to PAC camp. But there are definitely more cracks in that.

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